Marketing & SEO Articles - GreenGeeks Blog Wed, 12 Feb 2025 15:10:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Squarespace SEO: 10 Tips to Optimize Your Website Mon, 18 Nov 2024 23:52:21 +0000 Squarespace is one of the most popular website builders on the internet. It provides users with excellent templates to quickly and efficiently build a great-looking […]

The post Squarespace SEO: 10 Tips to Optimize Your Website appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Squarespace is one of the most popular website builders on the internet. It provides users with excellent templates to quickly and efficiently build a great-looking website. It also provides the tools you’ll need to optimize the SEO of your Squarespace site.

Seo is the most important aspect of any website. It determines how easily users will find your content through search engines like Google. Simply put, if you do not rank highly, your website has no chance of success.

Due to its importance, there are a ton of resources to learn how to optimize your site for search engines. Squarespace is no exception and there are a variety of steps you should take to maximize your rankings potential.

Today, I will share 10 tips that can improve your rankings when using Squarespace.

Why Does SEO Matter?

If you are building a website for the first time, every resource you look at will mention one thing, SEO.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization dictates how well your website will rank on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and so on. Failure to optimize your site for search engines will make it much harder for users to find your content organically.

As such, SEO remains the focus of most websites regardless of if they are just starting, or if they are an established brand. Sites need to adhere to the rules of these search engines or risk not appearing the the results.

What Is Squarespace?

Squarespace is an all-in-one content management system (CMS) designed to be used by beginners. The tools it provides make it easy to build websites website that looks like a professional built it at any skill level.

It accomplishes this by offering a multitude of starting templates that are ideal for different types of websites. While these templates can be used without making any changes, the platform offers a robust selection of editing tools.

These tools allow you to create virtually any design or web page on the platform. And more impressively, you won’t ever have to write a single line of code to do this. However, as I have said SEO is the most important aspect of any site.

Squarespace understands this and provides a variety of SEO tools that your website will need to succeed.

Why Use Squarespace?

The company has been actively expanding its ecosystem, particularly focusing on tools for service-based entrepreneurs, such as photographers and event planners. New features include branded invoices, proposals, contracts, and updates to client intake forms and project management tools.

In terms of financial performance, Squarespace reported a total revenue of $1.01 billion in 2023, marking a 12% increase from 2022. The revenue for the second quarter of 2023 was $247.5 million, a 16% year-over-year growth compared to $212.7 million in the second quarter of 2022.

The company’s presence revenue grew 17% year-over-year to $172.1 million, while commerce revenue grew 14% year-over-year to $75.5 million. Commerce plans accounted for 31.1% of total revenue, and 92% of the revenue came from subscriptions. Additionally, 71.8% of the total revenue was generated from the United States.

No individual country outside the United States accounts for more than 10% of Squarespace subscriptions.

Squarespace has seen significant growth in its subscriber base, with over 4.6 million unique subscriptions at the end of 2023, a 7% increase from the previous year.

In 2024, Squarespace expects to achieve an annual revenue of $1.19 billion, translating to an average year-over-year growth of 17%. The company reported a 17% year-over-year increase in total revenue for 2023, reaching $1.01 billion. The revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 increased by 18% year-over-year to $270.7 million.

Squarespace’s SEO features have undergone significant updates in 2024 to align more effectively with search engines. Key areas of focus include SEO titles, Google Analytics integration, URL slugs, metadata, and more.

These updates are aimed at helping users increase their organic traffic and improve their search engine rankings. A comprehensive 32-point SEO checklist has been developed to help users execute a thorough SEO audit and increase their website’s rankings.

In terms of SEO strategies, it’s crucial to set up Google Tag Manager, speed up the website, and submit the sitemap to Google Search Console. Compressing and reducing the size of images, uninstalling unused apps, and ensuring a good user experience are some of the recommended practices to improve site speed and SEO performance.

Squarespace has also introduced various tools to support service-based entrepreneurs. These tools include the ability to create and send invoices, proposals, estimates, and contracts, as well as manage client information and tasks in one central place. Users can also leverage portfolio tools to showcase their work and email campaigns to promote special pricing or new offerings.

The platform has been actively expanding its presence in the eCommerce sector. As of 2024, there are 303,088 live stores running on Squarespace, with a 9.7% quarter-over-quarter increase in the second quarter of 2024 and a 54% year-over-year increase.

Instagram and Facebook are the dominant social media sites used by Squarespace stores, with 71.8% and 41.3% of stores using them, respectively.

Squarespace’s annual revenue run rate reached $1.12 billion as of March 2024, up from $941.86 million in March 2023. The company has 4.91 million unique subscriptions, adding 708 thousand new subscriptions since December 2022.

The revenue generated from US customers amounts to 71.51% of the total revenue, with the remaining 28.49% coming from international markets.

In terms of market share, Squarespace holds a 5.9% share of websites, compared to Shopify’s 38.2%, GoDaddy’s 27.9%, Ionos’s 9.5%, Wix’s 9.5%, and WordPress’s 8.8%. The platform has a total of 3.79 million users and 1,261 full-time employees.

Squarespace’s operating expenses were $482.59 million in 2020, and the company has seen a 25.38% growth in income in the United States since 2019.

Squarespace has been actively acquiring new customers from competitive eCommerce platforms, with 1,184 merchants switching to Squarespace in the last 90 days. However, the platform has also lost 3,346 merchants to competitors during the same period.

How to Optimize SEO in Squarespace

Let’s take a look at ten SEO tips for beginners to optimize their Squarespace site and rank higher.

Note: Due to the limitations that some Squarespace plans impose, you may need a higher-tiered plan to carry out some actions.

1. Enable An SSL Certificate

Users who are building new sites nowadays don’t have to worry about this tip, as Squarespace has SSL enabled by default. However, if you have an older Squarespace site, you may not have your SSL certificate active, which is impacting your SEO.

An SSL certificate is a data file that makes encryption possible and is responsible for changing the “HTTP” to “HTTPS” in the URL. While this may sound complicated, it boils down to activating it on your Squarespace account.

The reason an SSL certificate is important for SEO is that Google will prioritize recommending websites it deems safe.

Naturally, this means if your website does not have an SSL certificate, it will be negatively impacted. And on the off chance you actually stumble onto a website that does not have an SSL certificate, most web browsers will create a warning message.

For most internet users, this will have them immediately hitting back to get away from the website. As such, you need to activate the SSL certificate. Luckily, this is easy to do.

Click on the Settings option.

Squarespace SEO Settings

Select the Developer Tools option.

Developer Tools

One of the options will be SSL. Again, if you recently built a website, or are building one for the first time, SSL will be active by default. You can tell it is active because it will say Active next to the option.

If it does not say this, click on the SSL option.

SSL Option

Click on the Secure option to enable it on your website.

Secure Squarespace SEO

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is critical for any website to rank highly.

What is a keyword you ask? It is the word or phrase you are trying to rank for on a search engine. For example, if a user types “Ironman” into Google, it will turn up countless pages related to Ironman.

In this case, Ironman would be the keyword. However, it is not as simple as choosing a keyword and appearing in the search results.

Most users today do not just enter a single word when performing a search. Instead, most people type their searches in the form of a question. For example, instead of just typing “Ironman” someone may search for “What year was Ironman created?”

As such, you need to understand the search intent of a user. Doing so can give you insight into what information the user is looking to find, which can help you create better content. After all, you wouldn’t just have a post that says “Ironman was created in 1963.”

Instead, you would probably want to include other relevant information like who created Ironman, which issue he first appeared in, where the idea for him came from, and so on. Doing so allows you to also target other searches users would likely to perform.

So, now that you understand this, how do you add it to Squarespace? Well, you create the content that includes it.

Unlike an SSL certificate, there isn’t a switch you can toggle on to do this for you. You need to perform keyword research using tools. There are several you can install as extensions on your web browser.

You want to research statistics like search volume, search frequency, the competition level, and any information you can find on the searchers themselves. Build content around this information as it will help you rank higher.

3. Add Keywords to Metadata

Once you have done the research, you must incorporate it in Squarespace to improve your SEO. You need to fill several fields, from titles to meta descriptions. Luckily, all of them can be easily accessed in Squarespace, so let’s cover all of the major ones.


Every post and page in Squarespace has a title. The title directly impacts the URL of that post or page. By default, the URL will be “”, thus the title directly influences the URL.

As such, the title should be concise and include the keyword you are trying to rank for. To change the title for a post or page, go to the respective section and click on the Settings next to the post or page you wish to edit.

Settings Improve SEO for Squarespace

This will open up a small popup window, The first option within the General section is the Post or Page Title. Simply edit the field. This will automatically update the URL Slug field to match.

Edit the Title to improve SEO for Squarespace


Headings act as the beginning of sections within posts and pages. They come in multiple layers starting with H1 (which are usually reserved for the content’s title) with subheadings ranging from H2 to H6. As such, you need to make sure your headings are in hierarchal order.

Search engines like Google take this into account when assessing content. Another aspect to keep in mind is the inclusion of the keyword you are ranking for. Having it as part of the heading can help make it easier for search engines and users to find relevant information.

For example, if your keyword was “Amazon Affiliates,” then headings such as “How to enroll in Amazon Affiliates” or “What Is the Amazon Affiliate Program” would be great choices for headers.

Meta Descriptions

While meta descriptions do not influence your rankings, practically every SEO expert recommends filling it out as it can help users identify if visiting your site can help them with their search.

This is because the meta description will appear on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) underneath the link to the site. This allows users to see what the site is about before clicking on it.

Thus, creating an eye-catching meta description that can entice users to check out the site is highly effective. And yes, you should try to include the keyword in your meta description while also trying to remain between 150-160 characters.

Image Alt Text

In some cases, when a user loads a web page, it is possible that the images do not load properly. There are a multitude of factors that can cause this to happen, but the alt text will be displayed in its place to help users know what should have been there.

This text also informs the search engine what the image is supposed to represent. Every image on your site should have alt text that describes the image and include the keyword to help it appear in Google Image searches.

Alt text should only be a few words (12 at the most) and be an actual sentence describing the image. You should avoid using hyphens to separate the words, and can avoid using common words like “the”, “a”, or synonyms of “image”.

4. Submit A Sitemap

A site map is a list of every URL associated with your domain name. It tells the reader (usually the search engine) your site structure and where they can find certain pieces of content. Having one can significantly boost your rankings by helping content get indexed faster.

The search engine bots that crawl through your website can miss content, which means that content may never get indexed, thus it doesn’t appear in search results. A sitemap helps prevent this from happening.

This is because the search engine bot will use the site map and ensure it goes through every link that is included.

Not only do they ensure your pages get indexed, but you can speed up the indexing process by using one. You see, you can submit your sitemap to Google at any time. Doing so will prompt a search bot to visit your site quicker than normal.

Thus, it is easy to understand the importance of a sitemap, and the good news is that Squarespace automatically generates one for you. Every time you make a change to your site, the sitemap should update within the hour, but it can take up to 24 hours.

You can view it by entering “” into your web browser.

However, Squarespace does not submit it for you. As such, you need to visit the Google Search Console, sign in, and submit it to Google for review. This just boils down to signing into your account and pasting the sitemap URL in the appropriate box.

5. Optimize Your Images

One of the major factors for improving your Squarespace website’s SEO is to ensure the website is running fast. In fact, speed is one of the factors that Google directly tells us that is used in search rank position.

One of the biggest issues that slow down websites is unoptimized images.

These images typically have larger file sizes that require additional resources to load, which ultimately slows down your site. As such, optimizing your images should be something you do before they ever get uploaded.

There are several ways to optimize images for Square space, so let’s cover three of them.

Manually Optimize Images

If you create your images from scratch, one of the simplest ways is to optimize the images yourself when saving the file. Virtually all photo editing software like Photoshop includes a variety of options when it comes to compression.

For example, Photoshop has a JPEG Optimized File Format, which will compress the images within the values you select without impacting quality. Other software may have similar features.

That said, an even easier approach is to make sure you save the image at the proper dimensional size.

More often than not, many beginners save their images at sizes larger than they will use. While this may seem harmless, it isn’t. In fact, it’s one of the worst things you can do because larger images have larger file sizes.

As such, be sure to save your image as the size it needs to be.

Use A Squarespace Extension

Squarespace does not have any image compression tool built-in natively, but that doesn’t mean they do not exist. Squarespace has a large library of extensions that work similar to plugins for WordPress.

One such extension is TinyIMG. This tool will help you optimize the images that have already been uploaded to your site, as well as any new ones you upload. Not only does it help with the file size, but it can also remind you to fill out the alt text.

If you are looking to save time, the extension can use AI to generate the Alt text and file name using the best SEO practices. That said, always be careful when relying on AI, as the software is often prone to errors.

Use A Third-Party Tool

Squarespace extensions are not the only tools you can use to optimize images to improve SEO. There are a variety you can find online that allow you to upload an image and compress it for you. That way, you can upload the compressed copy to your site.

And for the most part, these compression tools are free to use. That said, in some cases, the tools will offer higher compression rates if you pay for them, but any image compression is better than none.

Since there are so many to choose from, I recommend testing out several of them to see which one has the best results. Be sure to not only look at the file size but the quality of the image.

6. Create Internal & External Links

Linking both internally and externally, is one of the most important aspects of improving your SEO on any platform.

Internal linking refers to links that bring users to other pieces of content on your site, while external links will send users to other websites. Internal links are designed to keep users engaging with more of your content.

External links are often used to show where statistics come from, or when citing information and stories related to your post. By choosing popular and trusted websites to link to, search engines will recognize the information on your page as worthy of high rankings.

Similarly, having other websites linking to your website will help search engines identify your site as a trustworthy source.

Internal linking helps search engines understand the relationship between certain pieces of content. For example, if you are writing a post about SEO and linking to another page about Sitemaps, Google can identify that these topics are related.

It potentially boosts those page’s rankings.

It is also worth pointing out that the internal links help crawl bots locate other pages and index them for you. While a sitemap should help with this, internal links can also contribute to faster indexing.

With all of this said, it is important to make sure that internal and external links make sense and are relevant to the topic. Failure to do this can sometimes hurt your rankings.

For example, if you had a post about the basics of knitting, a link to a video game blog doesn’t make much sense. Search engines can hold links that don’t make sense against you so be sure to avoid them.

7. Fix Broken Links

Every post or page you create should have several links in it. But as your website ages, those links may break. This can be because the content was deleted, or because you made a change to the URL structure of your website.

No matter the reason, once the link is broken and a user or search engine bot tries to follow the link, they will receive a 404 error message. Most sites will have an individual 404 error page, or have a redirect to other parts of their site.

The 404 error message is one of the most common errors any website will face. Google understands this, which is why the existence of 404 errors will not initially hurt your rankings. However, if left unchecked, they can eventually start to reduce your search position.

Sites have thousands of links at any time. Thus, the actual challenge comes from finding them.

There are two main ways to go about it. The first, and most tedious, would be to manually review your content and check every link. When you find one that doesn’t work, you replace it or remove the link. This won’t work all that well on a larger site as you’ll have to manually check every single link.

Instead, the second and recommended method would be to use a tool that can scan your website for broken links. Unfortunately, Squarespace does not have any built-in tools or extensions that do this. Instead, you will need a third-party tool.

While there are many tools you can choose from, one of the easiest options is All you need to do is enter your website’s URL and it will scan the entire website for you. The tool will list all of the broken links.

Just be aware the process may take a long time for larger sites with thousands of links to scan.

8. Improve Your Local SEO

Local SEO refers to optimization that focuses on making sure your site appears in local searches. For example, have you ever Googled “Restaurants Near Me”? If so, you have performed a local search which is the backbone of local businesses.

Think about it. If you own a restaurant in Miami Florida, your target audience is residents of Miami. It does not matter if users in Ohio can find your restaurant in the search results because they cannot visit the location.

That said, local SEO is only important for brick-and-mortar stores or local businesses like plumbing, electricians, and so on that operate on a local level. If this doesn’t apply to you, don’t worry about optimizing for local searches.

With that said, you are probably wondering, “how do I appear in local searches?”

Well, there are several ways to do this. The first thing, and probably most obvious, is to make sure your address is clearly stated on your website. It should be front and center on every page of your site.

This will help users make sure they are ordering from the right store, and can easily find the place if they’re looking for your location. The other way is to make sure you enter your business into Google My Business. This will help you significantly improve your local SEO.

9. Taxonomies

Taxonomies are a major part of any website with the two most popular examples being categories and tags. The purpose of taxonomies is to help organize content on your site by categorizing them to help users find content quickly.

Or, it can also help find similar content to what they are currently viewing.

However, it is not just users that utilize taxonomies to improve their navigation experience. Search engine bots will also utilize them to crawl through content quickly and efficiently.

This can help search engines rank your pages faster and more accurately, which results in higher placements.

Taxonomies often contain major keywords for broader topics as the category or tag. For example, a video game blog may have PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox as separate categories.

All of these can also act as keywords in their own right but are often too broad to rank individually. With subcategories being the actual game franchises you would find under them like God of War, Mario, and Halo.

As a result, using taxonomies like tags and categories can help you rank for more terms on your website in a more organized manner.

10. Create Amazing Content

The final tip to improve the SEO of your Squarespace website is to create great content. If your website only produces low-quality material, users who find the content will not stay long enough on a web page.

This can mess up site statistics like the bounce rate, which is not a factor for rankings by itself. However, generally speaking, sites with very high bounce rates tend to not do very well when it comes to rankings.

Instead, by producing higher-quality content, you increase the chances that users will share your posts with their friends and family. And even more importantly, other sites will link to your web pages.

This will make search engines think that the content you are producing is trustworthy, which boosts your rankings.

You should also make sure to avoid creating duplicate content. Search engines such as Google will hold duplicate content against you as they view it as low-quality. So, anything you create should be original and at a high-quality level.

Start Optimizing Your Squarespace SEO Today

As you can see, there are a lot of steps you can take to improve your website’s rankings. The SEO tips above are not an extensive list as there’s much more you can do. This is why many websites may consider hiring an SEO specialist to help them.

Just keep in mind that it may take weeks or months to see the effects of the changes you make even if you are following the best SEO practices for Squarespace. That said, you are sure to improve if you follow the tips we have gone through today.

I hope you found this guide helpful in learning how to improve your Squarespace SEO to rank higher.

Are there any tips you want to share that helped you boost your rankings? Do you find Squarespace easy to use?

The post Squarespace SEO: 10 Tips to Optimize Your Website appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Why Every Freelancer Should Have a Video Portfolio on YouTube Tue, 12 Jan 2021 15:00:12 +0000 Finding work as a freelancer can always be a challenge, even with years of experience. However, it doesn’t have to be. By creating a video […]

The post Why Every Freelancer Should Have a Video Portfolio on YouTube appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Finding work as a freelancer can always be a challenge, even with years of experience. However, it doesn’t have to be. By creating a video portfolio on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, you can easily market your skills to potential employers.

While some freelancer jobs may not require a video, others like entertainment, web design, graphic design, and just about anything related to art and creativity do. In fact, it’s almost mandatory at this point to have a video that shows off your talents.

If you are unsure if you need one, simply take a look at other workers in your field, if you see any of them with one, it’s time to get filming.

What Is A Video Portfolio?

A video portfolio shows off your expertise in your field of business by showing off your skillset and previous work to attract new clients in a video format.

This is particularly important in industries that utilize video and graphics, like graphic designers.

With the rise of social media platforms, sharing video content with friends, family, and colleagues has become an integral part of our society. It is even more important if you are targeting millennials since they watch the most video content.

Are Written Resumes and Regular Portfolios Dead?

Absolutely not!

Written resumes are still used by every company to help sort potential workers and find the best fit. In fact, larger companies might spend a small fortune on powerful HR software to find the best talent available, especially when receiving hundreds of applications.

Thus, you must build a resume tailored for that specific job.

But what about regular online portfolios?

Online portfolios are still incredibly important. Not only do these provide examples of your work and show off your creativity, but they can also draw in customers through website ranking. This is especially powerful when combining it with a blog to boost search engine rankings.

And video portfolios can take this a step further by increasing the sharability of your profile and target the millennial age group.

The Types of Video Portfolios

Video Portfolio Types

1. Still Image Galleries

One of the most basic, but effective types of video portfolio is still image galleries. As the name implies, these are a collection of still images that are cycled through with some ambient music in the background or a short description.

These work well for artists and graphic designers who want to show off their work.

2. Demo Video

Showing off your skills live is an excellent choice. For example, a graphic designer could capture themselves creating something from scratch in Photoshop and then speed up the playback with some music in the background.

Not only is it interesting to watch a picture built from scratch, but it also shows off your skill at doing so.

3. Page-turner

A Page-turner is when a camera provides a top-down shot of a book and you turn pages to tell a story. This works very well if you have a collection of art sketches or pages of graphics or logo designs.

It’s an interesting style of video and does a terrific job of showing off your work.

4. Create A Commercial

This might sound a bit weird, but a commercial style video can show off a lot of creativity, as long as you were the one who made it. This is ideal when you are trying to show off video editing and filming skills.

And if it’s entertaining, it’s more likely to be shared with friends on social media.

5. Stop Motion

Stop motion is a well-known technique where you manipulate objects like figurines, models, or drawings in small increments to make them seem like they are moving. It’s perfect for those trying to show off their art skills.

And once again, these can be quite entertaining, which can help rack up views.

How to Make A Video Portfolio

Making a Video Portfolio

Step 1: Hosting Your Website

The first thing you must consider is where you will be hosting your video portfolio. The most common way to host a video is through a platform like YouTube, and that’s perfectly acceptable. In fact, it’s encouraged.

However, you are a professional, and a professional should have their own website.

Thus, you are going to need a web host.

A web host is a company that operates and maintains the server your website is stored on. And there are a variety of factors to consider like uptime, speed, security, affordability, customer support, impact on the environment, and much more.

Step 2: Pick A CMS

You are also going to need to select a platform to build your website on. Luckily, it’s gotten extremely easy to build a website today.

Regardless of what industry you are in or your skill level, WordPress is the best choice to build a website on.

But don’t just take my word for it, it powers nearly 40% of the internet.

One of the main reasons it is such a popular choice is because of its large library of plugins to choose from. These are like apps for your phone. They add features to your website and can be used for just about anything.

And the best part is that you won’t have to write a single line of code.

You can also style your website using the thousands of free themes available. Themes dictate how your website looks and some of the features it has. In your case, you want to locate the best video portfolio themes and find the best fit for your website.

Step 3: Research the Competition

You may think your an expert in your field, but that doesn’t mean you are an expert at marketing in your field. Check out what other freelance workers have put together as a video portfolio.

After all, there are a lot of types to choose from.

For example, if you are a graphic designer, you might show off your editing skills inside of Photoshop and display a gallery with music at the end of the video. Perhaps you are a hairstylist, if so, there’s no better way to show off your skills than by showing before and after shots of clients.

There are a variety of types of video portfolios to consider, but some are better suited for some industries more than others. Thus, you need to research what works in yours.

Step 4: Purchase Video Editing Software and Equipment

This should come as no surprise, but you are going to need video editing software to make a video portfolio. Luckily, there is a lot of choices you may want to consider.

While you may not want to break the bank with top-line software, you need something that will look professional.

You may also need to get some equipment. This typically includes a camcorder, although if you have a really good 4k camera on your phone, you might be get away with it. However, you are definitely going to need a microphone.

The sound of your video can really make or break the presentation value of a portfolio. You don’t want your voice to sound muffled, or picking up the background noise. You need to sound smart and confident if you are speaking in the video.

Step 5: Create A Video Portfolio

With a website ready to go, filming equipment in hand, and video editing software, you are ready to create your profile. While the actual filming process is entirely up to you and different for everyone, there are some general tips you should follow.

If you are filming video, make sure that the background noise is not coming through. While in some situations, this is fine because it is unavoidable, like talking on a street. If your showing off your skills, you want them to be the focus, not the screaming in the background.

Avoid using too many special effects in the editing process. While having some is fine, overusing them can lower the value of your video. It can look like an amateur made it if there are too many.

Make sure the video shows off your skills. While this might seem obvious, this can easily be lost. The video must focus on you and your work. Don’t make a long list of credentials, show your skills.

And most importantly, make sure you have family, friends, and peers review your portfolio. The last thing you want to do is release a video portfolio and have clients spot obvious mistakes or witness bad editing.

This portfolio represents your business, and it needs to be flawless.

Should I Host the Video or Embed It?

Video Shooting

Once you have the video made, you now have another choice to make. Should I upload my video on YouTube and embed it or host the video myself?

If you are planning on using the WordPress platform, I strongly recommend uploading it on YouTube and embedding it. This will result in it being on the YouTube platform, which can significantly help in Google searches and it will ensure faster load times on pages.

Keep in mind that if you do this, make sure you have a YouTube channel ready to go. Simply adding this video to an existing channel full of other videos from the past is not going to look good. Create a channel with your name or business name, add a YouTube banner, and consider other content you can include.

Videos hosted directly on your webpages can significantly lower the loading speed, which can easily scare away customers. After all, if your website runs slow, what does that say about you?

Besides, hosting the video on YouTube also gives you access to a variety of viewers and potential fans. It can open a myriad of doors you may not even realize.

Share Your Video

Once the video has been uploaded up to YouTube and embedded on your website, it’s time to think about marketing.

Share it on every available social media platform you can. Make sure it’s prevalent on your Facebook business page and LinkedIn profile. And make sure to put it on online work boards for your business.

For example, is an excellent place to advertise if you are in the graphic design business. It has a variety of topics to help you find the right clients. Adding a video of what you can do can really help you out.

Consider Hiring An Expert

If video editing isn’t your forte and you feel that a video portfolio can really help you, you might want to consider an expert.

Just like there are plenty of businesses dedicated to helping you create a strong resume, there are plenty of graphic designers that excel in video editing. In fact, most professional YouTubers have editors on staff.

Keep in mind that this will significantly raise the price of building a portfolio, but it’s well worth it if you increase your clientele.

The post Why Every Freelancer Should Have a Video Portfolio on YouTube appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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9 Easy Steps to Boost Holiday Traffic to Your Website Mon, 02 Nov 2020 15:00:25 +0000 The holiday season is an important time for businesses of all niches. If you’re a business owner with a website, you should absolutely take advantage […]

The post 9 Easy Steps to Boost Holiday Traffic to Your Website appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

The holiday season is an important time for businesses of all niches. If you’re a business owner with a website, you should absolutely take advantage of the holiday traffic to boost your revenue.

Online retail sales in the U.S. alone surged to nearly $254 billion in the holiday season of 2023. During this time, shoppers are actively searching for gifts and the best deals, so it’s crucial to have a strategy in place to capture this influx of potential customers. 

However, this surge in traffic also comes with a set of challenges like website crashes and slowdowns. 

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ll guide you through easy steps to help increase holiday traffic to your website, including tips and tricks to ensure your site is ready for the surge. 

Feeling the holiday rush already? Then let’s get started!

Step 1: Optimize Your Website’s User Experience

During the holidays, online traffic surges significantly as more users visit websites to shop, browse, and engage with content. Black Friday weekend is the busiest shopping day of the holiday season.

If your website loads slowly, it can lead to higher bounce rates as users abandon the site in frustration. According to research, 40% of visitors tend to leave if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, especially during time-sensitive shopping events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

So first, you need to check your website’s speed on the front end.

Tools to Check Your Website’s Speed

There are several tools available that can help you measure your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights – This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of your website’s speed and offers suggestions for improving load times.
  • GTmetrix – Offers detailed insights into how your site is performing and suggests optimizations to improve speed.
  • Pingdom – Allows you to monitor site performance and uptime from multiple global locations, providing real-time feedback on speed.​

Tips and Tricks to Help Your Site Load Faster

  1. Compress your images to avoid slow load times. You can drastically reduce the file sizes of your images without losing quality by using tools like TinyPNG or image optimization plugins like Smush to make this process easy.
  2. Use caching. This process stores copies of your website’s pages so they load faster for returning visitors. You can use tools like W3 Total Cache.
  3. Ensure your website’s code is clean and efficient. Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML can help reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded. Implement asynchronous loading to prioritize key elements of the page.

Mobile-Friendly Website

It is also important to note that during the holiday season, a large portion of online shopping and browsing is done using mobile phones. Or even in general, over 58% of global website traffic comes from mobile users, and many people prefer shopping on mobile and apps. 

A poor mobile experience can lead to potential cart abandonment. What’s worse is they can go to a competitor’s store, especially when they are in a rush to take advantage of holiday deals​.

So, ensuring your website performs well on mobile devices can help increase your website’s traffic and reduce bounce rates from your website.

Tips on How to Optimize Your Website for Mobile Use

  1. Use a mobile-friendly theme that automatically adjusts the layout based on the device’s screen size. Many free and paid WordPress themes are designed with mobile users in mind.
  2. Test your site’s mobile friendliness using tools like Bing’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check how well your website performs on mobile devices.
  3. Mobile users should be able to navigate your site easily. Use a streamlined menu system, like a hamburger menu, to keep things simple and ensure users can find what they need quickly.
  4. Using plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache can help store static versions of your site, making it load faster.
  5. Enable AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to make your pages load faster on mobile devices. 
  6. If your site has contact or signup forms, ensure they are mobile-friendly. You can use plugins like WPForms to create forms that adjust to different screen sizes.

Step 2: Leverage SEO and Holiday-Specific Keywords

Holiday-specific keywords are search terms that people use when they’re looking for products, services, or information tied to a particular holiday or festive event. 

For example, terms like Christmas gift ideas, Black Friday deals, or Valentine’s Day flowers are popular around those holidays. These keywords experience a surge in search volume as people prepare for holiday shopping or event planning. 

You can optimize your website with these keywords. This way, you can attract more visitors and boost your chances of ranking higher in search results during high-traffic holiday periods​.

How to Identify Holiday-Related Keywords

  1. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush. You can input broad terms like “Christmas” and receive suggestions for specific phrases with high search volumes.
  2. Check what keywords your competitors are using during the holiday season. This can give you insight into effective phrases that you might have overlooked.​
  3. Tools like Google Trends allow you to track when certain keywords spike in popularity. This helps you time your content perfectly, focusing on specific holidays like Halloween in October or Mother’s Day in May​.

Update Your On-Page SEO

It’s also good to incorporate holiday keywords into your titles, meta descriptions, and content. By doing so, you’re signaling to search engines that your page is relevant to people searching for holiday-related goods and services.

If you already have old blog posts or product pages, refreshing them with seasonal keywords can give them a boost. Plus, search engines give priority to pages that are both relevant and recently updated.

Step 3: Create Holiday-Themed Content

It’s not enough to simply update your old content by injecting holiday-related keywords into it. The best thing that you can do is to create specific holiday-themed content to be published on your website.

Holiday-themed content also enhances brand engagement by creating a festive atmosphere that resonates with your audience. It can spark excitement, drive sales, and encourage users to share your content. This helps you reach a wider audience during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year​.

Ideas for Holiday-Themed Content

  • Gift Guides: Create curated lists such as “Top 10 Gifts for Moms” or “Unique Christmas Gifts Under $50.” These guides help shoppers find what they need easily, and you can feature your own products or link to affiliate items​.
  • Holiday Recipes or DIY Ideas: Share festive recipes, DIY decoration guides, or holiday crafts.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share how your business is preparing for the holidays. Whether it’s decorating your office or showcasing your seasonal products, this type of content creates a personal connection with your audience.​
  • Holiday-Themed Videos: Create short videos featuring holiday greetings, product demos, or customer testimonials that showcase the festive spirit.
  • Interactive Content: Run holiday-themed contests, quizzes, or polls that encourage user participation.

Step 4: Email Marketing for the Holidays

Holiday-themed email campaigns are important because they help you connect with your audience. But with many businesses sending promotions during the holiday season, having a well-planned email campaign that helps you stand out to your audience is a must.

How often should you send emails during the holidays?

To avoid overwhelming your subscribers, balance is key. Sending 1-2 emails per week during the holidays typically works well. Too many emails can lead to frustration and increase the chances of people unsubscribing. 

However, you can send more frequent emails (like daily) during key periods such as Black Friday or the week leading up to Christmas. Always monitor open rates and unsubscribe trends to adjust your frequency accordingly.

Planning a holiday email campaign

  1. Start Early: Begin planning your campaign at least a month or two in advance. This gives you enough time to create and test your content​.
  2. Segment Your Audience: Group your email list based on customer behaviors, interests, or purchase history. This allows you to send more personalized and relevant content, which leads to better engagement.
  3. Create Engaging Content: Use holiday-themed subject lines, festive designs, and strong calls to action. Incorporate seasonal imagery, and be clear about promotions or deadlines (e.g., shipping cutoffs). Including countdown timers or exclusive offers in your email can create urgency.
  4. Test and Optimize: Use A/B testing to find the best-performing subject lines, layouts, and content. Continuously review the performance of your emails and make adjustments to improve results.

Step 5. Utilize Social Media and Paid Advertising

During the holiday season, using social media and paid advertising can help you reach a large audience, create hype, and increase your sales.

Start with organic social media posts. Create engaging holiday-themed content like gift ideas, product highlights, or seasonal promotions.

You can also run paid social media ads. These ads allow you to retarget people who have visited your website, used your app, or engaged with your social posts. During the holidays, offering limited-time discounts or special deals in your ads is a great way to encourage purchases. 

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram let you target specific audiences to ensure your promotions reach the right people.

To get the best results, use a combination of organic posts to engage your audience and paid ads to drive traffic and boost sales.

Best Practices for Creating Holiday-Themed Posts and Stories

  • Create Festive Visuals: Use holiday-specific imagery, colors, and themes that align with the season. For instance, you can post photos of your products in a festive setting or share behind-the-scenes holiday preparations​.
  • Use Holiday Hashtags: Including popular holiday hashtags like #HolidayDeals or #GiftGuide helps increase visibility.
  • Time Your Posts Well: Schedule your holiday posts strategically. Posting too early or too late may miss the holiday shopping window. Begin your campaign about a month in advance and ramp up your efforts as the holidays approach​.

Step 6: Use Promotions, Giveaways, and Discounts

Who doesn’t like free or discounted items when shopping? I bet everyone does.

Hosting giveaways and contests during the holidays is a great way to engage your audience and increase your brand’s visibility. People are more likely to participate during this festive season, especially if the prizes match the holiday spirit.

For example, you can ask participants to enter by providing their email or sharing your post. This helps you grow your email list and reach more people, especially as they search for deals and prizes during the holidays.

Tools for Managing Giveaways:

  • ShortStack: Useful for building viral contests and collecting leads without the need for coding skills.
  • Woobox: Great for managing giveaways across multiple platforms.
  • Gleam: Makes it easy to add different entry options like social media follows or email sign-ups.

Use Scarcity Marketing 

Scarcity marketing drives urgency by making people feel like they might miss out on something valuable. Limited-time offers and prizes motivate customers to act quickly. During the holidays, using strategies like countdown timers and flash sales encourages fast purchasing decisions.

You can also apply this approach to giveaways by setting strict entry deadlines. Additionally, offering time-limited discounts can further compel customers to take action before the opportunity passes.

Step 7: Strengthen Your Site’s Infrastructure

You’re trying your best to boost your website’s holiday traffic, but is your site’s infrastructure ready to handle them?

If your hosting plan is not equipped to handle these traffic surges, it can lead to slow loading times or even website crashes.

Upgrading your hosting plan ensures that your website can manage the increased demand, offering faster performance and a smoother user experience​. Scalable hosting, like the plans offered by GreenGeeks, allows your website to dynamically increase resources, such as bandwidth and processing power, as traffic rises.

Step 8: Use Analytics to Track and Optimize Results

Monitoring your website’s traffic is crucial because it helps you see how visitors engage with your site and shows if your marketing efforts are working. 

Tools like Google Analytics can track key data such as where your traffic is coming from, how many visitors are converting into customers, and how quickly people leave your site. This data helps you identify which parts of your site and campaigns are performing well and which areas need improvement.

Additionally, evaluating your holiday marketing strategies allows you to improve for the next year.

Step 9: Come up With a Post-Holiday Content Strategy

After the holiday rush, it’s important to keep your audience engaged and maintain momentum. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Post-Holiday Sales and Promotions: Encourage customers to take advantage of clearance sales or discounts on leftover holiday inventory.
  2. Thank You Campaigns: Show appreciation to your customers for their support during the holidays by sending personalized thank-you emails or social media posts.
  3. Customer Feedback and Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews or feedback about their holiday purchases. This can help build trust and provide valuable insights for improving your business.

Keep Holiday Content Live Year-Round

People may still search for holiday-related items or information after the season ends. If your content is readily available and optimized, you can continue attracting visitors with it.

Benefits of Keeping Seasonal Content Accessible

  • Continuous Traffic: Seasonal content, like holiday guides or recipes, stays relevant and can bring in visitors throughout the year, especially as people start planning early for future holidays.
  • Improved Search Rankings: Search engines keep indexing your holiday content, which can improve its ranking over time. Updating and reusing the content helps boost its visibility.
  • Efficient Content Creation: Instead of making new content every year, you can simply update your existing seasonal posts with fresh information, making the process quicker and easier.

FAQs About Boosting Holiday Traffic to Your Website

Why is holiday traffic important for my website?

Holiday traffic is crucial because more people shop online during this period, offering a huge opportunity to increase sales. If your website is prepared, you can capture more visitors and convert them into customers.

What are the benefits of planning early for holiday traffic?

Early planning gives you time to optimize your website, test your strategies, and fix potential issues. It ensures that your site is ready to handle the traffic surge and convert visitors into customers effectively.

What are some common mistakes to avoid during the holiday season?

Common mistakes include not optimizing your website for mobile, neglecting to update content, not preparing for increased traffic, and failing to use holiday-specific keywords.

What type of promotions work best during the holidays?

Limited-time discounts, bundle deals, and flash sales often perform well during the holidays. Adding countdown timers also creates urgency and encourages customers to act quickly.

What should I include in my holiday email campaigns?

Your holiday email campaigns should include special promotions, personalized gift suggestions, and calls-to-action that link directly to your website’s holiday-themed pages.

What is retargeting, and how can it help boost holiday traffic?

Retargeting shows ads to users who have visited your website but didn’t make a purchase. This can help bring back potential customers and increase conversions during the holidays.

How do I encourage customers to leave reviews during the holidays?

You can encourage reviews by sending follow-up emails after a purchase, offering small discounts or incentives for leaving feedback, or making it easy to review products on your site.

Get Ready for a Holiday Rush Like Never Before

Taking early steps to optimize your website for holiday traffic will help your business succeed during this important time. The sooner you start, the better you’ll be at turning visitors into customers and achieving long-term success.

Make sure to focus on key areas like improving your website’s user experience, creating holiday-themed content, using the right keywords, and monitoring your traffic. It’s also crucial to prepare for a big surge in traffic by ensuring your website can handle it with a reliable, scalable hosting plan, such as GreenGeeks.

Are you ready for the holiday rush? Start applying these steps now to boost your traffic and sales for the holidays. Time to make that list and check it twice!

The post 9 Easy Steps to Boost Holiday Traffic to Your Website appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Do You Even Blog? Why Every Freelance Website Should Have Content Tue, 04 Aug 2020 14:45:02 +0000 If you’re a freelance writer, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you have a website. One that you use to sell […]

The post Do You Even Blog? Why Every Freelance Website Should Have Content appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

If you’re a freelance writer, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you have a website. One that you use to sell your services. And it’s probably also safe to assume that you’ve posted some writing samples. But does your freelance website have a blog? And if so, how often do you publish a new article?

A blog may seem like an obvious thing to have on a freelance writer’s website. But some of you out there don’t have blogs. Or you don’t keep the content updated (which may be worse than not having one at all).

So I’m here today, brothers and sisters, to encourage you to blog on the website that represents your services. You’re marketing yourself on a freelance website, not just your writing.

Blog posts about topics that interest you help present you as a person, not just a faceless writing machine.

You can also look at blog posts as additional writing samples, and you can’t have too many of those. Any way you look at it, if you’re a freelance writer, you should have a blog.

Let’s Back Up for a Minute – You Do Have a Website, Don’t You?

It’s certainly possible to get work as a writer without a website. But setting up your own freelancer site will give you a leg up. A website provides you with a platform to establish your brand and raise your profile.

And it isn’t as big of a commitment of time and resources as you might think.

All you need is a web host, a domain name, and WordPress. You can download and install WordPress for free. And if you use GreenGeeks as your web host, your domain name is free for the first year.

I know there are “free” websites available out there, but I wouldn’t recommend using them for a professional services site. Perception is reality, and a site on a free service gives the impression that you’re not serious about your business.

It’s a rookie mistake to send a potential employer to “” or a similar address. Don’t make it!

The annual cost of your website can be offset by a few hours of work on a magnificent writing job. A job that you may not have come your way if not for the website. See, a site is symbiotic and usually pays for itself if the stage is properly set.

What You Should Include in Your Freelance Website

We’ll talk about blogging in a minute, but a few other things should be present on your freelance website.

  • A list of the services you offer. For instance, can you do editing as well as article creation? Formatting? Uploading? SEO? Make sure everything you can do, as far as writing is concerned, is listed on your site.
  • Writing samples. You usually won’t have permission to use the actual articles you’ve written for clients. So write a few sample articles on different topics that use the same requirements as a paid assignment.
  • At least one picture of yourself. And not for nothing, but get dressed for the picture. I know you work in your pajamas, but prospective employers want to see something a bit less casual.
  • Your prices. I know that can be difficult, but it helps weed out people who aren’t paying what you want to earn. Remember, perception is reality. If I’m shopping for a writer, I know I’m not going to get a professional article for $50. So sell potential clients by offering a quality service at a reasonable price.
  • Testimonials or referrals. Those can be scarce if you’re just getting started. If you don’t have any professional reviews or testimonials yet, perhaps helpful friends or family can write something for you. If you go that route, be sure to replace them as you earn kudos or referrals from paying clients.
  • An “about” page. Talk about your skills as an efficient, quality writer, but also add one or two personal points. Most people who will hire you are hiring a person, not a writing sample, or a rate.
  • A “contact” page. Better still, contact information in the footer or sidebar of every page or post. Provide multiple forms of contact, email, phone, a form on the site, social media accounts – give the potential client choices.

That’s not everything that potentially belongs on a freelance website, but it covers the basics. Before you start your blog, pin down those essential sections. Once you’ve taken care of them, you can focus your attention on the blog.

Why Your Freelance Marketing Content Should Include a Blog

Include a Blog

Aside from providing additional samples of what you can do, a blog also helps you in other ways.

Any of these benefits is reason enough to consider starting a blog. But the combination of all of them clearly shows the power of blogging for any freelancer.

Blogging Establishes Authority

If you’re trying to get work as a fashion writer, authoritative blog posts about fashion help make that connection. The same goes for any subject, topic, or niche. If you appear to be an expert in the field, you’re more likely to be hired (and justify your rate).

A valuable side-effect of such articles is that Google also likes to see authority. The more authoritative writing content you can produce, the higher your blog will rank in search results. Which, in turn, puts your content in front of more buyers.

Blogging Can Give Potential Employers Insight Into Your Personality

People who hire other people for jobs are supposed to be impartial and judge all applicants on their merits. But they’re still people, so their own preferences and biases will sneak into the process.

The truth is, you’re more likely to be hired if the person doing the hiring likes you. That’s a mistake on their part, but it still happens all the time.

As a freelancer with only a website to make a first impression, your personality is essential. If I’m looking for a writer, I have a lot of choices. If it comes down to a choice between someone who seems easygoing and someone who isn’t, guess who I’m hiring?

So, let the world see your personality. But if you’re generally disagreeable, dissatisfied, sarcastic, or otherwise curmudgeonly, try to put forth a personality without those traits.

Hey, you’re a writer, I understand. Sometimes a skewed world view comes with the territory.

There’s nothing wrong with that. But focus as much as possible on the cooperative and team-oriented aspects of what you do. The side of you that plays well with others.

A Blog Makes Your Website Dynamic

A list of your services, prices, samples, and contact information are crucial freelance website elements, but they’re also static. Once you put up an “about” page, it probably isn’t going to change very often.

But a blog changes your website every time you post a new article. When you add new articles regularly, you have a dynamic website. That looks good to potential employers and to Google.

What you want to avoid is a dead or inactive blog. When the latest post is two years old, it gives the impression that you have abandoned the site.

But even a few months since the last post doesn’t look good. You want anyone who comes across the site to feel like they’ve encountered an active, vibrant spot. That things are happening all the time, and the content is fresh.

I’m trying to convince you to start a blog, but ask yourself if it’s something you can maintain. Maybe you know that you can’t come up with a new article every couple of weeks (at least).

If that’s the case, the reality is a blog may not be for you. Or move forward with a blog, but don’t display the dates of the posts publicly.

Of course, if you go that route, you want to avoid topical or news-related posts. They’ll tend to date your content regardless of whether you attach a date.

A Blog Is Just Good Writing Practice

Writing is like playing a musical instrument. If you only pick it up when it’s time for a gig, you’re going to sound rusty. Writers need to practice the same way musicians or athletes do.

Regular practice keeps your skills at a professional level, so you’re ready when it’s time for your solo.

And what better practice for a writer than writing? John Steinbeck said, “Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”

In other words, the act of writing feeds on itself. Writing leads to more writing. And of course, the more you write, the better writer you become. That’s a fact.

Keep an Eye on Quality

Write Quality Content

It’s easy to slip into informality or sloppy writing when you’re blogging. It’s generally a relaxed and unpretentious format. You want your personality to shine through, but be careful not to be too casual in your posts.

Use a tool like Grammarly to keep you on the right side of the road.

Don’t post immediately after finishing an article. Sleep on it and read it the next day. I guarantee you’ll find something to fix or improve. This holds especially true if you put in a lot of hours on a piece.

You need some distance, even if it’s just a night, to see any piece of writing clearly.

Proofread three times. If you already proofread three times, proofread four times. The worst thing you can do when you’re trying to sell your writing is to publish articles that contain mistakes.

Potential employers will zero in on any error on the page like laser-guided attack dogs. Don’t give them a chance to get off-leash.

Still Not Convinced?

Maybe you didn’t believe me when I said it was easier than you think to set up a website. I understand as I’m a skeptic, too. But what if I could show you how to install WordPress in a couple of minutes?

And setting up the website hosting account doesn’t take much longer than that. From start to finish, you can have a site up and running in less time than it takes to read this article.

And those pages I said a good freelance website should have? They’re easy to create in WordPress. If you’ve never used WordPress, sure, there will be a few things you must learn to do. But it’s not much more difficult than learning to work a new TV remote control.

Once you’re used to it, you won’t even notice it’s there. Or more to the point, it won’t get in your way.

Give Yourself Every Advantage

It seems like there are millions of freelance writers working today. Maybe because there are millions of writers out there. So how do you make yourself stand out? How do you communicate that there’s an advantage to be gained by hiring you?

It starts with a good home for your business. A professional and competent face. Putting the proper care and feeding into your site and blog can get you hired—that, and of course, good, authoritative writing.

Hopefully, I’ve shown you that the benefits of adding a blog to your freelance website pay a number of dividends. The sum of everything you do will be greater than the parts. Create an attractive package, and you’ll be ahead of 90% of your competition.

There’s no other single thing you can do to gain that kind of advantage. What are you waiting for?

The post Do You Even Blog? Why Every Freelance Website Should Have Content appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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What is Ello and What Can it Do for You as a Creator? Tue, 14 Jul 2020 15:00:21 +0000 There are quite literally hundreds of social networking or social media sites and apps. But when we talk about social media, we’re usually talking about […]

The post What is Ello and What Can it Do for You as a Creator? appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

There are quite literally hundreds of social networking or social media sites and apps. But when we talk about social media, we’re usually talking about a handful of sites. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Those are the sites most often mentioned for the general promotion of blogs or websites.

But if you’re an artist, designer, or any other kind of creative type, there’s another social network that you should be using. It’s called Ello.

Ello is unique in that it focuses on creativity and creators. Unlike other more passive social networks, Ello actively works to provide connections and opportunities for creators.

If you’ve been looking for a social network that can actually do something for you, Ello may be it.

Say Hello to Ello

Ello launched in 2014, so it’s been around for a while. Initially, it was created as a response and alternative to Facebook. There had been (and continues to be) a lot of news stories about Facebook selling user data, and many users were concerned.

When Ello launched, the founders published a manifesto, and used the tag line, “You Are Not a Product.”

But as a new network, Ello was still small. Maybe purposely so. They did not (and still don’t) accept paid advertising. Its founders didn’t set out to create the next Facebook. It was a side-project, intended to be a social site for their friends, and whoever else was interested.

For a while, that’s what it was, peaking at around 30,000 users.

But then Facebook began enforcing a “real name” policy that angered (and even endangered) some users. One of Ello’s founders posted a criticism of Facebook’s policy, and that attracted millions of new users to Ello.

Eventually, creative users began to nudge Ello away from being a generic social network. When it became clear who the active core users were, Ello pivoted and began calling itself “The Creators Network.”

What Ello Can Do for You

Every social network provides a community for its users. Ello does that too. But, Ello’s users are generally much more involved than those on other platforms. When you cultivate good connections on Ello, those people will venture outside of Ello to see your work.

And Ello itself will elevate users it finds interesting. Not through the use of a black-box algorithm, but directly, through recommendations and giveaways.

Here are a few of the things Ello does to promote and benefit creators.

Arts Editorial

Every day, an Ello “curatorial team” features community members on their editorial homepage and their social profiles. Artists and their works and ideas are actively promoted across the platform.

Ello editorial page

To give you some idea of what that means, my partner and I joined Ello at the same time. A few months after we joined, an Ello founder shared one of her posts featuring her art.

Within days, she had ten times more followers than I did. For months, after just a single shared post, her follower count continued to grow by the thousands.

Since then, she’s racked up half a million post views. That’s not a huge number compared to celebrity posts on the major social networks. But what I find interesting about it is 59% of her followers view her posts.

That’s the sign of an engaged user base! Ello users appear to be much more engaged than users on the major social networks. The only way 59% of your Facebook friends will see your post is if you pay Facebook to force it on them.

And her experience was in the relatively early days of Ello. Back in 2014, just before it began gaining a lot of press attention. I can only imagine how many new followers featured artists gain now.

And the arts editorials aren’t the only hand-picked recommendations. There’s also a “community update” that features Ello artists both on the Ello blog and in a daily email newsletter.

So, you can see that Ello takes a very active role in boosting the profiles of their artists.

Not for Print

Ello prints (yes, on actual paper) an ironically-titled publication called, Not for Print. It’s published quarterly, and all Not for Print contents come from Ello user submissions. Issues follow different artistic themes, and they’re curated to showcase the creative talent on Ello.

Ello not for print page

They use creative briefs (more on that in a minute) to spell out guidelines and gather submissions. A vetted panel of impartial judges chooses the artists and works that are published in Not for Print.

Each edition of Not for Print is sponsored by an “artists-first” brand partner.


In the art world, a monograph is a book that contains the work of a single artist. Underscore is a book/zine combination that Ello publishes quarterly.

Ello underscore page

Every quarter, Ello posts a creative brief that’s used to choose ten artists for publication in Underscore. One of the artist’s work is published in book form. A monograph featuring the chosen artist’s work and ideas.

Nine other artists are interviewed and published in a zine that’s published along with the monograph.

Most artists have to wait for a gallery or museum show to see a published monograph of their work. It’s quite an accomplishment and not something you’re ever going to get from Pinterest or Facebook.

Ello Art Giveaway Program

Every week, Ello buys three pieces of artwork from Ello artists. Then, the work is promoted and given away to randomly selected members of the community.

Ello art giveaway page

That’s right, Ello actually buys work from its members. Then they give the work away as prizes.

Well, more accurately, they find sponsors to buy the work, but the result is the same—a sale for an artist, and a free piece of art for a user.

Those giveaways drive members to the creator’s user account, resulting in more followers. Similar to what they do when they feature work on the editorial homepage.

If you land a spot in the Art Giveaway Program, not only do you make a sale, you gain followers. And like any social network, more followers equals more attention and influence.

Ello Artist Collective

The Ello Artist Collective is an invitation-only, curated group made up of Ello’s top professional creative talent. Established artists are represented, but the collective also includes many “emerging” artists.

Ello promotes its Artists Collective members brands, agencies, and publishers. Resulting in commissions for graphic design, photography, fine art, illustration, 3D, gifs, video, music, and other disciplines.

Ello artist collective page

Ello Artist Collective members are invited to participate in projects (unlike the open-submission projects we’ll discuss in the next section). They receive financial compensation for their contributions.

The Ello Artist Collective is invitation-only, but you can give them a nudge in your direction by emailing They’re unlikely to select artists who aren’t active on the site, though, so get involved before angling for an invitation.

Ello Creative Briefs

I saved the best for last.

Ello Creative Briefs connects the Ello creator community with brands, agencies, and publishers via real-time creative briefs. The briefs are creative projects offered to Ello’s global community of artists.

Ello creative briefs page

It works like this: You submit your work to the creative brief you’re interested in. Then, a panel of judges chooses what they consider the best work that fits the criteria of the brief.

I don’t know if this is the same “vetted panel of impartial judges” that choose work for Not For Print. If they choose your work, you get paid.

The Creative Briefs are listings from companies and brands that are looking for creative work, usually for social media.

These are not small-time companies just getting off the ground. They’re network television shows, fashion brands, major motion pictures, book publishers, record companies, and other national and internationally-known brands.

Which Brands Post Opportunities in the Form of Creative Briefs?

It might be easier to list which brands don’t. 😉

The page currently shows offers from, among others, Disney, Marvel, DC, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Turner Network, Columbia TriStar, MGM, Universal Pictures International, United Artists, Bombay Sapphire, Absolut, Johnnie Walker, Ballantine’s, Miller Lite, Nielsen Research, Getty Images, The United Nations(!), Lindt, Pampers, Whirlpool, and POKÉMON.

Ello creative briefs samples

I did a quick and dirty tally of the 60 most recent opportunities in Creative Briefs, and the average offer for accepted work or ideas is over $2,500 per piece, with $2,000 being the most common offer.

Granted, all of the assignments bear the caveat of “up to” the quoted price. And of course, you’re doing the work on spec. If they choose your work, you get paid. If they don’t, you don’t.

But those kinds of strings are attached to most spec work. The level of companies looking for work should reassure you that it’s a legitimate creative marketplace.

With companies like Warner Bros. Home Entertainment offering up to $7,000 and Premier League football club Watford FC £10,000, it’s safe to say this isn’t Fiverr we’re talking about. (No offense to Fiverr, that’s just a different kind of marketplace.)

Was Ello Lucky or Clever?

I mentioned earlier that Ello pivoted from its initial stance as the anti-Facebook. That’s true, but it may not have been a voluntary pivot.

After the initial flurry of media attention in 2014, a few million people joined Ello. But the platform was still in its infancy, so there wasn’t much for them to do. Many who joined during the first big wave of sign-ups quickly abandoned the platform.

If that sounds familiar, perhaps you remember Google+, which went through a somewhat similar experience. But unlike Ello, Google+ had no underlying beliefs or interests to take it in any specific direction.

Google certainly didn’t have a manifesto. It was a generic product from a huge company.

Full disclosure, I quite enjoyed Google+ and used it every day until it was shut down. I realize we were in the minority, but there were a lot of smart, interesting people on Google+. May she rest in peace.

Ello, however, had a small group of founders who did have a vision. And since they never intended to be the world’s largest social network, they were able to survive a mass exodus. Those who remained were the independent creators, and they slowly, lovingly, built Ello back up to what it is today.

What is it today? The world’s best niche social network for creators.

Give and Take

All of the different things Ello does to promote its users and provide opportunities for them are impressive. They certainly go above and beyond what most social platforms choose to do. But the real strength of Ello is its users.

I mentioned that they were engaged, and that’s the key. Ello users love art and creativity. They respond to it and support it. Not surprisingly, considering most of the users are creators themselves.

But that engagement spills out beyond the borders of Ello. Posting a link to your website will actually bring visitors to your content. You can’t say the same for most of the big social networks.

And those visitors don’t just hit your link and bounce. They tend to stick around and explore. Google Analytics “time on site” averages about three times longer than traffic from other referrers on my partner’s website.

That’s an audience that is interested and engaged and should be cultivated. Ello can provide that audience for you, too. Of course, you have to do your part and be active and engaged on Ello as well. That applies to any social network. You get out of it what you put into it.

But if you’re a creator looking for the highest return on your investment of time, look no further than Ello.

The post What is Ello and What Can it Do for You as a Creator? appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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25 Best Twitter Tools You Can Use Right Now for Free Tue, 07 Jul 2020 15:00:04 +0000 While Twitter may have changed its name to X, it is still one of the most popular social media platforms on the Internet. As such, […]

The post 25 Best Twitter Tools You Can Use Right Now for Free appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

While Twitter may have changed its name to X, it is still one of the most popular social media platforms on the Internet. As such, it is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. Luckily, there are dozens of amazing Twitter tools you can use.

These tools help with marketing efforts, building relationships with customers, opening the door for collaborations, and much more. However, due to the sheer popularity of Twitter, there are so many tools to choose from.

And unfortunately, not all of them are great. That’s why I have created this list to help you find the best tools to help you manage your Twitter account.

Let’s take a look at what you can expect in 2024.

Free Twitter Tools to Use

1. Make a Meme

Make A Meme Twitter Tools

Have you ever wondered how most social media accounts always seem to be able to have the perfect meme for any situation? Well, it is because they use a tool to create their memes instead of searching for them.

The Make a Meme tool is exactly what it sounds like and allows users to make memes. This allows you to pick out an image from some of the most popular images and select what the text on it says.

This tool is not made for Twitter exclusively, but instead works for any platform where placing a meme can be beneficial, which is pretty much anywhere nowadays. It’s a great tool to take your meme game to the next level.

Benefits of Using Make a Meme

  • Add a watermark to your meme
  • Choose different fonts for your meme
  • Select from memes that other users have made
  • The image directly updates frequently to capitalize on new events
  • Upload your own image to turn into a meme

2. Followerwonk


Do you want a deeper understanding of your followers on Twitter? This is a free analytical tool that helps you analyze your followers and find their interests as well as overlapped interests with other followers.

With this information, you can create content that can better target your main audience. For example, if you notice that most of your audience is mentioning a certain topic, tweeting about that topic can help you boost engagement.

And since this tool was acquired by Fedica, you’ll now have access to an AI assistant that can analyze and compile the results about your followers for you.

For a free tool, there are a lot of options you can take advantage of, so be sure to give it a try.

Benefits of Using Followerwonk

  • Compare time with you versus a competitor
  • Publishes on up to 6 platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Estimate campaign results
  • View where followers come from on a map
  • Track what languages your followers speak

3. Buffer


Buffer offers a free version that is perfect for users just starting out on Twitter. This version focuses on providing publishing and planning tools to users and provides an AI assistant to help you with these efforts.

One of the biggest challenges anyone has while starting out on Twitter, or any social media network for that matter, is ensuring they are active on the platform with a constant stream of content for their audience to interact with.

Let’s face it, if you do not actively post on the account, no one will follow you. Buffer helps that by helping you plan future content and publish it on a schedule. It will also identify gaps in your release schedule and remind you to fill them.

Benefits of Using Buffer

  • Set a time to publish and Buffer handles the rest
  • Excellent calendar interface makes it easy to plan
  • Get reminders when you don’t have any content scheduled
  • Works on other platforms besides Twitter

4. The Latest

The Latest

The Latest is an interesting tool, if you consider it one. It compiles the top-performing links on Twitter, which makes it easy for you to understand what users are clicking on and what topics are currently popular.

The website listing is updated in real-time, thus you can see how the standings change throughout the day. As a user, this allows you to see what topics would be great to talk about on your own channel.

Unlike other tools, there is no signup or anything like that. This tool simply exists to display the 10 most popular links on the platform and nothing more. It’s a great starting point for ideas.

Benefits of Using The Latest

  • Can view updates on their site by its Twitter feed
  • Receive browser notifications when the list is updated

5. Typefully

Typefully Twitter Tools

Typefully is an excellent tool that can bring your Twitter game to the next level. It helps you write tweets in an effective manner, generate ideas using AI, and also works in a group setting.

For example, you can create drafts of your tweets that your colleagues can see, and they can leave feedback in the form of comments. This can help you catch any problematic phrases or typos before they go live.

It also has scheduling functionality. This helps you create tweets for future releases and schedule the exact time they go live. It is a great option to ensure there is always content coming out even when you are on vacation.

Benefits of Using Typefully

  • Also publishes on LinkedIn
  • See analytics for all major stats
  • View the most popular tweets in certain categories
  • Includes Zapier integration options

6. ThreadMagic

ThreadMagic is one of the best free TwitterTools

ThreadMagic is an interesting tool on this list because it may seem more like a Tool for LinkedIn than Twitter. The premise of this tool is simple; it takes your Twitter threads and converts them to a carousel PDF that you can display on LinkedIn.

It essentially allows you to reuse all of the content on Twitter and repurpose it into a format that is popular on LinkedIn. There’s not much else to say here as this tool is a one-trick pony. All you’ll need is your Twitter Thread URL and you’re good to go.

Benefits of Using ThreadMagic

  • Repurpose Twitter content for LinkedIn
  • PDFs of your Twitter Threads may be useful even if you do not post them

7. Crowdfire


Are you interested in sharing cool articles and blog posts with your user base? If so, consider giving the Crowdfire tool a try. This one allows you to input topics you are interested in and it will turn up popular results you can share on Twitter.

And just to be clear, these recommendations will not be exclusively for your site. That said, you can set it to track your site and make recommendations for it. Once you find something you like, you can schedule to post it on your account.

Posting articles is a great way to start a conversation with your user base, especially if it is closely related to your article. Just be careful about promoting your competition with some of the recommendations.

Benefits of Using Crowdfire

  • Works on other social networks besides Twitter
  • Can also be used to search for images
  • Include RSS feed content
  • Display content from your YouTube channel

8. Grammarly


There’s a good chance if you run a blog, you are already using Grammarly to help you avoid typos and grammatical errors. And good news, Grammarly does the same thing on Twitter or any other social media platform.

For those unaware, Grammarly is one of the most popular spelling and grammar checkers on the Internet. You can install it as an extension on most browsers.

As you write, you will see red, blue, or yellow lines underneath the text. The color represents the type or error like spelling or grammar. This will help you avoid typos in your tweets.

This helps you look more professional and since it is free to use, there is no downside. I can’t tell you the number of times Grammarly has stopped me from posting embarrassing tweets.

Benefits of Using Grammarly

  • Works on PC, Mac, Android, and IOS
  • Suggest sentence rephrasing to help make it clearer
  • Displays the tone your writing has (confident, negative, etc.)

9. Google Trends

Google Trends is one of the best tools for Twitter

When it comes to tools for Twitter, you may not immediately think of Google Trends, but you should. Google Trends allows you to see the search value for specific terms and phrases through Google.

Naturally, this gives you a great insight into what’s hot around the world. One of the most useful functions is being able to isolate searches by country. Thus, if you have a large audience in a specific country, you can analyze what’s trending there.

Google Trends is free to use and a great tool to use alongside others that give you geographical information about your user base. You can also narrow the search to individual cities or towns.

It’s quite comprehensive.

Benefits of Using Google Trends

  • Data updates in real-time
  • Compare search results against each other
  • view searches from specific time periods

10. Giphy


When it comes to interacting with users online, GIFs are a dominant force that can help engage with your audience. However, tracking down a GIF can sometimes be hard, that’s where Giphy comes in.

This site has thousands of options you can use when posting on Twitter. It even has a GIF builder where you can make your own creations. It supports all types of files like JPG, PNG, MP4, and more.

They also have a new Sticker builder that works great on any social media platform. If you are interested in making your posts or replies more interesting, Giphy is a great choice.

Benefits of Using Giphy

  • Thousands of new GIFs added every day
  • Use existing GIFs to create new ones
  • All GIFs include share links for Twitter

Premium Twitter Tools to Use

1. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media toolkit for every major platform, and its selection of Twitter tools is among the best. It can easily help you connect your Twitter account to other profiles and websites.

Thus, it can significantly cut the work you’ll have to do.

For example, it will recommend what hashtags to use for your posts, identify gaps in your release schedule, create automatic captions, and much more. This can shave hours off of your monthly schedule.

And most recently, it has introduced AI into the mix. It can recommend content ideas, boost engagement, and more with almost no effort. It is worth noting that it has a respectable 30-day free trial, which is a great starting point.

Benefits of Using Hootsuite

  • Monitors keywords and hashtags your competitors use
  • Identify tweets to respond to to have a bigger impact
  • Monitor tweets that reference your business or brand
  • Identify the best time to release a tweet to your audience
  • Gain access to an in-depth Twitter analytics

Cost of Using Hootsuite

  • Professional plan begins at $99 per month
  • Team plan begins at $249 per month
  • Enterprise options are available

2. Tweet Hunter


Tweet Hunter is a tool that was built for and focuses exclusively on Twitter. As a result, it is easily one of the best tools for the platform and helps you manage virtually every aspect of your Twitter account.

It utilizes an AI that can help compile the top tweets for specific categories so that you can see what is working and form ideas based on only the most successful content on the Platform.

The AI can also be used to help automate a lot of things like sending out automatic DM replies or retweet replies. It also has CRM baked in that helps you sell products through your Twitter account.

Benefits of Using Tweet Hunter

  • Easily schedule tweets to ensure a constant stream of content
  • Monitor key analytics for your account
  • Easily sort tweets by date or performance
  • Supports Emojis, GIFs, images, and videos when scheduling
  • Ai can generate tweet ideas

Costs of Using Tweet Hunter

  • Plans begin at $49 per month

3. Circleboom


Circleboom is a Twitter management tool that helps you do just about everything you can do on Twitter. And most importantly, everything you can do with this tool is incredibly simple and intuitive thanks to an excellent design.

The core of the plugin is about understanding your audience. It provides Twitter User Analytics that help you identify everything you can about your user base. This includes their age, sex, location, interests, and more.

By better understanding your audience, you can create content that keeps them engaged and increases the likelihood that they share it with their friends who are likely to have similar interests.

Benefits of Using CircleBoom

  • Twitter Search Tool helps you locate new followers
  • Locate Tweets you have liked to unlike them
  • Locate retweets you have posted to easily delete them
  • Utilize AI to help improve your account

Cost of Using CircleBoom

  • Limited Plan begins at $27.99 per month
  • Pro plan begins at $22.99 per month
  • Plus plan begins at $29.99 per month
  • Premium plan begins at $35.99 per month
  • All plans are cheaper if you buy them annually

4. Twitonomy


Twitonomy is an analytical tool for Twitter. It focuses on telling you who is viewing your content, where they are viewing it from, when they are viewing it, and so on. On top of this, it identifies opportunities for growth.

For example, were you mentioned by a bigger influencer or a sizable account? If so, it highlights these tweets and presents actionable insights telling you to follow them and respond to their posts in order to take advantage of the situation.

One of the more interesting features would be lists. These allow you to group your followers together into their own groups. This makes it easier to follow certain users than the default follow system on Twitter.

Benefits of Using Twitonomy

  • View followers on a world map
  • Monitor users on your favorite list
  • View follower reports to see what they have been up to
  • Great dashboard UI to make viewing stats easy
  • Identify followers that have followed you, but you have not followed back

Cost of Using Twitonomy

  • Twitonomy begins at $19 per month

5. Canva


Canva is a graphic design tool that was not designed with Twitter in mind but has become one of the best options for creating images to use on the platform. It utilizes a great interface that makes it accessible at any skill level.

Of course, you won’t have to start from scratch. One way you can save time is by using the thousands of templates that Canva provides users for free. They include images, fonts, and more that are all ready to be edited to match your needs.

Images are a core component of any social media platform. Having great images makes your account look more professional and can improve user engagement. Start using Canva today and bring your image game to the next level.

Benefits of Using Canva

  • Use AI to generate images you can post
  • Invite friends, family, collaborators, and so on to build with Canva together
  • Use the images you create here for T-shirts and other merch
  • Choose from thousands of templates
  • Post social media posts directly from Canva

Cost of Using Canva

  • Profession plan begins at $30 per month
  • Small Team plan begins at $50 per month
  • Agency plan begins at $100 per month
  • Agency+ plan begins at $200 per month

6. SocialPilot

SocialPilot is one of the best Twitter tools

SocialPilot is an all-in-one social media management tool that does an exceptional job with Twitter content. Not only does it help you manage your Twitter account, but you can manage multiple Twitter accounts from a single location.

SocialPilot features an excellent scheduling feature that allows you to schedule up to 500 tweets at once, meaning, you could schedule months of content in a single day. And if you are having trouble coming up with content, the AI assistant can help.

It will generate tweets based on your previous entries. Granted, you will probably want to modify the tweet, but it is still a great timesaver when you are in a rush. For these reasons and more, SocialPilot is one of the best tools for Twitter.

Benefits of Using SocialPilot

  • Compare analytics between multiple Twitter accounts
  • Helps keep your inbox clutter-free
  • Assign roles for your team for publishing and editing drafts
  • View approval notifications in real time
  • Quickly see mentions of your accounts

Cost of Using SocialPilot

  • Professional plans begin at $25.50 per month
  • Small Team plans begin at $42.50 per month
  • Agency plans begin at $85 per month

7. MeetEdgar

MeetEdgar is one of the best tools for Twitter

Do you run a blog and want to post blog highlights on Twitter? If so, the MeetEdgar tool is a great option to help with that. It utilizes machine learning to scan through your blog content and pick out quotes that are likely to get views on Twitter.

This is far more effective than just creating a tweet that contains a link to your blog. Today, most of those tweets are ignored by regular users, thus tools like this become necessary to keep updates fresh and exciting.

It’s also worth mentioning that it has scheduling tools to help you release these tweets to coincide with when your blog goes live on your site. It can even help you figure out when the best time to post is for your audience.

Benefits of Using Meet Edgar

  • Keeps content saved even after it goes live
  • View your best-performing posts
  • Engage your followers better
  • Grow your user base with targeted posts
  • View insights in real time

Cost of Using MeetEdgar

  • Edgar Annual plan begins at $41.58 per month

8. Audiense

Audiense is one of the best Twitter tools

Twitter is a great place to sell products to customers, and anyone involved with that knows that all of the magic happens in your DMs. Audiense helps you set up a chatbot to respond to your DMs.

This can help you gather information from the user before taking the time to respond yourself or making sure they get connected with the right person to finalize a sale opportunity.

Just the act of getting a quick response goes a long way when it comes to making a sale. It also has a variety of tools that are suited for managing your Twitter account and analyzing the best way to reach your audience.

Benefits of Using Audiense

  • Research your followers on Twitter to better engage them
  • Separate followers into groups to easily target them
  • Use bots to send announcements through DMs

Cost of Using Audiense

  • Contact Audiense for a quote

9. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is one of the best tools for Twitter

Sprout Social is another excellent all-in-one social media management tool. Naturally, that means it goes well beyond just Twitter, but it works well as just a tool for it. That said, it does have a steep learning curve.

The core backbone of any management tool for social media is the ability to schedule content. Social Sprout does an excellent job at making it easy to schedule tweets and ensure you always have something planned.

It even offers content ideas with AI and using machine learning to analyze your data and provide insights into your analytics. After all, understanding your statistics is half of the battle.

Benefits of Using Sprout Social

  • Includes a variety of integrations with other tools
  • Determines the best time to publish a post
  • Works well in a team environment
  • Receive notifications to connect with customers quickly

Cost of Using Sprout Social

  • Standard plan begins at $199 per seat per month
  • Professional plan begins at $299 per seat per month
  • Advanced plan begins at $399 per seat per month
  • Enterprise options available

10. Keyhole


While social media may appear to be a fun proposition for a career, let me assure you that it is still a job – and a complicated one at that. Keyhole tries to simplify the process by helping you understand the analytics and statistics from Twitter.

It helps you track mentions of your account and see what people are saying about you. Keyhole even recommends when you should reply or retweet these things. It also helps you keep an eye on what the competition is doing.

Understanding what terms they are ranking for and the products they are pushing is a great way to know what you should be doing or avoiding. It also just keeps you informed about the top trends on Twitter in general.

Benefits of Using Keyhole

  • Includes a keyword tracker
  • Identify key influencers in your space
  • Create a report to examine your ROI
  • See real-time recommendations to optimize your account

Cost of Using Keyhole

  • Individual plan begins at $89 per month
  • Team plan begins at $189 per month
  • Pro plan begins at $259 per month

11. Brandwatch

Brandwatch is one of the best Twitter tools

The main purpose that businesses use social media platforms is for marketing. Naturally, understanding the best way to market your brand and analyze what your competition is doing is a major part of running a successful marketing campaign.

That’s where the Brandwatch tool comes into play. Brandwatch is a social media management tool that can be used on any major platform, which means it works for Twitter. It helps you conduct research into your industry.

This helps you find the latest trends, prominent trends, and who is interested in your brand and industry. It even has a system to detect when your brand is being mentioned negatively so you can get ahead of any controversy.

Benefits of Using Brandwatch

  • View multiple Twitter accounts from a single location
  • Utilizes AI to help conduct research
  • Generate tweets and hashtags with AI

Cost of Using Brandwatch

  • Contact Brandwatch for a quote

12. Autopublisher


Are you interested in letting your Twitter audience know whenever a new post or blog goes live on your website? Doing so is a great way to give your newest releases a boost in popularity, and the Autopublsiher tool can help.

As the name suggests, the Autopublsiher will automatically post RSS feeds to Twitter and other social networks to show when new content goes live. It also includes a URL shortener to help make the links look better.

On top of just posting a link to the article, it will also include any image associated with that post from the RSS feed. Images help draw the visitor’s attention, so this is a great way to get more eyes on your updates.

Benefits of Using Autopublisher

  • Add your own custom text for automated posts
  • Use keyword filtering to determine which articles get posted
  • Supports Facebook and LinkedIn

Cost of Using Autopublisher

  • Standard plan begins at $7 per month

13. Twtpoll


While you can create polls on Twitter, Twtpoll is a more advanced tool that gives you more ways to ask questions and collect data. This information can help you make more sales and grow your audience.

The surveys are created in Twtpoll and then can be imported onto Twitter and other social networks where your user base can interact with them. The surveys also support multiple languages, so there is no need to worry about a broad audience.

More importantly, the information collected from the surveys and polls you create will be collected and put into graphs and other helpful analytics to help you understand it better. Overall, it is a great tool for users who want to collect data from consumers.

Benefits of Using Twtpoll

  • Includes 10 types of questions
  • They can be shared on any device
  • Use colors to improve graph readability
  • Create a Call-to-Action at the end

Costs of Using Twtpoll

  • Startup plan begins at $5 per month
  • Team plan begins at $20 per month
  • Agency plan begins at $50 per month

14. Hivoe


Hivoe is one of the best Twitter tools for setting up chatbots for your Twitter DMs. This is very important for businesses that may field questions related to their services or products. It can even help connect customers to sales agents.

A great use for this tool is for Twitter giveaways. When you have to reach out to the winners to gather their information on where to send prizes, this is all done through the DMs of Twitter.

Hivoe can help you automate this process by sending out messages when the winner is decided in an automatic fashion. If you spend a lot of time sending out Twitter DMs, this tool can certainly save you a lot of it.

Benefits of Using Hivoe

  • Integrates with a variety of tools like Google Sheets
  • Offers a 14-day free trial
  • Send out “Thanks for Following” messages

Cost of Using Hivoe

  • Hobby plans begin at $19 per month
  • Personal plan begins at $49 per month
  • Professional plan begins at $99 per month

15. Social Oomph

Social Oomph

Closing out this list of the best tools for Twitter is none other than Social Oomph. Social Oomph does just about everything when it comes to Twitter, which is why it has been dubbed the Swiss-Army-Knife of Twitter.

With it, you can schedule posts, use AI to generate tweets, post updates from RSS feeds, and much more. And of course, it is not just for individuals, it has team tools to help collaborating much easier for businesses.

It is worth mentioning that Social Oomph goes beyond just Twitter and also supports Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn, and so on. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution for Twitter, Social Oomph is definitely one of the best tools for Twitter.

Benefits of Using Social Oomph

  • Bulk upload content for scheduling
  • Create self-destructing posts that vanish after a set amount of time
  • Use AI to create content ideas

Cost of Using Social Oomph

  • Advanced Suite begins at $15 per month
  • Professional Suite begins at $25 per month
  • Business Suite begins at $55 per month

Take Twitter to the Next Level with These Tools

As you can see, there is no shortage of amazing tools for Twitter. Essentially, any social media tool today will include functionality for Twitter as it remains one of the largest social networks on the internet.

These tools are designed to help you reach your target audience, grow that audience, and most importantly, save you a lot of time. Make no mistake, managing social media accounts, is a full-time job.

In fact, most businesses have dedicated staff to manage these accounts. Trust me trying to come up with daily content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and about 6 other platforms, is a lot of work.

Which tools do you use to help manage your Twitter account?

The post 25 Best Twitter Tools You Can Use Right Now for Free appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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What are the Best Social Media Image Sizes in 2022? Thu, 02 Jul 2020 15:00:13 +0000 Images have been an indispensable part of social media ever since the days of Friendster and MySpace. And using the best social media image sizes […]

The post What are the Best Social Media Image Sizes in 2022? appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Images have been an indispensable part of social media ever since the days of Friendster and MySpace. And using the best social media image sizes for each platform just streamlines the content you deliver to fans and followers.

Being essentially image-only platforms, Instagram and Pinterest take the social media preoccupation with images as far as they can go. Whether you use social media for promotion or just for fun, you’ve probably wondered about social media image sizes.

Every site has a different layout and image requirements. An image that fits nicely in an Instagram square may not fit as well on Twitter. And many sites have different requirements for different parts of a page.

Banners, backgrounds, profiles, and post images are all sized differently.

As a result, there isn’t a single image size that can be efficiently used everywhere. If you have a wide-reaching social presence, different versions of images will make the best impression on each platform.

There are some online image sizing tools you can use to tailor social media sizes to different sites. Canva is an excellent online tool with a lot of options. I like a little more control over image resizing, so I generate various sizes using Photoshop or Gimp.

Whatever you use to size your social images, knowing the dimensions for the different areas of the sites is useful. It’s a lot of information, too much to memorize, so bookmark this page and refer to it when necessary.

Social Media Image Sizes for the Most Popular Sites

Here is a site-by-site breakdown.

All recommended sizes are pixel values (200 x 200 is 200 pixels width and 200 pixels height). I’ve also included aspect ratios where applicable. You might be familiar with aspect ratios from your television or computer monitor settings.

If you have the proper aspect ratio, you can upload images larger than the recommended sizes. They’ll be automatically resized, but the dimensions will be correct.

It’s worth remembering that images on the web and in applications are always subject to resizing. Either when they’re uploaded, or depending on the viewport, or screen size. So uploading an image at the recommended size doesn’t mean it will always (or ever) be displayed at that size.

Facebook Image Sizes

social media sizes for 2020 Facebook

Facebook has the most different image sizes to be aware of. If you were hoping for a single post image size, I’m sorry to disappoint.

You can upload JPG or PNG files to Facebook.

  • Profile Photo – Recommended: 180 x 180, minimum: 160 x 160, aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Cover Photo – Recommended: 820 x 312, minimum: 400 x 150, aspect ratio: 2.7:1, maximum file size: 100KB
  • Timeline Shared Image – Recommended: 1200 x 630, aspect ratio: 1.91:1
  • Timeline Shared Link – Recommended: 1200 x 628, minimum: 200 x 200, aspect ratio: 1.91:1
  • Newsfeed Shared Image – Recommended: 1200 x 630, aspect ratio: 1.91:1
  • Newsfeed Shared Link – Recommended: 1200 x 628, minimum: 200 x 200, aspect ratio: 1.91:1
  • Highlighted Image – Recommended: 1200 x 717, minimum: 843 x 504, aspect ratio: 1:1.67
  • Event Image – Recommended: 1920 x 1080, minimum: 470 x 174, aspect ratio: 16:9

Profile Picture is the square photo representing you (or your brand). It appears on your timeline overlaying the cover photo. It also appears when you post or comment outside of your timeline.

Cover photo appears horizontally at the top of your timeline, behind your profile picture.

Shared images appear on your timeline. They may or may not show up in your friend’s news feeds.

A highlighted image appears on your timeline but is larger than a shared link or image.

Instagram Image Sizes

sizes for Instagram

When it comes to social media image sizes, Instagram is one site that does almost everything for you.

The only file format Instagram will accept is JPG.

  • Profile Picture – Recommended: 110 x 110, aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Photo Thumbnails – Recommended: 161 x 161, aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Photo Size – Recommended: 1080 x 1080 (normal, aspect ratio: 1.91:1), or 1080 x 1350 (portrait, aspect ratio: 4:5)
  • Instagram Stories – Recommended: 1080 x 1920, aspect ratio: 9:16

Profile picture appears in a small circle in several places, most notably (not surprisingly), on your profile page.

Photo thumbnails are the images in the grid on your profile page. They’re smaller versions of your Instagram photos. I’m not sure why they recommend a size for them since they are created automatically. You can’t upload a thumbnail.

Photos are the main photos that you upload to the app.

Twitter Image Sizes

social media sizes for 2020 Twitter

Twitter allows uploads if JPG, GIF, and PNG files.

  • Profile Photo – Recommended: 400 x 400, minimum: 200 x 200, aspect ratio: 1:1, maximum file size: 2MB
  • Header Photo – Recommended: 1500 x 500, aspect ratio: 3:1, maximum file size: 5MB
  • In-Stream Photo – Recommended: 506 x 253, minimum: 440 x 220, Maximum: 1024 x 512, aspect ratio: 2:1 (though they recommend 16:9), Maximum file size photos: 5MB, Maximum file size GIFs: 3 MB

Profile photo appears in a circle on your Tweets and on your profile, where it is overlaid on your header photo.

Header photo is displayed horizontally at the top of your profile page.

In-stream photos appear in your Tweets, your follower’s streams, and in their follower’s streams if retweeted. Twitter does change how much of your image is visible in your follower’s streams. If there’s something you want to be visible without clicking or enlarging the image, put it in the horizontal center of the picture.

Pinterest Image Sizes

social media sizes for 2020 Pinterest

You can upload JPG and PNG files to Pinterest.

Pinterest image size recommendations are a bit different. They only recommend a width for Pin images. That’s because the vertical nature of the layout allows them to display any image height.

They also display widths somewhat smaller than the recommended sizes. So I’ve included “display width” numbers for some of the images.

The recommended aspect ratio is 2:3 to 1:3.5.

  • Profile Picture – Recommended: 165 x 165, Display width: 165 x 165, maximum file size: 10MB
  • Main page Pins – Recommended width: 236, Display width: 192
  • Board Pins – Recommended width: 236, Display width: 238
  • Expanded Pins – Recommended width: 600, Display width: 735
  • Enlarged Pins – Display width: 500 (infinite height)
  • Pin Board (large thumbnail) – Recommended: 222 x 150
  • Pin Board (small thumbnail) – Recommended: 55 x 55

Profile picture appears on your home page and various other places on Pinterest.

Pins appear on your board.

Tumblr Image Sizes

social media sizes for 2020 Tumblr

Is Tumblr a social site? I always thought of it as a blogging site. But, it’s commonly used in the same way as a social media site, so it’s included here.

You can upload JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP files.

Wait, what, bitmaps? Hey, who am I to argue. Tumblr parties like it’s 1999.

  • Profile Picture – Recommended: 128 x 128, maximum file size: 10MB
  • Dash Image Posts – Recommended: 1280 x 1920, maximum file size: 10MB
  • Feed Image Posts – Recommended: 500 x 750, maximum file size: 10MB
  • Animated GIFs – Maximum width of 540, maximum file size: 3MB

Profile picture appears most often as a small thumbnail attached to your posts in your follower’s feeds. Where it appears on your actual profile depends on which theme you use.

YouTube Image Sizes

social media sizes for 2020 YouTube

YouTube may have the most options for a single type of image; the channel cover art. Four different sizes are recommended, some of which don’t translate to typical aspect ratios. Well, Google likes to cover all the bases, I suppose.

  • Channel profile image – Recommended: 800 x 800, aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Default cover art – Recommended: 2560 x 1440, aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Tablet cover art – Recommended: 1855 x 423
  • Mobile cover art – Recommended: 1546 x 423
  • TV cover art – Recommended: 2560 x 1440, aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Desktop cover art – Recommended: 2560 x 423
  • Video uploads are 16:9 aspect ratio, and have to be at least 1280 x 720 to be listed ad “HD.”

The channel profile image appears on your profile and when commenting.

Channel cover art appears horizontally across the top of your channel page.

LinkedIn Image Sizes

social media LinkedIn

Did I say Facebook had the largest number of different image sizes? I spoke too soon. LinkedIn has even more.

Like Pinterest, LinkedIn also displays some images smaller than the recommended sizes. So I’ve included “display size” numbers where applicable.

You can upload PNG, JPG, and GIF files to LinkedIn.

  • Personal Profile Picture – Recommended: 400 x 400, display size: 500 x 500, maximum file size: 8MB
  • Personal Background Picture – Recommended: 1584 x 396, display size: 1400 x 425, maximum file size: 4MB
  • Company Logo – Recommended: 300 x 300, display size: 110 x 110, maximum file size: 4MB
  • Square Logo – Recommended: 60 x 60, maximum file size: 2MB
  • Company Cover Image – Recommended: 1536 x 768, display size: 1400 x 425, maximum file size: 4MB
  • Banner – Recommended: 646 x 220, maximum file size: 2MB
  • Hero Photo – Recommended: 1536 x 768, display size: varies depending on screen size, maximum file size: 2MB
  • Shared Link – Recommended: 1104 x 736, display size: 552 x 289
  • Shared Image – Recommended: 1104 x 736, display size: varies depending on screen size
  • Company Photos – Recommended: 900 x 600

A personal profile picture appears, like other sites, on your profile in a circle overlaying your personal background picture. It also appears on your posts and comments and in various other locations.

The company logo serves in a role similar to your personal profile picture, only on a business profile. The square logo is the same image, and it appears when your company page is listed elsewhere on LinkedIn.


TikTok may be the newest social media site on this list, but its popularity is incredible. Since TikTok is largely video-based, I will not only mention the image sizes to strive for but video as well.

You can upload .mp4 or .mov files.

  • TikTok Profile Photo- Mininum 20 x 20, Recommended 200 x 200
  • TikTok Video Size- 1080 x1920, Ideal Ratio 1:1 or 9:16

Profile Photo represents your TikTok account. It appears in a rounded frame and shows throughout your profile. It will also be displayed when you leave a comment on another user’s content.

Common Image Sizes

I intended to include a section here with common recommended social media image sizes or aspect ratios. But as you may have noticed, as you made your way through the requirements, there’s a lack of similarities.

There wasn’t a single case where a recommended image size was common between the two sites.

That’s not surprising, I suppose, given that there are no image standards on the web or in applications. Like most websites and apps, they were probably designed first, and where the images fit.

And that’s the problem with the many articles out there that claim there’s a single image size that’s “universal.” Or that adapts equally well to multiple sites. There’s just no such thing. I wish there were. It would make our lives a lot simpler.

In fairness, you could create a reusable image for a lot of banners or background images. But it would be a small image or logo floating on a big background. And you’d have to be okay with that background being cut wherever.

So while it may be technically possible, it isn’t what most of us want or practical in most cases.

Do You Really Need to Be Concerned With All of the Different Social Media Image Sizes?

That depends.

How important is your social imagery?

If you’re just posting for friends or acquaintances, you probably don’t want to spend much time fiddling with images.

But if you’re using social media as a marketing or promotional tool, properly sized images are essential. Your images represent your brand, so you want to get the most out of each platform.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to resize images manually, you can still create the proper image sizes. Just use an online tool. I mentioned Canva earlier, and you might also want to try Landscape from Sprout Social.

I hope this guide helps you put your best foot forward on your favorite social media sites.

The dimensions listed in this article are recommended by the sites and are the best options for most displays. Keep in mind though that some images and layouts are sized differently depending on device and screen size. Using these sizes will give you the best coverage across most devices.

The post What are the Best Social Media Image Sizes in 2022? appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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11 Real Uncommon Ways to Increase Website Traffic to eCommerce Tue, 30 Jun 2020 15:00:47 +0000 Getting more users to come to your website can be a challenge if you don’t know what to do. Maybe you have tried some of […]

The post 11 Real Uncommon Ways to Increase Website Traffic to eCommerce appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Getting more users to come to your website can be a challenge if you don’t know what to do. Maybe you have tried some of the common ways to increase your website traffic. Having an eCommerce store may even complicate the process.

Let’s take a look at some more uncommon ways to increase website traffic.

In order to get web traffic to your eCommerce website, several things need to be in place. You need to make sure your site is built properly and employs a solid site structure and layout.

It should also be responsive, mobile-friendly, and optimized for search engines. That being said, we all know the common ways at your disposal for driving traffic to a website.

Yes, you can post on social media and run advertisements everywhere. However, what if you wanted to employ some of the more uncommon ways to increase website traffic?

Believe it or not, some of these techniques will actually give you a pretty nice boost in if they are implemented correctly.

What is Website Traffic?

Simply put, website traffic is the number of people that are visiting your website over a specific amount of time. This can be measured daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Perhaps the best baseline of measurement is to track monthly visitors. Google Analytics is a great way to track this data.

The idea behind driving traffic to a website is that the more traffic a website gets, the more likely it is to increase conversions. Whether those conversions are sales, link clicks, ad clicks, or affiliate marketing, the concept is the same.

Website owners try all sorts of things to increase website traffic. Some of these techniques fall flat because they are not implemented correctly or because they were the wrong process to use.

Another big problem that website owners face is gaining traffic but not conversions. A good example of this is an eCommerce website that posts on social media and gains visitors, but does not increase sales.

You see, an increase in website traffic doesn’t matter if you are not able to increase website conversions and make money.

What is eCommerce?

Building eCommerce Website

The term eCommerce means that you are selling a product online. Over the years, online stores have become wildly popular because it makes it easy for people to shop for products from anywhere.

There are several ways to set up an online store. The process you take will be based on the type of CMS platform you are using. One of the most popular options is WooCommerce.

This is a hugely popular online store platform that plugs directly into your WordPress website and gives you the ability to sell physical and digital products online.

One of the biggest issues online storeowners run into is trying to both increase website traffic and increase conversions. As stated above, you can try some of the more common techniques available to drive traffic to a website.

However, there are also some more uncommon methods you can use to help drive traffic to your eCommerce website and help with conversions. Even better, is most of the methods below will help you do this for free.

Let’s take a look at 11 uncommon ways to increase website traffic to your eCommerce website.

1. Build a Resource Page

A resource page is always a good thing to have on a website. However, this is also a great way to increase website traffic. You can do this in a few different ways. Add resources to the page, add thank you blurbs to companies you admire and have done work with, or add your favorite products and services.

A resource page just isn’t a good move for SEO purposes, though. It also keeps your current website users and customers engaged because it is considered new content going up. This leads to repeat visitors and an increase in conversion rates.

2. Overhaul and Restructure Your Old Blog Posts

If you have a business website, eCommerce site, or both, it is always a good idea to have a blog section. Starting a blog on your website gives you an outlet to post fresh new ideas. These can be product or service related, news and updates, stories, and other articles you may want to publish.

Over time, your blog posts can become stale, outdated, and may need some content and statistical updates. Things like new screenshots, new images in general, and specific content revamps can really help increase traffic.

If you add other SEO specifics like keyword optimization and meta descriptions, your old blog posts have a chance to skyrocket.

3. Guest Blog on Other Websites

Guest Blogging

Another uncommon and often overlooked way to increase website traffic is to guest blog. Guest blogging on other websites has a bunch of benefits for you.

Not only does it get your name out to people who would have otherwise not seen it, but it also gives you the chance to get important links going back to your site from other solid industry websites.

It is a good idea to guest blog on sites that are at least somewhat like your own. You want to hit an audience that will have an interest in what you are selling on your site.

Never be afraid to approach other website owners either. The worst answer you will get is a simple “no.” At which point you have lost nothing. More often than not though you will get a resounding “yes” because it is basically free content for other sites.

Remember, this will give you a backlink to your website, which is excellent in regards to SEO purposes.

4. Optimize Your Site for LSI Keywords

In order to do this, you need to know what an LSI keyword is. Once you do, you can put this practice into place. You see, LSI keywords are words and phrases related to your target keyword.

And don’t get me wrong, it isn’t exactly easy to rank high for any keywords without putting in the work. However, using an LSI keyword strategy is a fantastic way to help your article rank higher and increase website traffic.

If you are still a little confused regarding this technique, then take a look at this example.

Say you are writing a post or building a page about social media. Obviously “social media” or something close to that will be your main keyword. The LSI keywords would be words like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

5. Start Doing Content Transformation

Convert Post to Video

Content transformation is simple. Basically you take your current content and transform it into another type of format. There are several different formats to choose from. Take that content and transform it into an eBook, video, infographic, or podcast.

When you transform the content and repurpose, it gives your audience more ways to interact with it and gives them several different ways to view and use the material.

These days, video content is extremely popular. Oftentimes, transforming or converting your text to a video piece will help increase website traffic right away.

6. Properly Submit Website to Search Engines

A common mistake website owners make is not getting their site properly indexed and submitted on the big search engines. Yes, once your website is up you can perform all types of search engine and website optimizations.

However, getting your website properly submitted to the big search engines if often overlooked. You want to make sure you have a proper XML Sitemap on your website.

Using tools like Google Search Console and submitting to Yahoo and Bing the right way will increase your website traffic because it helps the search engines properly index and list your site.

This is the next step to take after the common website SEO moves have been made.

7. Require Users to Share for Bonus Content

You should always have social sharing buttons on your website. This is a fantastic way to increase website traffic because it allows site users to share your content across social networks.

In order to take this a step further, you can also require users to share content in order for them to get more bonus content. The bonus content needs to be something that your users will want.

Something like an informative eBook, or maybe a file they might want. Maybe a specific file or audio download or other relevant info that will make them share.

This means your content is being shared by your users, and others are seeing it and getting interested as well.

8. Start a Podcast

Three simple words, Podcasts are exploding! As a matter of fact, 36% of Americans listen to a podcast every month. This number continues to rise as well, as both creating a podcast and submitting it for listeners gets easier and easier.

Not a lot of people who do podcasts create them specifically to increase website traffic. However, in this case, it is a great idea because whenever you gain a listener you will also garner interest in your website and other content.

Going on podcasts that others have created is also a good option. You can be the guest and plug your own website and gain traffic that way as well.

9. Ad Swap With Another Website

One of the more uncommon ways you can increase website traffic is to do an ad swap with another website. Ad swapping is exactly what you think it is…a relevant website runs an ad for you that links back to where you want, and you do the exact same thing for said website.

No money switches hand, but it is a great way to market your site on other websites and help increase traffic back to you. You can actually do this with as many other relevant sites as you want.

The more ad swapping you do, the greater potential you have to increase website traffic.

The best thing about ad swapping is it won’t cost you anything. So you can get some good online marketing in place for no cost to you.

10. Promote Your Site Using the Blogger Outreach Method

Blogger Outreach

Okay, before we dig into blogger outreach for a second, it is important to remember that yes, oftentimes this can come off as spam (initially) and may not be your first option to increase website traffic.

However, if handled correctly, this can be a very powerful and personal way to get more traffic flowing to your website.

Basically, blogger outreach is a way of putting your content, product, service, website, etc, in front of relevant bloggers and journalists by sending them personalized emails.

The main goal here is, of course, to get these people talking about what you have sent them. This, if done correctly, will lead to increased website traffic.

The main problem here is that sometimes these emails can come off as spammy for some. But, if you take the time to personalize them (even if you are using an email template), then these emails can be very powerful.

Create a solid one and hit the right people, and your website or product will get more eyes on it in no time at all.

11. Run a Contest or a Giveaway

Running a contest or a giveaway is a good way to not only drum up some interests because users have a chance at something for free, but it is a great way to interact with site users and gain increased traffic.

You will notice that most of your favorite brands and other websites have certain contests and giveaways.

There is a simple reason for this. They work. They build brand recognition and build website traffic over time. There are several great ways to run a contest or giveaway from your website.

Whichever way you choose to go with it, simply interacting and offering something of value to your website users increases their interest in most everything else you do as well.

Final Thoughts

There are multiple ways to increase website traffic, both quickly and over time. Many of the more popular ways to increase website traffic are used by everyone, and oftentimes, you have to pay for them to be relevant.

By trying out some new, more uncommon ideas, you give your eCommerce website a chance to increase traffic and gain popularity over time. Furthermore, these ideas will not only increase website traffic, but will also increase website conversion rates.

Go over and try some of the ideas above. See what works for you and what may not. I hope the ideas are helpful and that over time, you see a significant increase in website traffic and conversions.

The post 11 Real Uncommon Ways to Increase Website Traffic to eCommerce appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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How to Make Instagram Work for Your Small Business Thu, 25 Jun 2020 15:00:19 +0000 Social media has become an essential marketing tool, but each platform works differently. As a small business owner, social media presents an opportunity to grow […]

The post How to Make Instagram Work for Your Small Business appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Social media has become an essential marketing tool, but each platform works differently. As a small business owner, social media presents an opportunity to grow your online presence faster than normal. Instagram is one of the best platforms to use because it has over 1 billion users with 500 million of those users logging in every day.

However, if you want to make Instagram work for your small business, you are going to need to take some steps to ensure you get the best results.

Find A Target Audience

The majority of the tips I will share with you really depend on promoting your content to your target audience. That means you need to actually know who your target audience is.

The simplest way to determine your target audience is to examine who is using your website. You can find all kinds of information by using various tools like Google Analytics. Some of the information you can collect is the age, location, gender, and much more.

Use this information to get a rough idea of who enjoys your content. It is possible you may discover that your theoretical target audience is very different from your actual one. In this case, you may even want to change the way you market.

If you do not have your audience in mind, there is no way to properly market to them.

Create Good Instagram Posts

I’m pretty sure everyone knows that if you want to be successful on a platform, the content your produce needs to actually be good. However, many beginners on the platform do not realize this.

And this is especially true when your Instagram account represents your business.

If the quality of your images and frequency of your posts is erratic, what does that say about your actual business? Nothing good, that I can assure you.

For this reason, I strongly suggest making sure the images you post are of excellent quality. This may require you to purchase a better smartphone or an actual camera to take better pictures.

But, it’s not just the quality of the picture that matters, it’s what you are taking a picture of. One of the most popular types of content is taking a photo of your pets.

Be honest, who doesn’t like seeing dogs and cats in funny or cute poses? Successful images in this category are achieved in two ways.

  1. The creator spends hours finding the perfect pose for their pet.
  2. The creator got lucky.

Seriously, you either put in a lot of work or get very lucky. And since you can’t control luck, you should always strive to make sure the images are top-notch. This can take a lot of time, especially when you are new to the platform.

Best Photo Practices

Taking Great Pictures

As I was a saying, a lot of work goes into taking photos, and there is a lot of useful information available.

For example, did you know images with faces are 38% more likely to receive a like?

Social media is all about connecting with others. Thus, it should not be a surprise that they want to see your face. However, you should also try to add action to your images.

Still images have a place, but images that capture someone in the middle of action often perform better.

And while there are many more tips on the kind of images you should create, it is worth mentioning the types of images you shouldn’t make.

On average, food images do not perform well. This is generally because people are just bad at taking images of food unless it is their niche.

It can also be found disgusting or even offensive if you post certain foods. For example, showing a picture of an extra rare steak to a vegan audience is not going to go over well.

Make Instagram Posts At the Best Times

When to post on Instagram is just as important as the content itself. Actually, it might be more important. Timing is everything, and this is the main reason you need to know your target audience.

For example, let’s say your target audience is in highschool. Posting during school hours Monday through Friday isn’t going to do you any good. No, instead, you need to post when this audience is most likely going to check Instagram – either first thing in the morning, or after school let’s out.

Each small business has a different customer base and as such, optimal posting time may vary. Luckily, most of the work has already been done for you as there are great collections of optimal post time available online.

According to HubSpot, the best hours to post on Instagram during the week are as follows:

  1. Sunday: 10 AM – 2 PM
  2. Monday: 9 AM – 5 PM
  3. Tuesday: 8 AM – 6 PM, *7 PM
  4. Wednesday: 5 AM, *11 AM – 3 PM
  5. Thursday: 5 AM, *11 – 4 PM
  6. Friday: *5 AM, 9 AM – 10 AM, *11 AM – 1 PM, 2 – 4 PM
  7. Saturday: 9 – 11 AM

However, just keep in mind this is based on averages across the board, which means it may not work for your specific core audience.

Note: Consider what time zone you are in when posting as well.

The Right Hashtag Can Make A Big Difference

Know Your Hashtags

It’s a fact, posts with hashtags get more exposure than those without.

Hashtags on Instagram work as a type of sorting feature. If you want an image of a beach, most of this content will include #beach. These play an important role on the platform, and you should use at least one hashtag per post.

It is important to realize all hashtags were not created equal. Some of them are just more popular than others, and you should research what the most popular hashtags are on the platform.

Just remember, these constantly change.

But on the same point, your post can reach a more niche audience with less popular hashtags. That may get you more engagement than the more popular hashtags. Thus, it really is dependent on your brand and posts.

Hashtags also play a big part in the platform’s algorithm. Simply put, posts without hashtags will not appear where they belong in search results.

Understand Instagram’s Algorithm

If you own a website, you should be very accustomed to catering to Google’s algorithm. But Instagram has its very own.

It pushes the most recent content to the front of search results, which is a very big reason why the timing of your posts matters. Your posts will get the most traffic quickly after they go live.

Thus if you post at the right time, when your audience is most likely to check Instagram, you will get better results.

However, this goes even further because it can boost the engagement rating of your post. Engagement is a measure of the likes compared to your followers.

So for example, let’s say you have 10,000 followers, but your post only gets 10 likes versus 100 followers that gets 30 likes. The smaller 100 follower account has much better engagement than the larger one.

Recency and engagement are the two biggest factors in the Instagram algorithm, and they go hand in hand.

If you want to do well on the platform, you need to understand the basics of its algorithm.

Note: The Instagram algorithm is constantly changing. It is important to always look up the latest information when searching for tips on this matter.

Scheduling Your Posts in Advanced is Vital

Schedule Your Posts

If you want to be successful at Instagram marketing, you need to follow a schedule. Posting on a regular basis at the same time helps you out in multiple ways.

First, the algorithm really likes it. Consistency is another factor on a very long list, and scheduled posts make this an easy one to master. Just keep in mind that if you change your schedule or post frequency, Instagram will not like it.

Next, your fans will know when your posts go live. This ensures they will be more likely to check even before the algorithm recommends them. This significantly boosts the engagement of your posts.

This also is great for the poster. Let’s be honest, big Instagram accounts are not logged in 24/7 waiting to post. They will usually spend some time the night or week before setting up images.

This frees up a lot of time and ensures that if life happens, your account will still be posting content.

However, there is a downside to scheduling weeks in advance. Sometimes real-life events can make something you decided on posting a month ago be a PR disaster. You need to make sure you double-check what will be posted every day to ensure it hasn’t lost its charm.

Scheduling your posts is great, and if you are serious about Instagram marketing, you should be doing it responsibly.

Follow the Trends

Instagram is a pretty trendy place, and what’s in the spotlight can change overnight. This actually highlights the biggest flaw of setting up Instagram posts weeks in advance.

You simply have no idea what will be trending next week or even tomorrow, for that matter.

Instagram trends present a great opportunity to rapidly grow your followers if you can react fast enough. However, since trends are sometimes completely random, the only way to figure them out is to be on the platform 24/7.

But the growth potential is often worth the trouble.

You should try to follow trends that fall into your business spectrum. For example, let’s say there is a trend about cooking a burger.

If you were a restaurant owner, it makes complete sense to jump on that trend. But if you are creative enough, you can make it work for other businesses. For example, what if you owned an arcade and your image was you flipping a burger with one hand while using your other to play a game?

That helps you stay with the trend, but also promotes what your business is all about. If you follow a trend, apply it to your business.

Instagram Stories

And on the topic of trends, Instagram Stories is going to be your best friend. Stories have 500 million daily users and the engagement is off the charts.

If you’re new to the platform, you may be unaware of what Stories actually are. To put it simply, you take a few photos or create a video and use it to create a story using filters, text, and drawings.

However, what makes this content special is that it is only available for 24 hours after posting.

After 24 hours, the Story vanishes. This is the most important part of Stories because it forces creators to make something new and also ensures that visitors are not just looking at the same Stories every day.

Thus, it keeps the content fresh and makes visitors fear that they may be missing something if they do not check. Which is textbook FOMO marketing.

Use Other Social Media Platforms

Integrate Other Social Accounts

Social media isn’t just about connecting people with each other. It’s also about connecting your various accounts together.

Instagram is a great platform to advertise on, but it is not the only one out there. And more than likely, you have another account on Facebook, Twitter, or other platforms that have different followers.

Getting visitors from those platforms to follow you on Instagram is essential.

A great way to achieve this is to reuse some of your best Instagram posts on other platforms as a reminder for them to follow you. It’s a great strategy and can help you consolidate your followers across multiple platforms.

Not to mention that you can connect your Twitter account to Instagram. So any time you post something new on Instagram, it can instantly be shared on Twitter.

It Is Not An Overnight Process

Unfortunately, many businesses have this misconception that social media accounts grow really fast. And while there are examples of extreme growth, I assure you that these only happen in extremely rare cases.

Every Instagram success strategy always includes a plan. Create small achievable goals that help you establish an audience and schedule. If you set unrealistic goals, like getting 1000 followers by the end of the month, your experience will not be great.

In reality, expect to grow very slowly at the beginning. It could realistically take months or a year to build a small audience. But once you grow your profile, the marketing potential is worth all of the work.

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How Heatmapping Helps You Make More Money Tue, 16 Jun 2020 15:00:31 +0000 Chances are you have heard the term “heatmap” if you have been online long enough. Seems like they are everywhere these days. And it isn’t […]

The post How Heatmapping Helps You Make More Money appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

Chances are you have heard the term “heatmap” if you have been online long enough. Seems like they are everywhere these days. And it isn’t just websites that use heatmapping. Doctors, marketers, engineers, sociologists, and researchers of all types use heatmaps to convert complex data into something they can use for actionable results.

See, a heatmap tool works best if you have large volumes of data that you need to break down so it can be understood more easily. There are all types of analytics out there. So much so that analytics itself has become very complex, even for a professional.

It seems like every analytic tool has hundreds of reports that break down several different ways. Now don’t get me wrong, this is a good thing. It gives marketers and small business owners a way to figure out an online marketing plan.

That being said, most of the data is so complex that many of us don’t understand it. This is where a heatmap online tool can come into play.

Let’s take a look at heatmapping, what it is, and talk some about the tools you can use to get a heatmap for your website.

What is a Heatmap?

Simply put, a heatmap is a type of data analysis tool that uses color (what looks like heat) the way a bar graph would use height and width. Basically, it uses the heat color as a visualization tool.

If you are looking at website heatmaps, then you are looking to see what part of the page gets the most attention. Heatmapping will show you visually what parts of the page are more engaging.

You can use this data to make decisions for your website on structure and how you want the page to be viewed by your audience.

With that being said, let’s go a little deeper into the explanation.

Heatmapping will show you data on where users have not only spent the most time on a page, but where they have clicked on the most. You can even see scrolling heatmapping taking place. This is basically data showing you how far down someone scrolled on a particular page.

Using a warm to cool color scale, the heatmap provides you with all the data you need in order to successfully build out a web page the way you see fit. This is based on analytics while using heatmapping.

How Do Heatmaps Work?

Now that you have a better understanding of what a heatmap is, let’s take a look at how it works. Heatmapping actually works by taking the data that has been collected from the web page and displaying that data over the page itself.

Heatmaps are actually used in day-to-day life on all sorts of things. A common heatmap you may see daily is the one that is displayed when you are watching the weather report on your local news station.

This is the exact same thing that is happening when heatmapping is used on a web page.

Heatmaps work by showing you the value of content a web page provides based on how users interact with it. As stated above, this data is valuable not from a site traffic standpoint, but from a standpoint of allowing you to see how you can better build a web page based on interactions.

When you perform heatmapping on a website page, you will be presented with very complex data that can be broken down and used in a much easier way.

When parts of the site show up in a darker red color, it means more people have interacted with that section. Blue, or sometimes white, indicates an area that people are not really engaged in within the content.

Types of HeatMaps

There are actually a few different types of heatmaps that are used for a web page. Here are three of the most popular ones and how they work.

Click Heatmaps: This type of heatmapping will give you data on where your site users click the most on the relevant web page. The darker the color, the more heavily the area was clicked.

Scroll Heatmaps: This type of heatmap is basic and easy to understand. It shows you how far down users scroll on your web page. The color scale goes from dark to light as the page scroll gets less and less likely. So if the color continues fairly dark down the page, you will be able to see that users are scrolling further.

Confetti Heatmaps: Lastly, the Confetti heatmap will show you all the data on clicks made by different segments of site visitors. It basically tells you what referral source clicks are coming from. You can then see what referral source works best and tailor your page more to it. The heatmapping data is presented using different color confetti dots. For example, different countries may be different color dots.

When Should Heatmapping be Used?

The short answer? Always. However, let’s go a little further with the answer and look into it some. If you are looking for analytics that are complex, but you can easily understand and break down, then heatmapping should be done on your website all the time.

The information is simply too valuable to pass up.

That being said, if you are looking at very specific instances where you should employ heatmapping, here are some to consider.

Website Redesign

Redesigning a website can be very time consuming and expensive. It is very necessary to do periodically because time, design, and standards change. When you are doing a redesign of your business website, the last thing you want is to have it come out too close as the original.

For this reason alone, it is a good idea for you or your web developer to use a heatmapping tool to understand how current behavior on your site looks. That information can then be taken and used to build new page layouts that are more appealing and more interactive for your audience.

A good example of this is when a web developer uses heatmapping to find out how web page behavior is impacted by things like color, contrast, placement, and elements.

Not running heatmaps and spending all that time and money to come out with a new design that doesn’t convert is not ideal. At that point, you have simply wasted a lot of time and money. Sure, your site looks updated and different, but is it going to convert better?

A/B Testing

At one point or another, all websites should be doing A/B Testing for various elements. This type of testing delivers results that can tell you the difference in conversion bumps. And oftentimes, it can make or break something that a business is trying to do.

Using heatmaps during the A/B Testing process can give you instant and usable insights on what your visitors are doing differently based on the different versions of your landing pages, blog posts, and homepage.

A heatmap will also show you different types of conversion rates when testing CTA (call to action) buttons and forms. Furthermore, as stated above, heatmapping shows how far a user scrolls down a page.

This can be particularly important for landing pages. Build too long of a landing page and conversions will drop. You can use the results the heatmapping provides to decide how long a solid landing page should be.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing. You hear this term thrown around quite a bit in the world of online media. It is very important to create excellent online content. Then, when you feel you have some solid content up and running, you need to mark it.

There are several ways to do this. One of the easiest ways to see and understand what type of content works best for your business is to use heatmapping. You can write and develop certain types of content (posts, graphics, pictures, videos) and then display it how you feel is best.

You can then take all the data that the heatmaps provide and use it to effectively market your content in a way where it will get the most conversions and interactions.

These are three of the most popular things you should use heatmapping for. That being said, you may also want to consider using it for UX and Usability Testing and Conversion Funnels.

Things to Learn From a Heatmap

As I stated above, there are several different types of heatmaps and a lot of different things you can learn from them. Here are some of the most important things you can learn:

  • What headlines are the most clickable
  • Images that attract the most attention
  • What items distract site visitors
  • Best conversions rates for different CTA buttons
  • Do email newsletter opt-ins or buttons work better
  • Is a particular type of navigation working
  • Are visitors reading content or scrolling through
  • Where to best place different types of content
  • Where most users interact on a page
  • Audience differentiation (men, women, old, young)
  • What locations and referral areas are getting the most action

Basically, if you can learn to use heatmapping tools to perfection, then you will have all the data you need and more to make your website convert at the highest rates possible.

Heatmap Tools

At this point you should have a pretty good understanding of heatmaps, what they are, how they work, and how you can benefit from them. So, if you are wondering what heatmapping tools to use, I have put together some for you to take a look at.


Feng GUI heatmapping tool

Feng-GUI actually works much differently than most other heatmapping tools.

See, most tools take weeks to collect visitor behavioral data and get that data back to you so that you can use it for better conversion rates. However, Feng-GUI uses an algorithmic model that has tens of thousands of live eyes tracking results.

The kicker? They deliver these results instantly. This saves you valuable time. They are fairly priced, so give them a look.

Crazy Egg

Crazy egg plugin

Crazy Egg is a heatmap tracking plugin that you can use to see where visitors to your WordPress website are clicking the most. The plugin is lightweight and very easy to install and activate. You will need to sign up for a Crazy Egg account, but this is free as well. A pro version of the plugin is also available.

Note: This plugin will work on WordPress websites only.


EyeQuant tool for heatmapping

The EyeQuant heatmap tool is another excellent heatmapping tool that uses leading neuroscience research and combines it with AI to accurately predict how people will react to your site. It uses the data it collects from large-scale, real eye-tracking studies conducted with thousands of different subjects.

If you want to quickly and effectively analyze current web designs and understand flaws, the EyeQuant is a heatmapping tool you have to checkout.


RealEye tool

RealEye is a simple heatmapping tool, yet it is very, very effective. The tool uses three simple steps to test your design concepts. The solution allows you to plug in your design, invite users to view it then and there, and get instant feedback on what users see and how they interact.

It is a fantastic tool to use so give it a look.

Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange heatmapping plugin for wordpress

Lucky Orange is another WordPress specific heatmap plugin that functions as a complete conversion rate optimization and customer feedback tool. It provides you with the fast one-click install and allows you to grab heatmapping data on how visitors click, move, and scroll on your website.

Note: This plugin will work on WordPress websites only.

Final Thoughts

Using heatmaps to figure out how to grow your business and conversions is one of the smartest things you can do. Not only will heatmapping provide you with a ton of complex data that you can use, but it will allow you to break this data down into a much easier to understand format.

If you haven’t been using heatmapping, now is a good time to start. You should have a pretty good grasp of what it is. Check out the tools above and see if any of them work well for you.

The post How Heatmapping Helps You Make More Money appeared first on GreenGeeks Blog.

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