cPanel Tutorials - GreenGeeks How-to Website Tutorials Tue, 28 May 2024 15:26:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Install cPanel on a VPS Server Wed, 22 Jan 2020 21:40:10 +0000 There are multiple ways to manage your web hosting account on a Virtual Private Server (VPS), but none are as popular or simple as using […]

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There are multiple ways to manage your web hosting account on a Virtual Private Server (VPS), but none are as popular or simple as using cPanel. It is the most widely used control panel in the industry, and setting one up on your very own cPanel VPS is not very difficult.

However, there are some things you need to understand before starting.

The main thing is the difference between cPanel and Web Host Manager (WHM). A good way to understand WHM is to think of it as the admin panel for your VPS, while cPanel is what allows you to control the account you made through your WHM.

Thus if you want to set up cPanel, it is done through WHM.

What You Will Need

First and foremost, you need a VPS. GreenGeeks offers multiple VPS plans designed for specific sizes. Just make sure that you pick a plan that has the proper amount of resources. If not, you can always upgrade to the next size.

Our VPS plans all come with WHM and cPanel pre-installed, which makes set up extremely easy. Thus, you don’t actually have to install cPanel on our VPS, but you will need to create a cPanel account to use it.

And secondly, you will need to make sure you have the login credentials to your VPS. These should be provided when you make an account, but if you misplaced them, you will need to contact support.

As long as you have all of this ready to go, you will have no trouble setting up cPanel on a VPS server.

Step 1: Logging In

The first step is to log into your WHM. To do so, you will need to know the IP address of your VPS. This should be provided to you when you make an account, but it can also be found on your hosting account.

Note: If you have just opened a VPS account, you will need to reverse DNS.

Once you have the IP address, start a new tab in your web browser and enter the following:[ht_message mstyle=”info” title=”” show_icon=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” ]https://YourIPAddress:2087/[/ht_message]

If for example, your IP address was it would look like this:[ht_message mstyle=”info” title=”” show_icon=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” ][/ht_message]

Upon doing so, you should recieve a secruity notification that the connection you are trying to is not secure. It is safe to ignore this warning and connect anyway.

This will take you to the WHM login screen. Enter your login information to sign in.


Step 2: Create a cPanel Account

If this is your first time logging into a new VPS, you will be asked to agree to the terms and services and a few other things like Name Servers. If you are not sure about what you are being asked to select, don’t worry, you can change anything you pick later on.

Once you are logged in to your WHM account, click on the “Create a New Account” option.

Create a New Account

Now, you will need to enter the domain name, username, password, and email. Make sure to keep track of this information and if you cannot memorize it, write it down and store it in a safe place.

Note: If you intend to use this cPanel account for reselling, make sure you enter the customer’s information correctly.

enter information

Carefully go through the rest of the settings. How you run your server is completely up to you, so take the time to make sure the settings are what you want. When you are done, click on the “Create” button at the bottom.


The account will now be created. Once it is, click on the “Go to cPanel” button.

Go to cPanel

Congratulations, you are ready to start using cPanel to manage your domain.

cPanel Has A Lot to Offer

Setting up your cPanel Account really is just the start. As long as you plan to manage a domain, you will need to use cPanel. It has a wide array of features and will be an integral part of customizing your website, regardless of the CMS you choose.

In fact, you will need to use cPanel to install the CMS of your choice on your VPS. Just keep in mind, you will not have access to Softaculous, which means just about everything you add, will need to be done manually.

Did you experience any problems setting up your cPanel? How long did it take you to set up a cPanel account?

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How to Set up a New MySQL Database and User in cPanel Wed, 24 Jul 2019 23:07:26 +0000 Running a website has become easier over time, but the amount of data a website collects nowadays is staggering. As such, many site owners must […]

The post How to Set up a New MySQL Database and User in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Running a website has become easier over time, but the amount of data a website collects nowadays is staggering. As such, many site owners must create a new MySQL Database to hold all that data.

In many cases, site owners will store specific data in one database for better organization. In other cases, it is to improve performance as it is easier to process a smaller database than a larger one.

Regardless of your reason, you can easily create a new database in WordPress using the cPanel’s Database Wizard tool.

When To Create A New Database?

While there is no set right or wrong time to make a new database, the consensus is to make a database contain one type of data or data that is adjacent (closely related) to each other.

For example, let’s say you make a database for all of your newsletter accounts. This will hold the user data for each subscriber. While this won’t be necessary at first, larger newsletters that have thousands of subscribers contain a lot of data.

Having it all accessible in a single backup is far more convenient when you need to access that data quickly. It also gives you more control over what content is being backed up at any given time.

The other time you may want to create a new database is when a database gets too large.

While this will vary between hosting environments, larger databases will lead to longer query times, which means your requests will take longer to load. As a result, your site will slow down, which can negatively impact your SEO.

How to Create A New MySQL Database

Creating a new MySQL database in WordPress is rather easy. To do this, you will first need to log into your web hosting account, access the cPanel, and use the Database Wizard to create one.

This is a rather simple process and will only take a minute or two at most. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a new database that is ready to be used for whatever you need.

Step 1: Access the Database Wizard

Log in to your web hosting account. Click on the “cPanel” button.


Scroll down to the Databases section and click the Database Wizard option.

Database Wizard

Step 2: Create A New MySQL Database

The database wizard is extremely simple to use and only requires a few inputs from you. The first step is to name your database. Each database name will always start with your domain name as the prefix.

For example, if your domain name was “ggexample” the prefix will be “ggexample_” which you cannot change. However, what comes past that prefix can be changed. Simply enter the desired name into the available textbox.

Name MySQL Database

Click the “Next Step” button.

The second step is to create a new user for the database. This user will be able to access and manipulate the data stored within that database based on the permissions granted.

Simply enter the desired user name into the box (it will also have the domain name as a prefix). Below it, you must create a strong password for the account. The system will not accept a weak password.

You can also use the “Generate Password” button to have the system make one for you. This is the best option if you are using a password manager that will store it for you, as the generated passwords are nearly impossible to remember.

Create A New User for the MySQL Database

Click the “Create User” button to continue.

The next step is to add permission to the user we just created. While you can go through each option individually, save time by selecting the “All Privileges” option at the top. This will allow the user to do anything with the data within the database.

Set Privileges for MySQL Database

Once done, scroll down to the bottom and click the “Next Step” button to finish.

This concludes the Database wizard. You should now see a green message informing you that the user you just created was added to the database you just created.

Task Complete

Step 3: Managing MySQL Databases and Users

You will undoubtedly need to manage your databases and their respective users. Luckily, this is also quite easy, so I’ll do a brief overview.

Return to the cPanel and scroll back to the Databases section. This time, click on the “Manage My Databases” option.

Manage My Databases

This will pull up a list of your current databases and their respective users. To edit the database, you can use the rename or delete options in the Actions column.

Manage MySQL Database

If you wish to edit the user, look for the Privileged Users column and click the username to edit it. Here, you can adjust the permissions that the account has. You can also use the trash can icon next to the name to delete it.

Manage User

And that’s it when it comes to creating and managing your new MySQL database in WordPress.

MySQL Database FAQ

Can I Import And Export Databases in WordPress?

Yes. Several plugins allow you to import and export databases in just a few clicks. You can often find these features within backup plugins that give you the option to store your backups in locations off your server.

Is There A Limit to the Number of Databases I Can Have?

In some cases, there is. WordPress itself does not set these limitations. Instead, the number of databases you can have is determined by your web host. As such, refer to their documentation on the subject.

Can I Use Databases Other Than MySQL in WordPress?

Yes, but it is not easy. One of the main alternatives to MySQL databases in WordPress is MariaDB. However, you will need advanced knowledge to make this transition work, as well as a web host that supports them.

Are Databases Backed Up?

Yes. Whenever you create a backup for your site, nearly everything that is backed up is contained within the databases. As such, the databases themselves are backed up. You can easily back up a database individually.

How Do I View Database Data?

You’ll need to access phpMyAdmin and open up the database you want to view. You can not only view the data but also perform searches to find exactly what you are looking for. This is also where you would go to edit the data.

Can I Use A Plugin to Create A Database?

Yes. In some cases, certain plugins will create a unique database by default to store plugin data. However, if you can avoid using a plugin, that is often the better option to keep your site as fast as possible.

Should I Delete Unused Databases?

Yes. Not only are these databases a security risk, but they also take up valuable space on your web server. If you are not currently using a database, back it up and delete it. You can always add it back if needed.

Only Add What You Need

As you can see, creating a new MySQL Database in WordPress is easy. Anyone can do it in a matter of minutes. Be sure to only create what you need and to delete older databases that are no longer required.

The reason for this is that those older databases that are not regularly updated are prime targets for hackers to place malicious code or store backdoors in if your site is compromised. As such, only add what you need.

Why did you want to add a new MySQL database in WordPress? Did you find the database wizard easy to use?

The post How to Set up a New MySQL Database and User in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

How to Use the cPanel Site Publisher Fri, 21 Jun 2019 16:00:50 +0000 The cPanel Site Publisher makes it easy to publish a simple one-page website. The site can be used as a placeholder until a more advanced […]

The post How to Use the cPanel Site Publisher appeared first on GreenGeeks.

The cPanel Site Publisher makes it easy to publish a simple one-page website. The site can be used as a placeholder until a more advanced version is ready, displaying maintenance messages or a “coming soon” page.

If you’ve just purchased a domain and set up your web hosting account, using the cPanel Site Publisher is a great way to get started.

In this tutorial, I’ll take you through the steps to publish a site. You’ll be up and running in a few minutes.

Using the cPanel Site Publisher

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Domains” section, click the “Site Publisher” link or icon.

click the "Site Publisher" link or icon

The first step is to select a domain. If you only have one domain in your account, it will be preselected.

You will see a “This domain’s directory contains other files” notification if there are already files in the account.

The cPanel Site Publisher overwrites files with the same name.

Site Publisher will make backups of any files it overwrites. I’ll show you where to find those later.

select a domain

When you select the domain, a new panel will open up showing a selection of templates. Click a template to select it.

If the domain already has a Site Publisher website, the current template will automatically be selected.

click a template to select it

A customization panel will open up. Complete the fields with the information that you want to add to the page. Any field that you leave blank will not be visible on the page.

enter the information that you want to add to the page

Click the “Publish” button.

If there are already files in the directory, you will see a warning above the “Publish” button. Remember, Site Publisher will make backups of any files it overwrites so that nothing is permanently lost.

click the "Publish" button

The page should now be visible on your domain.

If you are making a page for a newly registered domain, you may have to wait a few hours for DNS propagation.

the page should now be visible on your domain

How to Edit a Site Publisher Page

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Domains” section, click the “Site Publisher” link or icon.

In the “Select a Domain” section, choose the domain that uses Site Publisher.

choose the domain that uses Site Publisher

Select the highlighted template that you used previously.

select the highlighted template that you used previously

Edit or add new information and click the “Publish” button.

add new information and click the "Publish" button

Removing the Site Publisher Files

When you’re ready to publish a larger site, or you want to remove the page generated by Site Publisher, here’s how to do it.

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Domains” section, click the “Site Publisher” link or icon.

In the “Select a Domain” section, click the “Website Directory” path link or icon for the Site Publisher domain.

click the "Website Directory" path link or icon for the Site Publisher domain

Delete the directories:

  • assets
  • images

Delete the files:

  • index.html
  • LICENSE.txt
  • sitemap.xml

delete the directories and files

To delete the directories and files, select them, right-click and click the “Delete” link. Mac users can open this drop-down list using CMD+Click.

right click and click the "Delete" link

You may notice that cPanel Site Publisher will show the domain as using Site Publisher even after you’ve deleted the files.

Site Publisher will still show the domain as using Site Publisher even after you've deleted the files

That status doesn’t affect anything, but if you want to get rid of it, you have to delete one more file.

Go back to the cPanel File Manager.

Open the /site_publisher/configurations directory, and delete the .json file.

delete the .json file

Where Are the Backups?

As you can see in the last illustration, right above the /configurations directory is the /backups directory.

To download the backup, open the /backups directory. Right-click the .tar.gz file, and click the “Download” link or icon.

right-click the .tar.gz file, and click the “Download” link or icon

If you want to archive the files in the backup, you should download it soon after creating your site. The Site Publisher backups are deleted after 30 days.

Site Publisher Makes Building a Placeholder Site Easy

As you have seen, creating a one-page placeholder site is easy with the cPanel Site Publisher. The sooner you get a site—even a single-page—up on your domain, the sooner Google can find it and begin indexing.

Do you own or manage more than one website? Do you use placeholders or “coming soon” pages on new projects?

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How to Disable Directory Listing in cPanel Wed, 19 Jun 2019 19:34:04 +0000 If you’ve ever visited a URL that leads to a directory that does not have an index file, you’ve probably seen a list of the […]

The post How to Disable Directory Listing in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

If you’ve ever visited a URL that leads to a directory that does not have an index file, you’ve probably seen a list of the files in the directory. That means indexing is turned on for that online folder.

indexing is turned on for this directory

That is the default configuration for most web servers. In most cases, though, we don’t want to display the contents of a directory. Listing our files like that is a breach of privacy. But worse, it can be a security risk.

So let’s prevent it from happening on our sites. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to disable directory listing using cPanel.

There are a couple of different ways to turn off directory indexing using cPanel. We’ll start with configuring the indexes directly.

Disable Directory Listing in cPanel

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Advanced” section, click the “Indexes” link or icon.

in the "Advanced" section, click the "Indexes" link or icon

You’ll see the directory structure for your website.

To enter a directory, click the folder icon.

To configure a directory—to turn indexing on or off—click the directory name.

click the directory name

In this tutorial, we’re going to turn indexing off for only one directory. So we’ll click the folder icon for public_html.

Once we’re in the public_html directory, we’ll click the name of the directory where we want to turn off indexing.

click the name of the directory where we want to turn off indexing

Select the “No Indexing” option and click the “Save” button.

select the “No Indexing” option and click the “Save” button

The other available options:

  • Default System Indexing is the default set by your hosting provider. It could be on or off.
  • No Indexing disables directory listing. That’s what we’re doing in this tutorial.
  • Standard Indexing allows directory listing. This makes the names of the files and directories visible to visitors.
  • Fancy Indexing also allows directory listing, but a visitor can see the file names and directories as well as file descriptions.

The success message should say, “…indexes are now: Off”

the success message should say, "...indexes are now: Off"

Now if you go to the URL, instead of a file list you should see a 403 error.

you should see a 404 error

Using cPanel File Manager to Disable Directory Listing in cPanel

Our destination here is the same as the previous method, but we’re taking a different route to get there. If you work in the cPanel File Manager a lot, you may prefer this method.

In the “Files” section of cPanel, click the “File Manager” link or icon.

click the "File Manager" link or icon

You want the directory name to be in the right pane. So for our example, we click “public_html” in the left pane to get our “demo” directory listed in the right.

Click the directory name to select it, then right click. Mac users may use CMD+click to open this list.

From the drop-down menu, select “Manage Indices.”

from the drop-down menu select "Manage Indices"

Now we’re back at the same “Indexes” page that we saw in the first method.

Select the “No Indexing” option and click the “Save” button.

select the “No Indexing” option and click the “Save” button

Is It Really Dangerous to Allow the Listing of Files in a Directory?

Not always.

There are situations where you may want to allow public access to a list of files. Though directory listing to expose file names and links is less commonly used than it used to be.

Modern websites will usually format downloadable file lists to match the layout of the site.

In the example here, I listed the contents of a directory that contained images. That in and of itself is not a security risk. All it allows is the downloading of the images.

Where we run into potential problems is when we allow the listing of more sensitive files.

Listing files for an application that is written in PHP or a similar language where configuration or included files might be stored in a publicly accessible directory could make your site (or even your server) vulnerable.

A WordPress configuration file, for example—the wp-config.php file—contains everything someone would need to access your database. And it’s all there in plain text. Files like those should obviously be kept from view.

But others, like include files, can contain “clues” that could lead to increased hacking vulnerability.

An Ounce of Prevention…

Best practices tell us not to store those kinds of configuration files in public directories, but it’s something that most of us are guilty of doing. I mean, WordPress does it, so how bad could it be, right?

Even if we don’t do it on purpose, there are ways we can inadvertently expose sensitive files, so turning directory indexing off everywhere there’s the potential for a problem can’t hurt.

Have you ever checked your directory indexing? Are there cases you can think of where you would purposely want to list files in a directory?

The post How to Disable Directory Listing in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Set up and Manage Addon Domains in cPanel Tue, 18 Jun 2019 13:50:29 +0000 The addon Domain function in cPanel allows you to host additional domains in your account. However, addon domains don’t point to your main site. They […]

The post How to Set up and Manage Addon Domains in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

The addon Domain function in cPanel allows you to host additional domains in your account. However, addon domains don’t point to your main site. They are separate websites with their own content.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up and manage addon domains in cPanel.

Note: The ability to set up addon domains is controlled by your website host. Check with your host. Also, there may be a limit on the number of addon domains you can add to your account.

How to Setup an Addon Domain

Log into your cPanel account to begin. Once in, go to the Domains section, and click on the Domains option.


Click the “Create A New Domain” button on the top right.

Create New Domain

Enter the addon domain’s name into the Domain text box.

Enter Domain Add-On Name

You must unselect the “Share document root” checkbox. Once, you do, you will be able to enter the directory name that you want these files to exist in. Enter the appropriate information for your new domain.

Document Root

To finish, click on the “Submit” button to generate the add-on domain. This may take a few moments to generate.

Where to Upload Website Files for an Addon Domain

During your addon domain creation, you needed to input the directory where you want the files to exist. This directory is where you are going to upload your website content.

So, for example, if your new domain was, the directory would be /

All files for would be uploaded to /public_html/

How to Remove or Delete an Addon Domain

To remove the addon domain, you just need to click on the “Delete” button in the manage section.

Go to the domains section of cPanel and click on the “Manage” button of the addon domain.


Click on the “Remove Domain” button to delete it.

Remove Domain

And that’s all there is to it. Be aware that deleting this domain will not delete the files. You will need to manually go to the directory and delete them.

Addon Domains are Separate Websites

It’s worth mentioning again that addon domains are different than alias domains in cPanel. An alias is an additional domain that points to your main website. So and the alias domain would lead to the same site. Longtime cPanel users may remember alias domains under their previous name, “Parked Domains.”

Do you use Addon domains to create separate websites in your cPanel account? Do you use alias domains to point multiple domains to your main site? How many alias domains do you point to one site?

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How to Create Custom Error Pages in cPanel Thu, 13 Jun 2019 16:40:08 +0000 Whenever an error occurs on a website, the server will display an error page. For instance, if a visitor enters an incorrect URL, follows a […]

The post How to Create Custom Error Pages in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Whenever an error occurs on a website, the server will display an error page. For instance, if a visitor enters an incorrect URL, follows a broken link, tries to gain access to a directory or file they aren’t authorized to access, etc., they’ll see an error page.

The problem with generic error pages displayed by the server is they aren’t very informative. And worse, they take the visitor away from your website. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up custom error pages using cPanel.

Why Use Custom Error Pages in cPanel

Custom error pages remedy the problems with generic server error pages. They can be more informative, and they can be styled to look just like a page of your website.

Having your site navigation available to a visitor seeing a “page not found” error gives them an option to try another link. On the other hand, a blank generic page gives the impression that the site is somehow “broken.”

It’s an invitation to leave the site, and we don’t want that.

You won’t see any fancy page styling in this tutorial, but your custom error pages can include your website CSS, creating a seamless experience to a visitor seeing the error. You should create custom error pages for all the common errors, as well as any less common errors that may apply to your specific site.

Create a Custom Error Page in cPanel

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Advanced” section, click the “Error Pages” link or icon.

create a custom error page in cPanel

If you have multiple domains in cPanel, select the domain for which you will add a custom error page.

select the domain for which you will add a custom error page

Click one of the error code links to create a page for that specific error. We’ll create a page for one of the most common errors, “404 (Not found).”

click one of the error code links

After clicking the error code link you will be taken to a page editor, which is initially blank.

the page code is initially blank

Add the page code to match your site. Include all the header information and body tags. Basically, you want to enter what would be a blank page for your site.

add the page code to match your site

There will be a selection of variables available for each custom error page in the “Select Tags to Insert” section.

Since we’re creating a “file not found” page, we’ll use the “Requested URL” variable to show the broken link URL on the error page.

Place your cursor inside the tags and click a tag link to insert the variable code.

insert the variable code

Scroll down and click the “Save” button.

click the “Save” button

When the page has been created you will see a success message.

success message

Now if we go to the site and enter an incorrect URL, we get our custom error page.

As you can see, by default it’s a pretty plain error. Adding some explanatory text can help.

a pretty plain error page

We’ll add an h1 title, a bit of text and markup around the variable tag code. Also, let’s add a line telling the visitor to try the site navigation.

add a bit of text and markup around the tag code

That gives us a more informative error page.

a more informative error page

Editing a Custom Error Page

Custom error pages can be edited in cPanel. Click the error code link to edit the page.

click the error code link to edit the error page

Deleting a Custom Error Page

If the custom error page is for your primary domain, the file will be in the root directory, or public_html. We’re using the cPanel file editor for this tutorial. Right-click the file name and click the “Delete” link.

Mac users will hold down CMD+Click for the option to appear.

right click the file name and click the “Delete” link

When the file is deleted, the generic server error page will be displayed to visitors.

A Custom Error Page for Every Occasion

The server errors that a visitor will generally see are 400 and 500. There are a lot of them, but many are assigned to less frequently encountered problems. It’s worth looking at the list, though, in case your site is likely to generate one of the lesser-seen errors.

To create an error page for a less common error, click the “Show All HTTP Error Status Codes” tab.

click the "Show All HTTP Error Status Codes" tab

This will display a list that you can edit depending on various situations.

Custom Error Pages are Useful

Creating a custom error page can benefit the end user as well as improve bounce rates. You could improve the visual quality of the page while adding elements of your site. This includes links to help the visitor stay and explore.

A visually appealing error page could mean the difference between losing a visitor and keeping him or her engaged.

Do you use custom error pages on your site? Do your error pages match your site or do you use a different format for errors?

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How to Use the cPanel File Manager Wed, 12 Jun 2019 19:04:59 +0000 Uploading and managing website files is a job traditionally done via FTP. Or for the more adventurous, via the command line on the server. But […]

The post How to Use the cPanel File Manager appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Uploading and managing website files is a job traditionally done via FTP. Or for the more adventurous, via the command line on the server. But even if you manage your files using FTP, there are times when you are away from your computer. For those occasions, it’s good to know that there is a File Manager built into cPanel.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to do most of the common website file-related tasks using the cPanel File Manager. We will cover a lot of ground, so if you’re in a hurry and need to skip ahead, here are shortcuts to instructions for the cPanel File Manager functions covered in this article:

Locating the cPanel File Manager

Log in to cPanel.

In the “FILES” section, click the “File Manager” link or icon.

locating the cPanel file manager

When you log in to the File Manager, you will be in the root directory for your account. Most of the time, you’ll be working with website files, and they are located in the “public_html” directory.

site files are located in the "public_html" directory

If you have addon domains in your account, their home directories will be typically be listed inside the public_html directory.

addon domains are located in the "public_html" directory

Working With Hidden or “Dot” Files

By default, the cPanel File Editor does not display hidden “dot” files. So to work with files such as .htaccess, you must first configure the cPanel File Editor to display hidden files.

In the File Manager, click the “Settings” button.

working with hidden or "dot" files

In the “Preferences popup window, check “Show Hidden Files” and click the “Save” button.

check “Show Hidden Files” and click the “Save” button

Creating a New File Using the cPanel File Manager

Click the “+ File” link or icon at the top of the page.

click the "+ File" link or icon

Enter the name of the new file in the “New File Name” field in the pop-up box and click the “Create New File” button.

click the "Create New File" button

Uploading a File Using the cPanel File Manager

In the left side directory list, click the directory to which you would like to upload files. The directory contents will be displayed on the right side.

click the directory to which you would like to upload files

Click the “Upload” link or icon in the top toolbar.

click "Upload" link or icon

A new browser tab or window will open for file upload. Drag and drop the file to be uploaded, or click the “Select File” button.

click the “Select File” button.

Your host may have a file size limit. If so, it will be shown on the file upload page. To upload larger files, use FTP.

If you are replacing an existing file, check the “Overwrite existing files” box. If you don’t check the box, you will get a pop-up asking if you want to overwrite the existing file.

check the "Overwrite existing files" box

Moving a File Using the cPanel File Manager

There are two ways to move a file using the cPanel File Manager.

The first and easiest option is dragging and dropping the file. Left click and hold on the file name on the right, and drag it to the new directory on the left.

left click and hold on the file name on the right, and drag it to the new directory on the left

Alternately you can use the “Move” button. You have to know the path to the location where you want to move the file to use this method.

Select the file you want to move and click the “Move” button.

select the file you want to move and click the “Move” button

Enter the path to the location where you’re moving the file and click the “Move File(s)” button.

click the “Move File(s)” button

Editing a File Using the cPanel File Manager

On the right side, select the file you want to edit.

Right-click the file name to open the menu, or click the “Edit” or “HTML Editor” link or icon in the top toolbar.

right click the file name to open the menu

Selecting “Edit” opens the file in a window similar to a text editor.

selecting "Edit" opens the file in a window similar to a text editor

Selecting “HTML Editor” opens the file in a visual editing window.

selecting "HTML Editor" opens the file in a visual editing window

Before you get to the file editor, a file encoding popup will open. If your website uses English and standard characters, click the “Edit” button. If your site uses another language that does not use UTF-8 encoding, select the appropriate encoding, and click the “Edit” button.

You can prevent the popup from opening every time you edit a file by clicking the “Disable Encoding Check” button.

click the "Disable Encoding Check" button

To save your file in the text editor, click the “Save Changes” button.

click the "Save Changes" button

To save your file in the visual editor, click the “Save” button.

click the "Save" button

Deleting a File Using the cPanel File Manager

Right click on the name of the file you wish to delete, and click the “Delete” link.

right click on the name of the file you wish to delete, and click the "Delete" link

Alternately, you can select the file and click the “Delete” link in the top toolbar.

select the file and click the "Delete" link

That’s It

We have gone through most of the file moving and editing that is necessary on a day-to-day basis. I hope you find this tutorial helpful next time you need to log in and move some files around but you don’t have an FTP connection at hand.

Do you regularly use a web-based file editor? Now that you know how easy it is, do you think you may take advantage of the cPanel File Manager in the future?

The post How to Use the cPanel File Manager appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Set up a Domain Alias in cPanel Mon, 03 Jun 2019 17:38:28 +0000 A cPanel Domain Alias points or redirects the alias domain to the contents of another. This is helpful if you own several types of one […]

The post How to Set up a Domain Alias in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

A cPanel Domain Alias points or redirects the alias domain to the contents of another. This is helpful if you own several types of one domain. For instance, you could own the “.com” and “.net” versions of your site. In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up a domain alias in cPanel.

How Does a Domain Alias Work?

If we set up as an alias of, a visitor going to would land on the site. The domain would remain in the browser address bar. Essentially, we are pointing multiple domains to the same location.

Note that older versions of cPanel used the term, “Parked Domains” rather than “Aliases.” Functionally, they are the same thing. Only the name has changed.

Set up a Domain Alias in cPanel

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Domains” section, click on the Domains option.


Click the “Create A New Domain” button.

Create New Domain

In the “Domain” text box, enter the domain name to add as an alias.

Enter Domain

Make sure the “Share document root” checkbox is enabled. This will cause the domain to share the exact same content as the regular site, thus acting as an alias.

Share Document

To finish up, just click on the “Submit” button and your alias will be created.

Removing the Domain Alias in cPanel

To remove the domain alias, you simply need to delete the domain we just created. To do so, enter the domain section of the cPanel, and click the “Manage” button for the domain alias.


Click the “Remove Domain” button.

Remove Domain

That’s All There Is to It

As you’ve seen, Domain aliases are easy to set up. Do you point multiple domains to your website? If so, do you use domains other than the “big three” .com, .net, and .org?

The post How to Set up a Domain Alias in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Create a Subdomain in cPanel Thu, 30 May 2019 17:02:29 +0000 As website’s grow over time, they may decide they want to expand their websites in new direction, and for many, using a subdomain is a […]

The post How to Create a Subdomain in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

As website’s grow over time, they may decide they want to expand their websites in new direction, and for many, using a subdomain is a great choice. You can easily create a subdomain through your cPanel account.

For example, let’s say you decide to add a member’s section to your blog where they receive content first, or exclusive content. Well, you would probably want to use a subdomain to house all of this information.

This will create a unique URL that uses the structure of This makes it easy for users to identify where they are, and easy for you to ensure the content is in the right area.

Today, I will demonstrate how to create a subdomain for your WordPress website using the cPanel.

What Is a Subdomain?

A subdomain is part of your primary domain name and acts as an extension of the domain name. It allows users to easily access different parts or areas of your website, like our member’s only example.

Another example would be for creating a shop for your site or creating a clone of your site for testing purposes.

When you create a subdomain, a record is added to your domain’s DNS zone and to the configuration file stored on your web server. This tells the server where to direct the subdomain traffic.

When Should I Use a Subdomain?

A subdomain is most commonly used when a website has a section that is separate from the primary site. Such as a blog, forum, online store, member’s area, and so forth.

Subdomains are also used for different regional or language versions of the same site. So, and, for instance. This can make it easier for visitors to find the right language.

For most personal or smaller sites, whether or not to use a subdomain is a matter of personal preference. Since the destination is the same whether you use a subdomain or the /directory URL, it’s really just a matter of choice.

How to Create a Subdomain Using cPanel

Creating a subdomain is quite easy through the cPanel. It is worth pointing out that creating a subdomain is free, so doing so won’t cost a penny. The process is simple and only takes a few minutes to go through.

Step 1: Locate the Subdomains Section

Start by logging into your web hosting account and accessing the cPanel. Once there locate the Domains section and click on the Domains option.

Click on Domains to create a subdomain in cPanel

Step 2: Create A Subdomain in cPanel

This area will show you all of the domains attached to your web server. To create a new one, click on the “Create A New Domain” button.

Click on the Create New Domain to make a subdomain in cPanel

As I said earlier, subdomains follow the URL structure of In this example, my domain is, thus my subdomain will be

Note: Do not enter “https://” as this will display an error.

Enter the subdomain into the available text box.

Enter the Subdomain name you wish to create in cPanel

Below this, you will be asked if you want the subdomain to share the same root file. This is not on by default. What this means is that the files for the subdomain will be stored in the same location as the actual domain.

Since this can make things less organized, I recommend leaving the box unchecked.

Either way, check the box to enable it or leave it unchecked. The setting is permanent and cannot be changed.

Share Document Root

Finally, click on the “Submit” button to finish. After a few moments, your subdomain will be created. You will see the domain name in the list of active domains on your web server.

It is worth noting that the subdomain may not immediately be available. It may take a few minutes before it becomes available. And it may also take a few hours for the propagation period to complete.

Essentially, you’re telling the entire world that you have a new subdomain and it can take time for that to information to become available on servers across the globe.

Thus, if you run into errors like viewing a 404 page in WordPress, just give it some time and everything will clear up.

Step 3: Managing Your Subdomain

Now that your subdomain has been created, it is time to learn how you can manage it in cPanel. This includes deleting and redirecting it. All of this can be done directly from the Domain section of cPanel.

If you decide you need to delete your subdomain, simply click on the “Manage” button to access the settings.


Click on the “Remove Domain” button to permanently delete it from the web server.

Remove Domain

If you want to set up a redirection for your subdomain, click on the Modify The Redirects link on the right side of the screen.

Modify Redirects

This will take you to the redirection section of cPanel so you can set up what you need. Other than this, the subdomain will work identically to your actual domain. You can find the files in the File Manager, which is usually labeled with the subdomain’s name.

Subdomain FAQ

Naturally, you probably still have a lot of questions related to subdomains, so let’s cover some of the most asked questions.

Are subdomains necessary?

No. You will never need to use a subdomain and it is always a choice. You could build everything under a single domain name. Most choose to use subdomains to make file organizing easier.

Can I install a different CMS on a subdomain?

Yes. Let’s say your domain uses WordPress for your blog. You could create a subdomain and use PrestaShop to handle your eCommerce needs. Or any other CMS for that matter. The subdomain is only connected by name, so it can be very different.

What is A Wildcard subdomain?

A wildcard subdomain is used if you want to point any subdomain of your domain name to a specific directory in your site. To create a wildcard domain, use the same method detailed above, but enter * in the “Domain” field.

Do the files get deleted when I delete a subdomain?

No. The files will still be stored on the web server. You can go its root directory and delete them or transfer them at any time after deleting the subdomain name.

How many subdomains can you create?

You may create as many subdomains as you need. Some web hosting plans may limit the number you can have, but for the most part, it is nearly limitless.

Can I create a subdomain for my subdomain?

Yes. For example, let’s say you made your blog a subdomain and wanted it to be in multiple languages. Well, you could make each language a subdomain for that subdomain. The URL would look like this:

Do Subdomains impact my SEO?

Kind of. Subdomains are tracked separately from your domain name. This means the clicks, views, and other statistics are separate from your main domain. This can be both good and bad but ultimately depends on your SEO strategy.

Create A Subdomain in cPanel Today

As you can see, creating a subdomain in the cPanel is incredibly quick and easy. The process only takes a few minutes with a few hours of wait time before it is fully usable. As such, anyone can create one.

Now whether that is something you should do or not is up to you. Subdomains are separate in terms of SEO, but it can sometimes negatively impact you when users are constantly leaving your site to go to your subdomain.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful in creating a subdomain using cPanel.

Why did you create a subdomain? How many subdomains does your site use?

The post How to Create a Subdomain in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

How to Set up Cron Jobs in cPanel Tue, 28 May 2019 18:50:34 +0000 Cron is a time-based job scheduling program in Linux (and other UNIX-type operating systems) that is used to automate repetitive tasks on a server. Using […]

The post How to Set up Cron Jobs in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Cron is a time-based job scheduling program in Linux (and other UNIX-type operating systems) that is used to automate repetitive tasks on a server. Using cron jobs in cPanel helps you by automating the process.

A cron job is scheduled to run at specific times or dates. The “job” is usually a script that performs some sort of updating task. Expiring or deleting user accounts, sending out automated email, updating tables or other data visualization from a database are just some examples.

Many website updates and maintenance tasks can be automated with cron jobs.

The format for a cron job can seem a little complicated the first time you go through it, but we’ll break it down into easily understandable parts. Cron jobs are a powerful tool, and they can save you a lot of time and trouble.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up cron jobs in cPanel.

Let’s get started.

Finding the Cron Job Controls in cPanel

Log in to cPanel.

In the “Advanced” section, click the “Cron Jobs” link or icon.

how to set up cron jobs in cPanel

The first thing you may notice is a big warning box telling you that “You need to have a good knowledge of Linux commands before you can use cron jobs effectively.

It’s true that a good knowledge of many things will help you use them more effectively. It’s also possible to be quite effective with just a bit of knowledge and the ability to copy examples.

Once you see how a cron job is configured, you’ll be able to translate that knowledge to a number of different uses.

Before You Set up a Cron Job

The “Cron Email” section is where you enter an email address so the system can send notifications when your cron jobs run. It’s not necessary to set up an email.

The email notices can be a handy indicator that something is wrong. For example, “Why haven’t I received a cron email in the past week?”. But if you have a lot of cron jobs or a single job that runs often, the emails can become a bit of an annoyance.

If you want to receive an email when your cron job runs, enter your email address in the “Email” field, and click the “Update Email” button.

click the "Update Email" button

Note that in some cases the default address for your domain may be automatically set to receive cron job notices (see the image below). If you do not want to receive notices, click the “Update Email” button while leaving the “Email” field empty.

remove the cron job email address

How to Set up a Cron Job in cPanel

Scroll down to the “Add New Cron Job” section. Before configuring the individual time and date elements, check the “Common Settings” drop-down. Many times, you’ll find what you need there, and you can select the common setting to populate the time and date fields.

how to set up the cron job in cPanel

If the timing you need isn’t covered by a selection in the “Common Settings” drop-down, move down to the “Minute,” “Hour,” “Day,” “Month,” and “Weekday” settings.

You’ll see that each of these entries also have a “Common Settings” drop-down. Choose the appropriate settings.

NOTE: It is not necessary to enter a value into every field.

“Common Settings” drop-down

The “Job” Part of the Cron Job

The last field in the “Add New Cron Job” section is “Command.” This is where you enter the path to the file containing the server command that will run at the times you just specified.

Enter the path and click the “Add New Cron Job” button.

If you want to execute a php script, the command consists of two parts: the path to php for your account, followed by the path to the file you want to execute.

click the “Add New Cron Job” button

When your cron job has been set up, you will see a success message.

cron job success message

To Edit or Delete a Cron Job

Scroll down to the “Current Cron Jobs” section.

Click the “Edit” or “Delete” link. “Edit” will bring up the cron job settings. Make any necessary changes and click the “Edit Line” button.

“Delete” will open a delete dialog. Click the “Delete” button.

to edit or delete a cron job

That’s All There Is to It

As you’ve seen, setting up cron jobs in cPanel is pretty straightforward. If you find them useful, you will no doubt think of other applications for cron jobs.

It’s important to remember though, that the script your cron job triggers can run commands on the server. So the same cautions that you would take when working on the command line should be taken when triggering a script with a cron job.

Have you ever set up cron jobs using cPanel? Can you think of any manual update or maintenance tasks you perform that could be done for you by a cron job?

The post How to Set up Cron Jobs in cPanel appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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