WordPress Tutorials - GreenGeeks https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/category/wordpress/ How-to Website Tutorials Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:41:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Learn How to Add Image Hotspots in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/image-hotspots-wordpress/ Thu, 06 Mar 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=106126 Showing off products in a single image can be tricky, as many rely on other elements within a room or space to show their true […]

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Showing off products in a single image can be tricky, as many rely on other elements within a room or space to show their true value. That’s where adding hotspots to your images in WordPress comes into play.

With it, you can create interactive images to highlight specific products in a single space. Of course, they are not limited to just products. Simply put, an image hotspot allows you to make an image interactive with markers in an image.

For example, if you took a photo of a historical area, you could turn it into an image hotspot and highlight what every historical monument is and when it was created. The possibilities are endless and there are plenty of ways to make one in WordPress.

Today, I will demonstrate how to create an image hotspot within WordPress using the Image Hotspot plugin.

How Can I Use Image Hotspots In WordPress?

The number of possibilities you have when creating an image hotspot is endless. It really comes down to how what kind of site you are running and your creativity. Here are a few ways they are commonly utilized.

Product Placement

Many online stores will take the time to build a demo room that has a series of products they sell in full display. This allows customers to see how they look in a more realistic environment.

For example, let’s say you were selling a bedroom set. You would create a mock bedroom containing everything you are selling. This could include the bed, blanket set, pillows, nightstand, lamp, bureau set, and even the pajamas someone might be wearing.

This is extremely common today as many users want to see what the product looks like in action, and it is far more effective and practical to show an entire set together. Otherwise, you would need to focus specifically on one product in each image.

And just to be clear, you should make sure you are still taking images of each product individually.


Let’s say you run a travel or tourism site. A common use for image hotspots is to apply them to a map. This allows you to add descriptions of every major location, or even a video showing what that resort or attraction offers.

A great example of this would be Google Maps itself. When you explore Google Maps, each business has its own map marker that includes all of the information for that business with a link to its website.

Similarly, you can create maps that focus on attractions that you want to highlight for tourists or that are included in a vacation plan. This is more practical than relying on Google Maps because you have complete control over what they see.

Real Estate

Are you trying to show off a house to potential buyers but can’t show off the house in person? Well, creating a virtual tour using an image hotspot is one of the best options available.

You would take pictures throughout the house and then fill out the information. Then, explain the dimensions of the room, any designs that stand out, appliances that are included, and so on.

You may also want to provide a video tour to accompany this and use the image hotspot to provide the finer details of what the potential buyer or renter is looking at. This also can work on a map to show off nearby attractions, schools, and whatnot.


Many blogs may cover news subjects that use pictures of multiple individuals. For a reader unfamiliar with the story, subject, or people involved, some images may not be very helpful. As such, it is common for users to be able to hover over an image to identify the person.

A great example of this is actually on Facebook. Users can tag friends and family in photos so users know exactly who they are looking at. The same principle can be applied to your website with an image hotspot.

This can be a great asset for identifying politicians, celebrities, suspects, and so on, so many news blogs will find a lot of use.

Another great use is when you are looking at natural disasters like a hurricane or fires. You can use the hotspot to identify the before and after with dates to help users spot the severity of the destruction.


Many users have some form of visual impairment that can make looking at images challenging or impossible. As such, many websites are taking steps to make their website as accessible as possible, and an image hotspot can help with that.

For example, 8% of the male population in the United States suffer from some form of color blindness. As such, they have trouble making out certain items in an image. Adding an image hotspot where they can view a tooltip describing the color can help.

In other cases, you can even add a handicap symbol that users can click on to be brought to a page describing accessibility options.

How to Create Image Hotspots in WordPress

WordPress has a variety of plugins that can help you create image hotspots for your site. A free and easy option you can use is the Image Hotspot plugin. This allows you to create an image hotspot out of any image.

You can add all kinds of markers to the image that contain text, images, video, or audio content for users to enjoy. It can even include links, so you can send users straight to a product page if they like what they see.

While the plugin is free, it’s worth noting that it has a limitation that only permits you to add 6 markers to an image. As such, if you want to add more, you will need to upgrade to the Pro edition of the tool.

Step 1: Install Image Hotspot

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New Plugin

Search for Image Hotspot in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Search for Image Hotspot

Find the Image Hotspot plugin, click on the “Install Now” button, and activate the plugin for use.

Install Image Hotspot

Step 2: Add An Image

With the plugin activated, you are ready to start using it. There are no settings that you need to worry about if you are using the free version, but if you decide to upgrade, there are a few you may want to look at, but we are not covering that.

Instead, the first step is to add an image. To do this, click on Image Map Hotspot and select the All Image Map Hotspot option.

Image Map Hotspot

Once here, you will see a full list of the image hotspots you have already created. If this is your first time using the plugin, it will be blank. Let’s change that by clicking on the green “Add New” button.

Add New Button

Here is where you will be adding hotspots to the image you add, but let’s ignore that for now since we don’t have an image yet. To fix this, scroll down to the bottom and click on the “Upload Image” button.

Upload Image

You can now freely select any image that is currently in your media library. Alternatively, you can also upload a new one to use. Once you have, click on the “Select” button on the bottom right of the media library window.

Select Button

And that’s it. The image will now be viewable inside of the plugin. You can now begin adding hotspots to your image.

Step 3: Adding Hotspots to Images

Adding hotspots is incredibly simple with this plugin. Just as a reminder, the free version of the plugin allows you to add only 6 hotspots. To begin adding hotspots, click on the “Add Point” button.

Add Point

This will open a small window with options to customize the marker you add. The first option is for the font, which you only have one option for in the free version, so let’s move on to the next one, the marker icon.

Click on the “+” option next to the Icons selection to open the icons library.

Open the icon library

There are hundreds of icons that you can choose from. It has major company logos such as Amazon, to more generic markers like a house or binoculars. Simply pick the icon you want to use.


Below this is the hover icon option. This works identically to the icon selection. The icon will change to this when someone hovers over it, so be sure to pick one that makes sense. Alternatively, if you do not pick one, it will not appear, which is an option.

Continuing, you will find options to customize the color of the marker. It is important to pick a color that stands out against the image you selected. Thus, if you pick a red image, do not pick a red marker.

There are also some size options to configure the marker. Be sure to size it appropriately. You can edit the marker at any time, so feel free to place it, see how it looks, and go back to edit it.

Click on the “Save” button when you are done.


The marker will now appear on the top left of the image. Simply drag it to the desired location.

Drag Marker

You can now begin adding as many markers as you want to the image (up to 6 on the free version). You can now begin editing what they will say when clicked in the next step.

Step 4: Adding Hotspot Content

Adding content to the marker you just created is very simple. Hover over the marker and click on the edit option. You can also click on the trashcan to delete the marker.

Note: You are still free to drag the marker to another location after editing it.

Edit Marker

This will open a familiar window we used to edit the marker’s appearance. This time, click on the Content tab at the top.

Content Tab

The free version of the plugin only supports adding tooltips to the markers, but if you upgrade to the Pro version, you can also add your own code to customize it the way you want.

You will then have the option to choose a template design for the tooltip. However, the free version only has one option you can use. The rest are locked behind the Pro version.

Next, you need to enter the text content to add to the tooltip. You are free to enter as much as you want, but it is a good practice to be brief and concise. You’ll also find text options below that control the font size and color.


If you click on the Link tab, you can use it to create a link for the text you added. For example, if you were highlighting a product in the image, you could link the product name to the product page.

When you are finished, click on the “Done” button at the bottom.


It is important to note that you cannot view the tooltip in this window. The tooltip is only viewable when placed on a page.

Step 5: Placing the Image Hotspot

With all of this done, it is now time to place the image hotspot on a post or page. This plugin makes it simple by utilizing shortcodes. As such, you can add them to your posts, pages, or even the widget area by using a Shortcode block.

To do this, click on the “Save” button.


Below this button, you should now see a shortcode. Copy this shortcode.

Copy Shortcode

Now, go to the post or page where you want to add the image hotspot. Add a Shortcode block and paste the shortcode you just copied into it. Save the changes and view the page or just use the preview option.

If you hover over your marker, you will see the tool tip appear.


And that’s it. You can make as many image hotspots as you want, but each is limited to just 6 markers. It will be worth upgrading if think it can help boost your store sales. And with that, you know everything that the free version of the Image Hotspot plugin can do.

Consider Using SeedProd

If you are looking for more options for adding hotspots to your images, the SeedProd plugin might be right for you. It is a complete page builder that has image hotspot functionality. It is far more robust than what we covered, however, it is not free.

Feature-wise, it offers a drag-and-drop page builder with robust design options, and it includes templates that you can use to get a head start. Focusing on the image hotspot, you can create custom markers and add them to your images.

You can control the size, font, color and everything else related to the marker and content. More importantly, you can edit them in real-time and see the changes as you progress. This is far more convenient than having to use the shortcode to check it out each time.

SeedProd is an excellent page builder, so if you are looking for a more robust option and don’t mind paying, this is a great option.

Start Using Image Hotspots in WordPress Today

As you can see, it is rather easy to add image hotspots in WordPress with the Image Hotspot plugin. Doing so gives you access to an infinite number of possibilities that depend entirely on your creativity and needs.

It is important to be mindful that sometimes a marker on your images can be distracting, so use them sparingly on images that make the most sense. Listen closely to feedback to ensure your audience enjoys the addition of hotspots.

How easy did you find it to add image hotspots in WordPress? How do you plan to make use of your hotspots?

The post Learn How to Add Image Hotspots in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

How to Use WP Dashboard Notes in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/wp-dashboard-notes-wordpress/ Fri, 07 Feb 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=104601 Do you often forget what you worked on last, or need to send a message to another developer? Consider creating notes that you can place […]

The post How to Use WP Dashboard Notes in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Do you often forget what you worked on last, or need to send a message to another developer? Consider creating notes that you can place on your dashboard. The WP Dashboard Notes plugin can do this for you quite easily.

Simply put, this plugin allows you to create notes that are placed on the WordPress dashboard. They use the same color options that traditional Post-it notes use, and there is no limit on the number of them you can place.

You also have the option to make the notes public or private. This allows you to create personal reminders, as well as send out instructions or reminders to your staff. The plugin is quite basic, so anyone can use it regardless of skill level.

Today, I will demonstrate how to use the WP Dashboard Notes plugin to create notes in WordPress.

This tutorial is for:
WordPress 6.6.1
Plugin: WP Dashboard Notes v1.0.12

    Why Create Notes In WordPress?

    The entire point of leaving a note is to remind yourself or someone else about an unfinished task, upcoming event, or anything else that may require a reminder, like remembering to update your plugins.

    Many users still use regular Post-it notes attached to their computer monitors. While this works, having them on your WordPress dashboard is much more convenient and has the potential of having your staff see them.

    Normally, a small team would use something like Discord or Slack to communicate with one another, but this may be easier to use.

    How to Use WP Dashboard Notes To Leave Notes

    The WP Dashboard Notes plugin is incredibly simple to use as it just requires users to install it and create the notes they want to share. This tutorial should take most users around five minutes to complete, so let’s get right into it.

    Note: As of WordPress version 6.6.1, the plugin is not compatible with multisite networks without editing the plugin’s code.

    Step 1: Install WP Dashboard Notes

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New

    Search for WP Dashboard Notes in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    WP Dashboard Notes

    Scroll down until you find the  WP Dashboard Notes plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install WP Dashboard Notes

    Step 2: Create Notes

    Once you have the plugin installed, you may notice that there are no new options to select. That is because the plugin is integrated directly into the dashboard. There are no settings to configure or anything like that.

    Simply go to the WordPress dashboard and click on the “+Add Note” option at the top.

    Add Note

    This will create a new dashboard widget titled New Note. Everything about this widget is customizable. First, let’s start with the name. If you hover your mouse over the widget you will see a small pencil icon next to the title, click on it.

    Edit the title

    In my case, I am just going to change it to “To-Do List” but feel free to name it anything you like. Next, you can add the information to the note. There’s nothing fancy about it, just type what you want.

    When you are done, hit the Enter key and it will become a checkable box. like so:

    Check Off

    If you do not want the to-do list, you can hover over the note and click on the Convert to a Regular Note option. This is a better option for leaving a more detailed reminder or message for a co-worker.

    There is no limit to the number of items you can add to the list, so add as many as you want. You can also create multiple notes instead of just having one big one.

    Step 3: Customize Appearance and Visibility

    The next thing you want to focus on is setting the visibility option and coloring the notes to stand out. Let’s start with visibility.

    The visibility option controls who can see the note on the dashboard. By default, every note you create is set to Everyone, which means anyone with access to the dashboard can see the note. You can change this to “Just Me” to make the note private.

    You can find this option by hovering over the note and clicking on the visibility option to toggle between the two modes.

    Dashboard Notes Visibility

    If you hover over the note one more time, you should notice that there is a color palette option. If you hover over that option, you can select a color to change the note to. You can make multiple notes that have different colors.

    Dashboard Notes Colors

    You may want to consider using the colors as a priority system. For example, perhaps Red notes represent very important things that need to be done ASAP. This can help staff prioritize certain things first if you create a lot of notes.

    And that covers just about everything the plugin can do. The only other options are the delete icon (Trashcan) and the New Note option (+). The plugin is simple but very effective at what it does.

    What Are Some Good Uses for the Plugin?

    Now that you know how to use the plugin, you may be wondering about some of its best uses. Here are a few ideas:


    When working with a team, you may need to make announcements to everyone, but due to timezone differences, that may be a lot of trouble. As such, you can use the note to create general announcements.

    For example, if you were planning a major update to the site, you probably want to announce that to your staff so everyone is in the same loop. Of course, this could be for anything, so don’t limit yourself.

    Content Ideas

    The notes are a great spot for you to store content ideas, although they should be very simple top-level ideas. For example, something like “Create a tutorial to create a subdomain” that an author will see and be able to get started.

    Or it could be for creating new taxonomies, pages, or anything at all. You could also store keywords you are hoping to create content within the notes. Granted, there are better options and tools for this kind of thing, but the notes get the job done.


    Perhaps the most common use for a note is to remind yourself that there is something you need to do. Well, these notes are great for that. You can create a new note for every day and add the date as the title to keep track.

    Since reminders are typically more of a personal thing, it is probably a good idea to set these kinds of messages to Private. And you can utilize a color coding system to make it clear the urgency of the reminder.

    Start Creating Dashboard Notes in WordPress Today

    As you can see, the WP Dashboard Notes plugin is really easy to use. You can quickly create notes that can be viewed publically on your site, or set to private with some simple customization options to choose from.

    While the plugin is useful, having a proper communication channel such as Discord or Slack to stay connected with your team is more important. In fact, it should be one of the first things you set up when building a site.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to create WordPress dashboard user notes.

    Did you find the WP Dashboard Notes plugin easy to use? What kind of notes do you create?

    The post How to Use WP Dashboard Notes in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Use Eventin Event Manager in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/eventin-event-manager-wordpress/ Thu, 06 Feb 2025 21:22:15 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=104973 Websites host all kinds of events, which can make it difficult to keep up with. One of the easiest ways to do so is to […]

    The post How to Use Eventin Event Manager in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    Websites host all kinds of events, which can make it difficult to keep up with. One of the easiest ways to do so is to use an event manager plugin like Eventin. This plugin allows you to manage events of any nature in WordPress.

    This can be an online event like when a live stream or webinar is beginning, or it can be a physical event like a meetup at a convention. These events can be created for a one-time use, or you can set them up to repeat events.

    If events require a purchase to participate, like a ticket, you can use the WooCommerce integration to sell those tickets and keep track of sales data to see how successful the event is.

    Today, I will demonstrate how to use the Eventin Event Manager plugin for WordPress.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.1
    Plugin: Eventin v4.0.8

    Why Use an Event Manager Plugin?

    In some cases, sites have a dozen events in a week. While these vary in size, it can be a lot to manage without a tool to keep track of everything. As such, using an event manager plugin like Eventin is a great choice.

    It can help you set up regular reminders for yourself and attendees. It can also highlight holes in your event schedule and help you avoid booking multiple events in the same time slot.

    Tools like this also include useful systems you would want like an RSVP system. This allows users to say if they are coming or not to help you plan the crowd size accordingly.

    How to Use Eventin to Manage Events in WordPress

    The Eventin plugin allows you to effortlessly manage events for your website or business. Creating an event is pretty simple and just requires you to add the basic information. You can then fill out the finer details whenever you want.

    Once you know what you are doing, you can put an event together in a few minutes, so let’s get started.

    Step 1: Install Eventin

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New

    Search for Eventin in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Search for Eventin

    Scroll down until you find the Eventin plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install Eventin

    Upon activating the plugin, you will be asked to enter your email address to receive additional information related to the plugin. Feel free to skip this or enter your email. It has no bearing on using the plugin.

    Step 2: Create A New Event

    A good starting point for using this plugin is to create your first event. Doing so is straightforward at any skill level. To begin click on Eventin and select the Events option. Once there, click on the “Creating New Event” button.

    Creating New Event

    You’ll start off by entering the basic information of the event. This includes the event title, date, choosing between an online or offline event, and where it will be happening. There is also a checkbox if you would like to make this event recurring.

    Simply fill out all of the fields and click on the “Create Event” button.

    Create Event

    You can now begin filling in more information about the event after it has been created. The plugin breaks this up into several different tabs. Due to the sheer number of options, I won’t go through each option.

    Instead, I will do an overview of what each section entails.

    Speakers & Organizers

    This area allows you to select any event organizers and speakers. You cannot adjust the settings of the organizers or speakers directly from this area. Instead, you can select them from the drop-down menu.

    To add them, you would go to the Organizers section of the plugin and add them. There you can add descriptions to highlight their qualifications, images, and other information about the speaker.

    You can also choose if the event has a single speaker or multiple speakers with no limit on how many you can enter.


    The Schedule section allows you to explain the event in greater detail. Here, you can break down what is happening and at what time it is happening. For example, if you are hosting a booth at an event, you can list the hours you will be available.

    Tickets & Pricing

    If your event is not free, you can use the WooCommerce integration to sell tickets to guests or link to the official sales page if the tickets are sold on another site. You do need to enable the payment settings to access these options.

    Visual Seat Map

    If your event has a physical location with seating, you can create a visual seating map. This allows visitors to see where they are going to sit at an event or to help them pick the right tickets to buy. Skip this if it does not apply to your event.


    The Customize section is broken down into several tabs of its own, but I am going to cover them all here.

    The Branding section allows you to add an Event Logo and Event Banner. You can also add social media links to pages on various platforms to help spread the word. You can change the color of the background if you have the Pro version.

    The Template Setup section allows you to choose a template to use to build a landing page for the event. The free version only includes one, so upgrade for more options. You can also create an Event Certificate, but once again, it is exclusive to the Pro version.

    The FAQ and Extra Fields are self-explanatory but are also both exclusive to the Pro version.


    The settings are specific to the event, and not to be confused with the general plugin settings.

    There is an integration option so you can connect this with the fluent CRM (Pro Only). The ASVP section to enable it and adjust as needed, and the ability to link any additional pages to the event (Pro Only).

    Step 3: Displaying Your Events

    With the event created, you will want to make sure it is visible, so your audience knows what is coming up. This plugin utilizes shortcodes to display all of the information you enter into it.

    You can find these shortcodes by clicking on Eventin and selecting the Shortcodes option.

    Eventin Shortcodes

    There are several things to display with each one having its own shortcode. For example, the first option is to display a list of events happening, while the second is to display a calendar that contains the events.

    Both show the same info, but in a different format, there is even an event widget shortcode.

    The process is identical for each one, with a few unique settings depending on the choice, so I will demonstrate how to display the event we just made. Click on the “Generate Shortcode” button for the event.

    Generate Shortcode

    Doing so will pull up a small window. Here you can set the criteria for which events can appear. The window is a bit convoluted as you can’t just pick a single event, you need to set the criteria to decide what gets shown.

    Once you fill out all of the information, click on the “Generate” button at the bottom. This will make a shortcode appear below the button. You can copy the shortcode and use it anywhere shortcodes work on your site.

    And with that, you know all of the basics of using the Eventin plugin for WordPress. It is a great solution for any website seeking help with managing their events. You can edit any of the settings at any time, just be sure to alert your audience of any changes.

    Start Managing Your Events Today with Eventin

    As you can see, the Eventin plugin is easy to use and offers a robust customization experience for users. It also has useful tools like WooCommerce integration and an RSVP system to help manage the events.

    To really maximize the effect of this plugin, consider creating an events section so users can keep track of your schedule. Also, be sure to keep users updated if changes are made to an event schedule.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful for learning how to use the Eventin event manager plugin.

    Did you find Eventin easy to use? Are there any other event plugins you are considering using?

    The post How to Use Eventin Event Manager in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Use the Editorial Rating Plugin for WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/editorial-rating-plugin-wordpress/ Tue, 28 Jan 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=104364 When it comes to shopping online, user reviews are some of the most powerful tools you can include on your site. That’s because 95% of […]

    The post How to Use the Editorial Rating Plugin for WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    When it comes to shopping online, user reviews are some of the most powerful tools you can include on your site. That’s because 95% of customers utilize online reviews to make a purchase. And with the Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin, you can make it easy to display one.

    This plugin specializes in allowing users to leave reviews and compiling all of the review scores into a single stat. That way, you can see the total average of those scores at a glance as the consumer.

    The plugin can be placed on any post, page, or widget area and has a lot of options. For instance, you can list the pros and cons of a product to help users understand everything before making a purchase.

    Today, I will demonstrate how to use the Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin for WordPress.

    Why Are User Reviews So Important?

    Simply put, customers trust online reviews and nearly always consult them before making a purchase.

    If your site does not have them, they will look elsewhere, which may lower the chances they purchase from your website. As such, nearly every single online store has user reviews front and center.

    This has been a thing since the beginning of online shopping, and will most likely never change. Reading what other users have to say about a purchase they made can be the deciding factor for most shoppers.

    Not only can they hold valuable insight about the product, but sometimes also about the shipping. This can be very vital if you are buying a product that is breakable or gets damaged easily.

    While there has been some concern recently about reviews being fabricated by AI, most users still trust these reviews.

    How to Use the Ultimate Editorial Rating Plugin

    The Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin is a pretty robust plugin that contains a lot of customization that can better match your site’s design. It supports WooCommerce products and can be used anywhere in WordPress.

    It is worth pointing out that the plugin is free to use, but many of the features will be locked behind the Pro version. So if you like what you see, you may want to upgrade to get the full package.

    Step 1: Install Ultimate Editorial Rating

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New

    Search for Ultimate Editorial Rating in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Search for Ultimate Editorial Rating

    Scroll down until you find the Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install Ultimate Editorial Rating

    Step 2: Create A Product Review

    With the plugin installed, you first want to create a product review for the product in question. Each product will need its own template to consolidate the score. Luckily, this is very simple to do.

    Click on Editorial Rating and select the Add Review option.

    Add Review

    What you are creating is the general product review for your site. This tells users what you think about the product itself. Users will be able to leave their own reviews on the respective page this is added to.

    Note: Users can only leave reviews if you allow them to and it requires the Pro version.

    At the very top, you can name the review. I recommend using the product you are leaving it for as it will make finding it very simple. Below this, you will find the theme selection. While it says you have 10 choices, only the first is available in the free version.

    Add Product Title

    Continuing on, you will be able to add the maximum width of the theme and choose what the review says. Fill in all of the information, but don’t go overboard. Keep it concise.

    Below that, you can add the product image, create a Pros and Cons list, add a “Buy Now” button, and more. Click on the “Publish” button to save the changes you have made.

    Doing so will generate a shortcode that you can use to display the review throughout your website.

    The review will be added to your review list so you can quickly find it if you need to make changes. You can repeat this step as many times as you want. Naturally, this can take a lot of time if you do this for every single product, but it may be worth it in the long run.

    Step 3: Adding Editorial Rating to a Post

    Adding the Editorial Ratings review to a product is pretty simple. Go to the desired post you want to add it to. All you need to do is add a shortcode block and paste the shortcode that was generated when you published the review.

    Add Shortcode

    While this is all it takes, you will also find an Editorial Rating Option on the right-hand side.

    There will be a drop-down menu where you can select the review you want to add. You will be required to type the first three letters of the review before you can see the choices.

    Choose Review from Editorial Rating

    Two more options will appear. The first is if you want the Schema to appear. By default, it is off, but you can enable it to display the Schema data. This can help boost your SEO, so it is recommended to do so on your post content.

    The second option is to allow users to leave their own reviews in the comment section.

    This is exclusive to the Pro version of the plugin. As such, it is off by default and cannot be changed. If neither of these sounds useful to you, you do not need to engage with it.

    Once you save the changes, you can look at the review on your website.

    Camera review with Editorial Rating

    Step 4: Adding Editorial Rating to a Widget

    You can also add the Editorial Rating reviews to your widget area. This is great if you want to highlight a certain product for all of your users to see if it is new or on sale. It works very similar to what we just covered.

    However, the difference is you want to go to the widget area of WordPress and add the shortcode block to the desired widget area. Then, you just need to insert the shortcode and you’re good to go.

    Shortcode Widget

    Save the changes and you can view it on your site. You may want to configure the appearance if it is taking up too much room or appears cut off as every theme in WordPress is different.

    Editorial Rating Widget

    And that’s it. As you can see, it is rather easy to add a review to your website. That said, the real power is allowing users to leave reviews, which is only available in the Pro version, so consider upgrading today.

    What Else Can the Plugin Do?

    We’ve only scratched the surface of what the Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin can do.

    The plugin also introduces several new blocks that can help you build product pages. Some of these blocks can help you compare different products, create pricing tables, and more.

    The rest of the features are locked behind the Pro version, with the most important one being User Reviews.

    I’ve mentioned it already, but when this is enabled, users will be able to leave a review in the comment section. You can set the criteria for the user to rate like durability, quality, design, etc.

    They can set scores for each fact and leave their own written review that other users can see. Not to mention add a star rating so other users can quickly see what they thought of it.

    The Pro version also comes with access to 24/7 support. This is great for beginners who may need extra support to help them get the plugin right for their sight.

    Start Using Ultimate Editorial Rating Today

    As you can see, the Ultimate Editorial Review plugin is easy to use and brings a lot to the table. Installing it today can help users make a decision about a product quicker and lead to higher sales.

    That said, it’s important to point out that sometimes user reviews may not be favorable. This can hurt sales, which is why some sites may choose to not have them. That said, users usually gravitate away from those stores, so I don’t recommend that.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to use the UIltimate Editorial Rating plugin.

    Did you find the plugin easy to use? Have you noticed a sales increase since adding the plugin?

    The post How to Use the Editorial Rating Plugin for WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Add PhotoSwipe to WordPress for Image Galleries https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/photoswipe-wordpress-image-galleries/ Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:30:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=104820 Are you looking to take your website’s images to the next level? If so, consider using the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe for WordPress. This plugin makes […]

    The post How to Add PhotoSwipe to WordPress for Image Galleries appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    Are you looking to take your website’s images to the next level? If so, consider using the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe for WordPress. This plugin makes your images pop out to users and grab their attention.

    Each image will appear in its lightbox, and you will gain access to create galleries to display on your posts and pages. All this requires on your end is to install the plugin, activate it, and make sure each image links to the file.

    That said, there are various customization options that allow you to control the appearance of the lightbox, and how galleries behave if you choose to create one. As a result, it is quite a robust plugin that any site can take advantage of.

    Today, I will demonstrate how to use the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe plugin for WordPress.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.1
    Plugin: Lightbox with PhotoSwipe v5.4.0

    Why Use Lightboxes to Display Images in WordPress?

    Using a lightbox delivers images that stand out better from the rest of the post or page. This works great in a shopping environment where users may see a product and click on it.

    That said, any kind of website can make use of lightboxes to enhance their content.

    It also offers the ability to configure how images look on different devices. In other words, you can control how an image will look on desktop and mobile devices separately. This gives you far greater control than traditional images.

    Lightboxes also allow you to share additional information about the image.

    For example, if you took a photograph, you could display the time it was taken and the location. You can also share caption information in place of it if you wish.

    How to Use PhotoSwipe Lightboxes for WordPress

    The Lightbox with PhotoSwipe plugin is pretty simple to use. The only thing you need to do is install the plugin, configure all of the customization options to make it look how you want it to, and ensure the image links to the file.

    Luckily, this is pretty straightforward, so the process shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.

    Step 1: Install Lightbox with PhotoSwipe

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New

    Search for Lightbox with PhotoSwipe in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Install Lightbox with PhotoSwipe for WordPress

    Scroll down until you find the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Lightbox with PhotoSwipe

    Step 2: Customize the Lightbox Appearance

    Now that you have the plugin installed, you can begin editing all of the options for it. You can find all of the settings for the plugin by clicking on Settings and selecting the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe option.

    Settings Lightbox with Photoswipe in WordPress

    The settings are broken up into several tabs. The first one just contains basic information about the plugin with a link to the creator’s PayPal if you want to support them for their work. The rest of the tabs contain a variety of options you can customize.

    Let’s start with the General tab.

    General Tab

    The first thing you can do here is choose what version of PhotoSwipe you want to use. By default, it is set to Version 5, which is the latest version. It is recommended to use this version as it will continue to be updated.

    Note: At the time of writing, version 5 does not support mobile options while version 4 does.

    Below this, you can choose any posts or pages you do not want the plugin to function on. You can also select specific post types to exclude. Next, there are a series of checkboxes you can use to enable or disable features for the lightbox.

    This includes simple things like displaying a fullscreen icon, to more complicated things like ignoring links to other sites. Simply go through these options and select the ones that work best for you.

    Configure Options

    Be sure to save any changes you make.


    The Theme tab is much simpler than what we just covered. It consists of a few options that allow you to control the spacing between the pictures, the background opacity, the image padding, and the maximum image size that will be displayed.

    Unfortunately, you cannot view the lightbox while making these changes so you may want to wait until you have set up an image to use the lightbox so you can save and see the changes to get everything just right.


    The Captions tab is another series of checkboxes that you can use to configure how captions appear, or any other information you want to display next to the image like a description or alternative text.

    Simply go through the options and choose what to display and what not to display. The next tab is Sharing, but that is currently not supported by version 5, so we will skip that and move on to Desktop.


    The Desktop tab is another rather simple set of options. It controls how the lightbox behaves. For example, you can configure how long a user needs to be idle for any of the icons to disappear so that only the image is visible.

    There is also a Mobile tab, but it is not currently supported by Version 5. When it is added, it will work similarly but will configure the options exclusively for mobile users.

    Step 3: Enable the Lightbox

    Enabling the lightbox is rather simple. You can add it to any existing image on your site, but it must be done manually. As such, you may want to be reserved about what images get it as adding the lightbox to every image can take a lot of time.

    To enable the lightbox on an image, simply go to the post or page where the image resides and click on the hyperlink option. You want to link the File URL, which can be found in your media library here:

    File URL location

    Simply ensure that the image links to the File URL and that’s it. Save the changes and you can click on the image to view the lightbox.

    There are no bulk options, so this process can take a long time if you are working backward.

    You Can Use PhotoSwipe with WooCommerce

    You may be wondering if you can use this plugin with WooCommerce Products, and the answer is absolutely!

    The process is identical to what we covered above. This can be a highly effective tactic as it can allow users to get a better look at products and zoom in on smaller details if you enable zoom options within the lightbox.

    It also allows you to build an image gallery for your products in WordPress. This way users can slide through multiple images from different angles or the product showing off a different feature.

    Add Lightboxes to Your Images Today

    As you can see, the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe is a great plugin to use in WordPress. It allows you to easily customize the appearance of the lightbox, and how it behaves when users interact with it in minutes.

    It’s important to remember that version 5 is relatively new, thus more features will be added over time like mobile controls and more sharing options for users to share the images on social media directly from the lightbox.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to use the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe plugin for WordPress.

    Did you find the plugin easy to use? What other features are you looking for in a Lightbox plugin?

    The post How to Add PhotoSwipe to WordPress for Image Galleries appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Highlight Your Events with EventPrime in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/eventprime-wordpress/ Tue, 21 Jan 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=104999 It can be a real hassle to manage upcoming events and appointments for your business. For this reason, most businesses have a dedicated tool to […]

    The post How to Highlight Your Events with EventPrime in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    It can be a real hassle to manage upcoming events and appointments for your business. For this reason, most businesses have a dedicated tool to help them manage. The EventPrime plugin is one such tool that can help.

    It is an events calendar plugin that allows you to quickly add upcoming events or appointments to your calendar. While it is simple to use, it has a lot of features that can help streamline some of the more common problems you will encounter.

    For example, you may have a regular schedule that needs to be inputted every day, week, or month, but with EventPrime, you can set it as a recurring event. As a result, you only need to enter the value once.

    Today, I will demonstrate how you can use EventPrime to manage events in WordPress.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.1
    Plugin: EventPrime v4.0.4.3

    How Can an Events Manager Help You?

    Simply put, the entire point of such a plugin is to help you keep track of events and appointments, and perhaps more importantly, to help your audience keep track of them.

    In some cases, sites or businesses can have dozens of events happen within a single week, it can be difficult to keep up.

    A plugin like EventPrime has an excellent interface that can be displayed anywhere on your website. As such, you can use it to show off upcoming events, not only this, but you can even have it link to a sales page if an event has a ticket.

    Or at the very least, RSVP so you can have an idea of how many people are going to show up.

    How to Use EventPrime in WordPress

    The EventPrime plugin is rather simple. After learning how to use it, it will probably only take you a few minutes to set up any new events for your site. That said, it offers a lot of customization options, so it is quite versatile.

    Step 1: Install EventPrime

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

     New Plugin

    Search for EventPrime in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Search for EventPrime

    Scroll down until you find the EventPrime plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install EventPrime

    Step 2: Create A New Event

    The best starting point for this plugin is to just create a new event. As I said, the plugin is pretty simple to work with and utilizes the Classic editor to create event listings.

    To begin, click on EventPrime and select the Add New option.

    Alternatively, if you clicked on Events, you could click on the “Add New” button to get to the same location.

    EventPrime Add New

    At the top, you can enter a name for the event. Below this, you will find the Classic editor. Unlike Gutenberg, you cannot use blocks. Use this space to add event details and relevant information. You can include images and videos here as well.

    Below the editor is where you will find the majority of the settings. It is broken down into several sections. As such, there are too many options to go through one by one, thus, I will give you an overview of what each section is for.

    Date & Time

    This section is self-explanatory. You can enter the start and end times for your event. If you are unsure or want to reveal that at a different date, you can choose to hide the exact time by checking the box.

    You can also add other dates, like the day you will be announcing the time or the day that ticket sales go live by checking the Additional Relevant Dates box.

    Booking & Tickets

    If your event requires booking, you can enable this feature (off by default). Here, you can input a value for booking fees, if users can modify their booking info, and if there are any cancelation fees.

    The options within the plugin are somewhat weak, so you are better off using a dedicated tool for booking. Luckily, the plugin also has an option that allows you to display a link to a dedicated booking page, so there’s no conflict.

    The Tickets section is only enabled if you enable booking. You can create a ticket category and type. This allows you to set up how many tickets are available, be sure not to offer more tickets than there are seats to fill.


    The repeat feature allows you to repeat the event at specific intervals. For example, if you wanted to repeat the event every month, you would set the repeat to occur every 30 days.

    You can also set the maximum amount of time you want the vent to occur. For example, let’s say you have an event every Sunday for a month. You would want the event to repeat weekly (7 days) and only stop after 4 occurrences.

    Checkout Fields

    This section is only necessary if you enable booking and set up your tickets. This provides the fields that users need to fill out such as their name, address, billing info, and so on.

    Social Information

    As you might have guessed, you want to promote your event on social media, and the Social Information section allows you to include links to different social media accounts.

    This includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), and YouTube. Just enter the URL you want the user to follow.


    Here you can select a results page, which you should take the time and make one. You just need to use the drop-down menu to select the page you want to display.

    What is a Results page? Well, it’s a page that would display a confirmation if you booked an appointment.

    Other Settings

    The Other Settings allow you to set a background color for the event. You simply need to enter the color code to do so. The other option is if you would like to include a note for attendees. For example, if the event is handicap accessible.

    Step 3: Displaying the Events

    There are two ways to display your events with this plugin. The first is to use the EventPrime block, and the second is to use the shortcodes. They do the same thing, so I recommend using the blocks, but I will show you where you can find the shortcodes.

    Note: Both the blocks and shortcodes work in the widget area of WordPress.

    Starting with the block approach, go to the post or page where you want to display the event. Add the EventPrime Event Listing block.

    Event Listing

    You will see some generic stuff appear for the block. Don’t worry about it, you do not need to change any of it, as it is just a placeholder for the block. Save the changes and you can view the events calendar on your site.

    Events Calendar

    It’s worth pointing out that the plugin adds several blocks that you can use. I recommend looking through the full list as each one offers a specific display focus. If you are looking to use shortcodes, you can find them in the plugin’s shortcodes section.

    Simply click on EventPrime and select the Shortcodes option.

    EventPrime Shortcodes

    Each shortcode has a detailed description of what it does. Simply copy the shortcode and add it to a shortcode block in the desired location. And that’s really it.

    There is a settings area for the plugin where you can tweak various things like the time zone your events appear in and such. I strongly advise going through them all and making changes as you see fit.

    Show Off Your Events Today with EventPrime

    As you can see, the plugin is rather simple and just boils down to going through all of the options. Displaying the vents you create is equally simple and just requires placing a block or shortcode in the desired location.

    Adding this plugin can help you and your audience keep track of upcoming events. Different sites can use it in a variety of ways. For example, a gym can use it to show when their instructors teach different classes.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to use the EventPrime plugin.

    How easy did you find the plugin to use? Has adding the plugin boosted your attendance?

    The post How to Highlight Your Events with EventPrime in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Optimize WordPress with the Plerdy Plugin https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/optimize-wordpress-plerdy/ Mon, 20 Jan 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=105066 Are you looking to optimize and maximize your conversions? Of course you are, and while there are many tools that can help you accomplish this, […]

    The post How to Optimize WordPress with the Plerdy Plugin appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    Are you looking to optimize and maximize your conversions? Of course you are, and while there are many tools that can help you accomplish this, the Plerdy plugin is one of the best options you can choose in WordPress.

    This plugin contains a variety of tools that can help you optimize your site for conversions. This includes several analytical tools that help you monitor traffic like a heat map to help you track user movement on your site.

    It also comes with customizable Pop-Ups you can use to market to users. All of the data this plugin collects happens in real-time so you can always take an accurate look at how your website is performing at any given moment.

    Today, I will demonstrate how to use the Plerdy plugin to optimize for conversions in WordPress.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.1
    Plugin: Plerdy v1.4.4

    What Is Conversion Marketing?

    Conversion marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on increasing the number of users that are paying customers.

    For example, if you own an eCommerce site, the entire point is to sell products to your customer base. Naturally, if your traffic is increasing, but sales are failing to increase, there’s not much point.

    As such, most eCommerce sites focus on conversion marketing to increase their total sales.

    Now that said, not all conversions are sales-related. Even sites like blogs can use conversion marketing. Instead of making a sale, they are usually trying to grow their email subscriber list or getting users to interact with an affiliate link.

    Perhaps a better way of describing it is that your marketing leads to a visitor taking a specific action on your site.

    Warning Before You Start

    While testing this plugin, my Wordfence security plugin blocked this tool from connecting with WordPress. In some cases, your web host may also block it from accessing your website. As such, you may need to whitelist the connection.

    Since this is dependent on the tool you are using, or the web host you are using, I cannot demonstrate how to do this.

    If the connection is blocked, you cannot use any of the features provided by this tool.

    How to Use Plerdy to Optimize Your WordPress Site

    The Plerdy plugin is like a Swiss army knife of tools for optimizing conversion in WordPress. It has a variety of radically different tools that users can take advantage of to track how users behave and what works best.

    With that said, the plugin is not overly difficult to use, thus it is perfect for users at any skill level.

    Step 1: Install Plerdy

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New

    Search for Plerdy in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Search for Plerdy

    Find the Plerdy plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install Plerdy

    Step 2: Create A Plerdy Account

    Upon installing Plerdy, you might notice that there are not many options for it, and that is because all that the plugin adds in WordPress is a field where you can enter a tracking code for Plerdy to monitor your website.

    All of the magic happens on the Plerdy website, which means we need to start by creating an account.

    While there is a paid plan for sites with more traffic that require processing more data, there is a forever free plan that we can use to test out the plugin.

    Start off by visiting the Plerdy website and signing up for a new account.

    Plerdy Account

    The sign-up process is very straightforward. First, you will enter your email address, and the second thing you need to enter is the domain name of your site. After this, you will receive a tracking code for your website.

    Copy the tracking code.

    Copy the Tracking Code

    Return to WordPress. You now need to add the tracking code to the bottom of the footer.php file, but it should be above the

    The post How to Optimize WordPress with the Plerdy Plugin appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Grow Followers with Social Boost in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/grow-followers-social-boost-wordpress/ Wed, 15 Jan 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=105023 Every website has a social media presence, and each one is trying to grow the number of followers on every platform. While there are about […]

    The post How to Grow Followers with Social Boost in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    Every website has a social media presence, and each one is trying to grow the number of followers on every platform. While there are about a thousand ways you can do this, the Social Boost plugin is an excellent choice.

    This plugin allows you to show off your social media accounts in WordPress and run a variety of campaigns. These include things like running a giveaway, or a refer a friend campaign.

    The plugin also provides a variety of templates for your campaigns that are based around major holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and more. All of this is free for the first 50 users you capture.

    Today, I will demonstrate how to use the Social Boost plugin for WordPress to grow your subscribers.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.1
    Plugin: Social Boost v3.3.1

    Why Is Social Media So Important?

    If there is one thing you will hear over and over as a website owner, it’s the importance of social media.

    Social media is a way for businesses to connect with their userbase, and more importantly, grow their userbase. Most major corporations today have a presence on every major platform to spread the word about new products or services.

    While some businesses can grow very fast on social media, it is not always quick or easy. In most cases, it will take months or even years to grow a sizable following that you can market to, but with the right tool, that can be sped up.

    Businesses that give incentives to follow them on social media can grow much faster than normal accounts.

    For example, imagine that you posted a time-limited discount code for the first 100 people who use it on X. It rewards users who are following your content and encourages others to follow so that they might be able to get a reward in the future.

    Not to mention, it will get 100 people shopping on your store. It’s a win-win situation if done right.

    How to Use Social Boost to Grow Your Followers

    The Social Boost plugin is rather easy to use and offers a lot of functions for free. That said, it is only free for the first 50 users you capture using it. As such, you will need to pay for the tool past that.

    Now, 50 users is not a large number as some sites can reach that number in a single campaign. If you have a lot of traffic, it might be worth upgrading the plugin.

    Step 1: Install Social Boost

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New

    Search for Social Boost in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Search for Social Boost

    Scroll down until you find the Social Boost plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install Social Boost

    Step 2: Sign Up for Social Boost

    The first thing you need to do is go through the sign-up process. The plan is free, but you must create an account to use the plugin.

    Start by clicking on Settings and selecting the Social Boost option.

    Social Boost Settings

    Here you will be prompted to create an account, which requires a first & last name, as well as your email address. Once you click on the ” Next” button it will take a minute to save the information. You should then check your email.

    The email you receive will contain a password you will need to log in with. Back on WordPress, reload the page and you should be prompted to log in with an email and password. Enter both of these.

    This will log you in and you should see the “Launch Application” button. Click it.

    Launch Application

    This will open a new tab on your web browser and bring you to the Social Boost website, where everything takes place.

    Step 3: Set Up Social Boost

    When you visit the site for the first time, you have two options to set up the plugin. The first, and what we will be covering is to manually set it up using the set-up wizard. The second option allows you to call an agent and go through the onboarding process.

    Click on the “Start Setup” button.

    Start Setup

    This setup process is quite self-explanatory. You’ll start off by selecting the language. After this, you need to select a template. The templates are for general activities like growing your email list, specific campaign types like sweepstakes, or for the holidays.

    Pick the template you want to use.

    Choose a Social Boost Template

    Once you choose a template and create the campaign, you will then go through another setup wizard that walks you through filling in the campaign. Again, it is pretty straightforward and just requires you to fill in the information.

    Since the information you need to enter is different based on the campaign you selected, I’ll leave this to you.

    Once you get to the end, click on the “Publish Now” button if you are ready to launch your campaign. You can also choose to do it later if you are not ready for it to go live. There is also a shortcode that you can copy to embed the campaign directly in WordPress.

    Note: If the campaign is not live, the shortcode will display a ‘campaign not active’ message.

    Publish Now

    Once the campaign is live, you will see a URL that will bring you to your site when entered. You should share this link on social media to boost the campaign’s efficiency. This will make the campaign appear on your site.


    The plugin will automatically add a campaign option to your site. In my case, it says rewards and is visible on the left side of the screen.


    And you can use the shortcode to embed it directly into any post, page, or widget you wish. And that really covers everything you can do. Again, there are a lot of options to configure, so take your time and configure your campaign just right.

    And be aware of typos, as they can lead to some big problems if an extra zero ends up somewhere as a prize.

    Step 4: View the Analytics

    Naturally, you will also be able to review how well the campaign is going. This is all done from the campaign dashboard on the Social Boost site. This will show you the number of users that engage with it, keep track of winners, and more.

    You can also edit some parts of the campaign from here.

    Campaign Dashboard

    You can use the switches at the top to disable the campaign at any time. Just be aware that once your campaign reaches 50 people, it will no longer be free. When this happens, you will need to upgrade your account or find another tool.

    You can run multiple campaigns at the same time. Each campaign has its own dashboard, and you can see all of the campaign stats in a single location if you prefer to get a view of the larger picture.

    And that’s it. Social Boost is a great plugin for boosting your following.

    Start Building Campaigns with Social Boost Today

    As you can see the Social Boost plugin is a great option for any site looking to boost their following. It has a variety of templates to choose from and campaign modes that you can take advantage of.

    Each one is highly customizable, but even the default options will work well for most sites. That said, I do recommend changing the designs to match your website. It can really help make it feel more authentic.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to use the Social Boost plugin for WordPress.

    Did you find the Social Boost plugin easy to use? Do you use a different tool for marketing campaigns in WordPress?

    The post How to Grow Followers with Social Boost in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Use GTM Kit with GA4 and WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/gtm-kit-ga4-wordpress/ Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=105145 Websites have a lot of moving parts, and there are many tools that can help you manage them. One such tool is the Google Tag […]

    The post How to Use GTM Kit with GA4 and WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    Websites have a lot of moving parts, and there are many tools that can help you manage them. One such tool is the Google Tag Manager, or GTM, as it can help you manage tags for your site. The best way to use it in WordPress is with the GTM Kit plugin.

    Normally, you would need to code tags manually, but the GTM Kit plugin adds all of the GTM container code into WordPress for you. As a result, it pushes all of the data from your WordPress site to Google Analytics 4.

    The plugin targets beginners who lack the coding knowledge necessary to manually code tags to improve analytics tracking. It’s worth noting that it is compatible with WooCommerce data as well, so it’s a great choice for any online shop.

    Today, I will demonstrate how you can use the GTM Kit plugin on your WordPress site.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.1
    Plugin: GTM Kit v2.0.0

    What Is the Google Tag Manager?

    Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to select which tags should be loaded onto your website.

    In simple terms, tags act as a set of instructions that inform the web browser about your web page. These tags also allow for data to be tracked and used by other tools like Google Analytics, and even more importantly, they tell the website how to behave.

    Some tags may tell the website how to load certain elements like images or templates. The GTM gives you control over those various elements, and you can create tags that instruct the site to load a specific way, which can heavily impact performance.

    Naturally, that makes the Google Tag Manager one of the most important tools your website will use.

    However, there is a big problem. Coding these tags is not something a beginner can do and is often easy to mess up. That’s where a tool like GTM Kit comes into play. It handles the coding aspect for you.

    Instead, all you need to do is tell the plugin how you want certain elements to load, and the code will be added to do it.

    How to Use GTM Kit in WordPress

    Since the plugin does all of the coding for you, it is rather simple to use. You will need to create a Google Tag Manager account to obtain a container ID. This account is free to create and only takes a few minutes.

    Step 1: Install GTM Kit

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New Plugin

    Search for GTM Kit in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Search for GTM Kit

    Find the GTM Kit plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install GTM Kit

    Step 2: Obtain the Container ID

    The first thing you will be asked to do upon activating the plugin is to provide a Containment ID. You can find this on your Google Tag Manager account. You can click on the link to go directly to the login area.

    Google Tag Manager

    If you already have an account and are logged in, you will be brought to the dashboard. If not, you need to create the account right now. Click on the “Create Account” button.

    Create Account

    There is not much to say about the account creation process. Simply fill out all of the fields that are required and click on the “Create” button at the bottom of the page.


    Doing so will pull up the TOS that you must agree to. Afterwords your account will be created, and you will be on the dashboard. You can find the Containment ID at the top-right of the page.

    Containment ID

    Return to WordPress and paste the Containment ID into the appropriate box. Click on the “Save and Continue” button.

    Save and Continue

    You can now proceed through the setup wizard. Next, you will be told about the essential settings. The plugin recommends leaving everything at default as it is designed to work for most sites. You can edit if needed.

    The next part will ask if you are willing to share anonymous data with the plugin creators so they can improve the tool. Feel free to agree or decline, as it has no impact on using the plugin.

    And that’s it. The plugin should now be sending data to the Google Tag Manager. You are now ready to use the plugin.

    Step 3: Using GTM Kit

    The first thing you need to do is choose what content you want the plugin to work on. You can do this by clicking on the Post Data tab.

    Post Data

    By default, the plugin will only enable Pages to include the datalayer for Google Tag Manager. Simply toggle the switches for the elements you want the plugin to work with. If you only want pages, then no changes need to be made.

    The more options you enable, the more options you will have at your disposal. But the more data you include in the datalayer, the slower your website will become. As such, it is only recommended to keep Page type activated.

    This will allow you to tell them how to behave and collect data you can use in Google Analytics.

    Choose Elements

    Once you do this, you can go to any element that you enabled, and you should now see an option for GTM Kit. In my case, I just went to a page. You can find the option on the right-hand side.

    GTM Kit Field

    All you need to do here is enter the page type. This can help you identify the specific traffic from this site when looking at it on Google Analytics.

    For example, let’s say you have a landing page for a campaign.

    You could enter campaign-page on this and any additional pages related to the campaign you are running. This can help you collect information for all pages related to a campaign much quicker than normal.

    If you choose different elements other than pages, I encourage you to review the plugin documentation for how to handle each one.

    Just keep in mind if you want to ensure everything is tracking correctly, don’t use your administrator account. Create a dummy account you can use to test the interactions on your site.

    There Are Several Integrations to Use

    One of the strongest aspects of Using GTM Kit is that it integrates with popular tools like WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, and Easy Digital Downloads. If you have any of these plugins activated on your site, you can go to the Integrations option in GTM Kit.

    There, you can enable the feature and connect the plugins together. This will allow you to create custom tags for plugin-specific elements like products in WooCommerce, or specific forms with Contact Form 7.

    This can help you see more information in Google Analytics than normal as these plugins often have their own analytical tools.

    Naturally, each plugin has its own options to configure, so you will need to refer to the plugin documentation for additional resources on how to create tags for them.

    Improve Your Site Today with GTM Kit

    As you can see, the GTM Kit plugin is easy to use and can help improve performance. That said, it is worth pointing out that to truly get the best performance options, you will need to manually code the tags and have a deep understanding of web design.

    With that said, the GTM Kit plugin is an excellent starting point for beginners who need some help learning the basics. It can help you collect specific data to send to Google Analytics and help improve your content structuring.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to set up GTM Kit for WordPress.

    How easy did you find GTM Kit to use? Which elements did you enable?

    The post How to Use GTM Kit with GA4 and WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    How to Show Eventbrite Events in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/eventbrite-events-wordpress/ Thu, 02 Jan 2025 18:48:25 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=105233 Many businesses today host a variety of events big and small, which can be very difficult for your audience to follow. One way to alleviate […]

    The post How to Show Eventbrite Events in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

    Many businesses today host a variety of events big and small, which can be very difficult for your audience to follow. One way to alleviate the problem is to show your events schedule in WordPress with a plugin like Display Eventbrite Events.

    With this plugin, you can display upcoming events with an image, displaying the date and time, a short description, and a button that allows users to register (if applicable). It is very easy to implement as you just need to use the block in Gutenberg.

    It is also worth noting that if you use Elementor to build your site, there is a dedicated element you can use for this plugin. In total, there are 22 customization options you can use to configure the appearance in the free version.

    Today, I will demonstrate how to display events with the Display Eventbrite Events plugin for WordPress.

    This tutorial is for:
    WordPress 6.6.2
    Plugin: Display Eventbrite Events v6.0.7

    Why Show Events In WordPress?

    The reason a website displays information is for its audience to engage with it, and events are no different.

    When a company hosts an event, whether it is digital or in person, they want their audience to be aware so they can attend. However, when a site hosts different events every week, it can be a lot to keep track of.

    That’s where an event manager plugin for WordPress like Display Eventbrite Events comes into play. With it, you can easily display this information to keep your audience in the loop. You can make sure people know when your next local meet-up is, or when your next podcast is airing.

    No matter how big or small your event, getting people to attend is the real challenge, and this plugin can help.

    What Is Eventbrite?

    Eventbrite is a global event marketplace that allows anyone to publish events going on in their area. It is a great way to get more eyes on your upcoming events and it is free to use, although you will need a phone to verify the event is real.

    The platform has a variety of tools that can help you build an event including an AI that will generate an event for you based on a few prompts. It will even generate images for the event based on what you enter.

    As such, you can generate an event in minutes.

    There is also an entire booking aspect to the platform that allows you to sell tickets to the events at a price you set. Just be aware that some features are locked behind a paywall to take advantage of.

    How to Use the Display Eventbrite Events Plugin

    The Display Eventbrite Events plugin for WordPress is very simple to use. It allows you to display events from your Eventbrite account in WordPress. This tutorial will assume that you already have made events on your Eventbrite account to display.

    It’s easy enough that anyone can use it and realistically should only take a few minutes to set up.

    Step 1: Install Display Eventbrite Events

    Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

    Add New Plugin

    Search for Display Eventbrite Events in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

    Display Eventbrite Events

    Find the Display Eventbrite Events plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

    Install Display Eventbrite Events

    Note: Upon activating the plugin, I encountered a “You Do Not Have Permission to View this Screen” message. I clicked back and the plugin worked without issue. I’m not sure what caused this, but the plugin works perfectly if you encounter this hiccup.

    Step 2: Connect with Eventbrite

    The purpose of this plugin is to show off the events from your Eventbrite account. As such, we need to connect the plugin to it. This is free to do, but just to be clear, you need to make the events in Eventbrite.

    Start off by clicking on Settings and selecting the Display Eventbrite Events Settings option.

    Eventbrite Settings

    The first thing you will see here is an option to opt in to receive email notifications about the plugin. Feel free to skip it or agree if you are interested as it does not affect using the plugin.

    You should see a text box asking for the Eventbrite API key. You’ll need to create an Eventbrite account to obtain one, you can use the link below this box to visit the website. Once there, proceed to sign up for an Eventbrite account.

    I will not go into too much detail here, but you will need to enter some information like your email address, name, and other information. You will also get a guided tour of how to use Eventbrite if this is your first time.

    Take advantage of this and use it to create your first event that you want to display in WordPress.

    Obtain the API key and paste it into the appropriate box back at the settings page.

    Eventbrite API Key

    A green box should appear informing you that the plugin is connected to your account. Be sure to save the changes.

    Step 3: Display Eventbrite Events

    With that taken care of, you can begin displaying your events in WordPress. Start by going to the post or page where you want to display the event. The widget area works as well but does take up a decent amount of space.

    Once there, add the Display Eventbrite Layouts block to the desired location.

    Eventbrite Block

    Upon doing this, the plugin will scan for any events that are currently live on your Eventbrite account. If detected, they will appear automatically. You can now begin customizing the appearance of the events.

    Note: If you publish a new event, the block should detect and automatically display it. Thus, you only need to place the block once and it will do the rest. As such, placing it on something like the Homepage is a great choice.

    All of these can be viewed in the block settings on the right-hand side of the screen.

    The first section is the Common Settings. Here you can choose how many events will be displayed and how you want to order those events. Simply enter the value and use the drop-down menu to make your choice.

    Common Settings

    Next, you will see some options that allow you to configure the Book Now button, enter custom CSS to style it, image size controls, and more. Simply go through the options and choose the ones that work best for you.

    And that’s really it when it comes to the free version. There are a lot more options if you choose to upgrade to the Pro version of the plugin, but talented developers can do a lot with simple CSS editing.

    Eventbrite Block

    Be sure to save any change you made. And that’s everything you need to know about displaying Eventbrite events in WordPress.

    Eventbrite FAQ

    Is there an Eventbrite Calendar Embed?

    Not in the free version. The Calendar embed is available in the Pro version of the plugin, thus you may want to use something like the Events Calendar plugin if you are looking for a free option.

    Is Eventbrite a Good Marketing Platform?

    Eventbrite is a great option for marketing your events. It can get seen by people typically outside of your audience, which can help attract new customers. Be sure to include links to your website on any event you create.

    Can I Use this Plugin Without Using Eventbrite?

    No. This plugin works by taking live events from your Eventbrite account and displaying them in WordPress. There is no way to create events that can be shown in WordPress without using Eventbrite.

    Display Your Eventbrite Events Today in WordPress

    As you can see, the Display Eventbrite Events plugin for WordPress is incredibly easy to use. If you were already using Eventbrite to market your events, it makes a lot of sense to use this plugin alongside it.

    Getting people to see your upcoming events is one of the biggest challenges that new businesses face, so be sure to consider other marketing opportunities. For example, if it is a local event, market to locals in your area.

    I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to use the Display Eventbrite Events plugin for WordPress.

    How easy did you find Eventbrite to build events with? Has using this helped get more people to your events?

    The post How to Show Eventbrite Events in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.
