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Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world and has one of the best affiliate programs that every website should take advantage of. In WordPress, there are plenty of plugins that make it easy to add Amazon affiliate links, like the Auto amazon Links.

Normally, you would have to keep copying and pasting affiliate links into your website. This is time-consuming and repetitive. Instead, this plugin allows you to select a category from Amazon, and display the top products from it. You don’t mess with links at all, but still, reap the profits.

Today, I will demonstrate how to utilize the Amazon affiliate program with Auto Amazon Links in WordPress.

What Is the Amazon Affiliate Program?

The Amazon Affiliate Program allows other websites to post affiliate links to their products. Any sales that occur by using those links will reward websites with 12% of the commission. It’s a great way to earn extra money and provide products your userbase will use.

For instance, let’s say you run a video game blog. You might end up doing reviews for the latest games and hardware. All of those posts could contain an affiliate link for the product you are reviewing.

Or in this case, you could just select video games as a category and Amazon will list the most popular products on your site.

For new website’s it can be challenging to keep supporting a website when it is not earning your money back. Dealing in affiliate links is a great way to increase your profits and support the website as your audience grows.

Auto Amazon Links is an Amazon affiliate plugin for WordPress. It focuses on allowing users to select a category and display the most popular products in that category without having to copy and paste any affiliate links. Thus, it creates auto links for Amazon in WordPress.

While the plugin was designed with bulk in mind, it is completely possible to display a single product on a post or page. And all you need to do is copy and paste the product’s URL. The plugin will handle the rest.

Note: You will need to be part of the Amazon Affiliate Program to use this plugin. It does require the Amazon API Key.

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New

Search for Auto amazon Links in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Auto Amazon Links

Scroll down until you find the Auto Amazon Links plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Step 2: Settings

The first thing you need to do is configure the settings because this is where you will enter your API Key. Without it, the plugin will not work right, and even if it did, you wouldn’t get paid. So let’s get started.

Also as I said before, you must be part of the Amazon Affiliate program to use this plugin, it is the only way to get the API Key.

On the left-hand admin panel click on Auto Amazon Links and select the Settings option.


The Settings are broken up into eleven tabs. There is a lot to go through, so I won’t be able to cover it all. What’s most important is the first tab, Associates.

This is where you are going to enter your API information to connect your website with the Amazon Affiliate Program.

Select your country, and enter all of the necessary Associate information.

Enter All Information

NOTE: In order to use the Product Advertising API, you need to have 3 qualifying sales within 180 days, have an approved associate account, and comply with the associates program agreement. However, the Amazon PA-API is optional depending on how you’re going to use this plugin.

Another really important set of settings can be found in the Disclosure tab. According to the terms and conditions of the Amazon Affiliate program, you must openly disclose you are part of the program. Failure to do so will end in your expulsion from the program.

Luckily, the plugin provides a short blurb that satisfies that requirement. All you need to do is select a disclosure page for your website.

Select Page

The rest of the settings are really dependent on what you want to do with the plugin. Many of the default options are fine for most sites, but carefully go through the settings and make any changes you need.

You can always change them again later.

Step 3: Adding Products

The plugin has quite a few different ways to add products. Each one has its own section, but for the most part, they are similar in nature. You must enter your API Key information first. None of this will work without them.

There are six ways to add products. They include by category, search, URL, contextual, feed, and ScratchPad Payload. Simply, click on the option you want to use.

Note: I’m demonstrating by category, but the other sections are similar enough.

Add Product

Here you need to enter the unit name, I recommend the Category itself, and enter a variety of information. Some of the information is the Associate ID, what types of products from the category to display (Best Sellers, New Releases, etc.), and much more.

Go through all of the settings and click on the “Proceed” button.


Select the category you want to feature on your website from Amazon. There are a lot of categories to choose from, and this could take you a bit of time if you’re not sure what products you want to sell.

You can add as many categories as you’d like. However, keep in mind that it will impact the speed of your website.

Select Category

Once you’ve added a category, click the “Create” button on the right.

Create Button

This will take you to an edit screen.

In the Edit Unit screen, you can further modify how the Amazon links appear and behave on your website for this particular unit. You can change:

  • Types of products to show, such as Best Sellers, Top Rate, or Gift Ideas
  • Set how many products to show, image sizes, and description lengths
  • Use custom text or change text formats
  • Filter products using white a black listings
  • Advanced settings for products, provided you have the APA API key I stated above

You can also manage how the “Buy Now” button looks as well as manage the number of sub-images, reviews to show, and heading tag levels.

All of these will be up to how you want Auto Amazon Links to show products on your site. I suggest testing out your changes and making further adjustments as needed to fit your design preferences.

In this case, it may be easier to open a second tab with the page in question and refresh it after making changes.

Step 5: Displaying the Products

There are a couple of ways you can display products from Amazon using this plugin. You can use the available shortcode in any post or page, and you can use the block as a sidebar widget.

To add Auto Amazon Links to a post or page, click the “Manage Units” option under the plugin on the left admin panel of WordPress.

Manage Units

This will take you to the list of units you have created with the Auto Amazon Links plugin.

Copy the shortcode for the unit you wish to show.

Copy Shortcode

Go to any post or page, add a Shortcode block in the Gutenberg editor, and paste the unit shortcode.

NOTE: You can also copy the PHP coding if you want to directly edit the webpage, theme, or template in question.

Paste Shortcode

Once you update or publish the post or page, the products from Amazon will fill where you placed the shortcode.

View It On Your Website

The Auto Amazon Links widget is a fairly easy method to show products in your sidebar. This way, all visitors can see the products regardless of what page they visit.

Go to Appearance and click, “Widgets.”

WordPress Widgets

In the sidebar you want to show Auto Amazon Links, add a new block and search for Auto Amazon Links.

Auto Amazon Links Block

You’ll find two available blocks: by Unit and Contextual Products. Unless you have the Amazon API, you won’t be able to use the Contextual Products just yet.

Click on the Auto Amazon Links by Unit block.

Amazon By Unit Block

The settings will open for this block for you to fill out. You can:

  • Enter a title name for the widget, which is optional.
  • Select what Amazon link units you made earlier to show in the sidebar.
  • Change the Height and Width of the widget’s appearance.
  • Select what available page types you want the Amazon Links widget to show.

Once you’re done modifying the widget, click the “Update” button on the top right.

Update the Widget

The products will now be visible on your website.

NOTE: You may want to check your pages to make sure the widget looks how you want. Otherwise, you’ll need to make some changes and modifications to the group you made earlier or modify the settings of the widget itself.

Make Money Advertising Products Your Audience Wants

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn some extra money and you don’t have to feel guilty about it. Amazon is a trusted name that offers great prices and quick shipping. Displaying products your audience will be interested in makes the process worth it for both sides.

This plugin will help you get started or reduce the workload if you have been handling affiliate links manually. It’s a great tool that every website should consider.

Have you noticed an increase in affiliate earnings since setting up the plugin? Do you allow the plugin to auto-post Amazon affiliate links?

The post How to Add Auto Amazon Links in WordPress to Make More Money appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Show Content in a Post Grid Format in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/post-grid-format-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/post-grid-format-wordpress/#respond Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=49844 While most WordPress themes support the post grid format by default, there are quite a few that don’t. In those cases, you can add it […]

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While most WordPress themes support the post grid format by default, there are quite a few that don’t. In those cases, you can add it with the Post Grid plugin. It gives you a variety of layouts and formats to choose from.

In fact, there are so many options, you might even want to add it if your theme natively supports the format to take advantage of the additional options. And the good news is that it’s free and easy to use.

Today, I will demonstrate how to use the Post Grid plugin in WordPress.

What Is A Post Grid?

A post grid is a layout structure that allows users to show multiple items in a grid format, but in this case, those items are posts. This is most commonly found on the home page of a blog, as it allows visitors to see a wide variety of posts on your website.

The grid format can be used for other items like products or images, but those are called product grids or image grids. Yet, they really are the same thing.

The main advantage of using a post grid in WordPress is to show off a lot of your work in a small area. Larger websites produce a lot of posts on a daily basis. In those cases, they need to make sure they are getting the attention they deserve.

Post grids also put a lot of emphasis on the thumbnail. In fact, they are the center of attention. Thus, a good thumbnail can make or break a post.

How to Add A Post Grid Format in WordPress

Step 1: Install Post Grid

The Post Grid plugin is all about the grid format. Even though the name has “post” in it, this plugin supports everything from a product to a team member showcase. Thus, the plugin is a perfect fit for every website.

Each grid is responsive by default and supports custom post types. One of the most useful features is the pagination feature. With it, you can set up multiple pages for your grid, which can help improve loading times.

The post grid can be placed anywhere using a shortcode, so let’s begin.

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New

Search for Post Grid in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Post Grid

Scroll down until you find the Post Grid plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Step 2: Import Layouts

You immediately start creating a post grid, but I recommend starting out by choosing the layout you want to use. The free version of this plugin provides several free layouts to choose from, but the majority are locked behind the Pro version.

However, you have to actually import those free layouts to use them, so let’s begin with that.

On the left-hand admin panel, click on Post Grid and select the Layouts Library option.

Layouts Library

There are a lot of layouts to choose from, but you need to pick the ones you have access to. The plugin does a good job at labeling premium and free options. In fact, there are tabs you can use to separate those layouts.

Click on the Free tab.

Free tab

Now you can see all of the free options available to you. Once you find a layout you like, click on the “Import” button.

Import Button

Feel free to import multiple layouts so you can use them later. If you plan on using an imported layout, then skip to Step 4.

Step 3: Create/Edit Layouts

To view or edit the layouts you have imported, click on the All Layouts option.

All Layouts

Think of the layouts you imported as templates. Each one is customizable by clicking on the Edit option. You can also create your own from scratch using the “Add New” button.

It’s the same process regardless of what you choose, so I will start from scratch.

The Layout builder interface is straightforward, but even then, I will say it’s a bit confusing due to the lack of visual aid. Click on General to expand the options.

General options

You will now see a series of tags. Click on the one you want to use.

Select Tag

It will be added to the right. You can add as many tags as you want and rearrange them to get the desired effect. Click on a tag on the right to expand the options and customize the content within.

Each one is unique, so I won’t cover them all, but it is simple.

For example, the Thumbnail with link tag just requires you to upload a thumbnail and to choose where it will link to.

You can see a preview at the bottom once you add content to the tags. Don’t forget to save.

Step 4: Create A Post Grid

Now, it’s time to create a post grid, which is really easy, but there are a lot of settings to cover.

Click on the Add New option.

Add New

The Grid Builder is a series of options that you can change to your liking. It’s broken down into several different sections that focus on different aspects. I’ll cover a few key details, and leave the rest for you.

You will start in the Query Post section. This section is dedicated to figuring out what will appear in the grid. By default, it is set to posts and will display any post that is published.

For most websites, the defaults settings will accomplish what you want.

Use the options in this section to make a change if need be.

Choose What Content Will Appear

The Layouts section is dedicated to choosing a layout, which you should already have available from the previous steps. Just pick the one you want to use. The next three sections determine the way the grid will appear.

This includes how many rows and columns there will be, height and width, background color, masonry mode, and more. Pick the options that suit your website.

Customize Appearance

Once you have gone through all of the sections and are satisfied, click on the “Publish” button. You can then click on the Shortcode section and copy the shortcode.

Publish Grid

That’s it. Go to any post or page on your website and paste the shortcode, save the changes, and view the grid. Congratulations.

Note: It is possible to add the shortcode to a widget, but you need to make sure the dimensions are correct. Otherwise, it will not look right.

Add A Post Grid in WordPress Today

The Post Grid plugin is a great addition to any website that wants to use grid format. It can handle anything from posts to products and has a wide array of customization options to choose from.

These are expanded in the Pro version of the plugin.

A grid allows you to show more items in a smaller area, but more importantly, do it in a stylish way. This is why most blogs, news sites, and online stores, all utilize a grid format. It makes it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.

And since the plugin is easy to use, it’s a great tool to take advantage of.

How easy did you find the Post Grid plugin to use? Will you use the grid format for anything else besides posts?

The post How to Show Content in a Post Grid Format in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Add Visual Appeal to WordPress with Hover Effects https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/wordpress-hover-effects/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/wordpress-hover-effects/#respond Wed, 17 Nov 2021 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=49659 WordPress is highly customizable, and one way you can improve your website’s visual appeal is by adding hover effects. These are small animations that play […]

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WordPress is highly customizable, and one way you can improve your website’s visual appeal is by adding hover effects. These are small animations that play when a visitor hovers their mouse over a certain element.

These are great for capturing the reader’s attention as they scroll through the page. Thus, they are ideal on elements such as buttons or images related to sales or special features that you want to highlight.

Today, I will demonstrate to add hover animation to any element in WordPress with the Hover Effects plugin.

Why Add Hover Affects to WordPress?

Hover effects highlight important elements on a page like buttons, banners, and more. More importantly, they provide a clear sign to what is clickable on your website, which makes them an excellent addition to any cluttered pages.

Of course, sometimes a hover effect can actually provide additional details.

For example, when you hover your mouse over a link on a page or post, most websites will have it display the URL. While this isn’t flashy, it is still an example of a hover effect. Another one would be displaying alt text or a caption on an image.

Thus, hover effects are useful whether you are just looking for aesthetic pleasantries, or if you want to display important information.

How to Add Hover Effects in WordPress

Step 1: Install Hover Effects

While you could easily use CSS to add hover effects in WordPress, many beginners may struggle with this. Instead, I recommend using the Hover Effects plugin. This plugin provides all of the CSS code you are going to use.

Thus, all you need to do is copy the copy and paste it into the additional CSS section on the desired block. It’s really simple to use and gives you access to forty different hover effects that are usable on any WordPress block or menu.

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New

Search for Hover Effects in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Hover Effects

Scroll down until you find the Hover Effects plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Step 2: Copy An Effect

As I said, the only thing you need to do is copy and paste CSS code, which is extremely easy. The plugin adds a dedicated page where you can view what each effect does and copy the necessary code.

On the left-hand admin panel click on Wow-Company and select the Hover Effects option.

Hover Effects

At the top, you will see a few options. You are currently in the examples tab, the others include an FAQ, link to the support forums, link to the rating page, and their Facebook page.

You only need the Examples and FAQ tabs.

Here you can view all of the hover styles. There are three styles: 2D Transitions, Shadow and Glow Transitions, and Curls. All you need to do is hover your mouse over the effect to see it in action.

And keep in mind these effects can be applied to any block in Gutenberg. Click on the effect to copy the CSS.

Select Hover Effect

Note: If you are planning to use multiple hover effects, I recommend opening this page in a new tab. That way you can just swap tabs to find a new hover effect to add. It’s a big time saver.

Step 3: Add Hover Effects to Blocks

Go to any post or page on your website that you want to add a hover effect to, or create a new one for testing purposes. Once there, click on any block in the editor and expand the settings wheel.

Note: This process is Identical for widgets in WordPress. After all, all widgets are just blocks.

Click on the Advanced settings.

Advanced Settings

These settings include title attribute, HTML anchor, and Additional CSS Classes. Paste the hover effect into the Additional CSS Classes textbox.

Paste Hover Effect

You cannot view the hover effect in the editor. Instead, you can either click on the “Preview” button to view it, or save the changes and view it on a live page. Again, these effects work on any block.

Thus it’s the same process regardless of if you are adding hover effects to an image or a button. Just remember if you have multiple hover effects for a single button that you separate each CSS line with a comma.

Step 4: Adding Hover Effects to Menus

These button effects are not exclusive to just blocks in WordPress, they can also be applied to menus to help them stand out more. However, by default, CSS classes aren’t enabled, so first we need to turn them on.

Click on Appearance and select the Menus option.


Click on Screen Options in the top-right corner.

Screen Options

Check the CSS Classes box to enable CSS on menu items.

CSS Classes Box

This will allow you to add custom CSS to any menu item, but the key is that it is for individual elements. You cannot add the effect to every item at once. Thus, if that was your goal, you will need to add the hover effect to each menu item individually.

Expand any menu item, and paste the hover effect into the CSS Classes box.

Paste Hover Effect

Save the changes, and your menu will now have the hover effect. Congratulations on setting up the Hover Effects plugin in WordPress.

Do Hover Effects Impact Site Perfromance?

In the majority of cases, hover effects will not have any impact on site performance. However, if you add hover animations to specific elements, it can sometimes slow down pages for the user.

For example, let’s say you have a very large image. If you decided to add a spinning hover effect to it, well, that can get messy. Moving a large file like that is not recommended.

And frankly, it’s bad design. One other thing to consider is mobile users.

While smartphones have gotten very powerful, not everyone is using the latest model. These animations can cause problems on devices that are not up to par. That’s why many websites actually disable hover effects for mobile devices.

Don’t Over Do Your Hover Effecfts

Adding CSS animation on hover in WordPress is a great way to add a little pizazz to your website. However, just like there is such a thing as too much glitter in real life, you can have too many animation effects.

For some visitors, this can come off as cheesy, or amateurish. Only use a few effects and try to use them on the same type of objects. Most importantly, try to avoid the fancier ones. No one wants to see a “Buy Now” button do a barrel roll.

What kinds of hover animations do you use on your website? What page elements do you add hover effects to?

The post How to Add Visual Appeal to WordPress with Hover Effects appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Use Redux Framework to Create Pages in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/redux-framework-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/redux-framework-wordpress/#respond Fri, 05 Nov 2021 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=49282 Are you looking for additional customization options for the Gutenberg editor? If so, you need to try the Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin. […]

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Are you looking for additional customization options for the Gutenberg editor? If so, you need to try the Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin. It adds over 1000 templates that you can use to create custom pages in seconds.

Some of the framework templates will need additional plugins to use, but you can install everything you need directly in the Gutenberg editor. And if you’re not a fan of adding more plugins, you can filter the templates to see the ones you can use without adding them.

Today, I will demonstrate how to utilize the Redux Framework plugin to add more customization in WordPress.

More Customization Is Always A Good Thing

Redux framework is hands down one of the best editor extensions WordPress has to offer. The only competition it has is from full-fledged page builder plugins like Elementor.

That’s why it also has over one million active installs.

You might be wondering if this plugin is compatible with your theme. Fear not, if the plugin isn’t, you can use the custom page templates option. This will allow you to override any theme and create your own custom pages to ensure you can take advantage of any template.

In this function, it is similar to a page builder. It boasts a clean code design, and you can verify it through the documentation provided by the plugin.

How to Improve Customization in WordPress with Redux Framework

Step 1: Install Redux Framework

Redux Framework is a template library for the Gutenberg editor. Everything can be done directly in the Gutenberg editor including adding page templates, previewing them on demo sites, installing additional plugins when necessary, and more.

It’s comparable to a page-builder plugin but offers way more ready-to-use templates than any other tool in WordPress.

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Search for Redux Framework in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Scroll down until you find the Redux Framework plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Once the plugin is activated, it’s ready for use. While there is a settings page, the only option available is to enable legacy templates. You are free to do so, but since they are older, they are not coded the same way, thus they may not have the same performance as new ones.

This could lead to compatibility issues in WordPress.

Step 2: Patterns

Go to any post or page on WordPress. I would recommend starting a new one for testing purposes before trying this on a live page.

Not that it is hard, but you should get a feel of how everything works, that way you get the best results.

Once there, click on the “Library” button.

The library is broken up into two tabs: Patterns and Page Templates. Let’s begin with patterns.

A pattern is a part of a page template that you can add anywhere on a post or page. For example, you could add a Contact Pattern, which will give you a space to add contact information and store hours.

The plugin gives you two filtering options. The first is to select a category. They have all of the main ones like retail, weddings, education, and more. Many of these categories will also have subcategories to give you even more options.

Basically, pick the category that your website falls under.

If there are any subcategories, they will appear after clicking on the category. Choose one if applicable.

Note: The category will determine the design of your pattern. There may be times where a different category is a better match. So, don’t be afraid to look around.

Now you simply need to choose a pattern to use. These are broken down into their own categories like testimonials, logo, gallery, etc. You just need to click on one of them to view what options are available.

On the right side, you will see all of the options you can modify. Click on the one you want to add. This will open up a sample to view and a link to a demo site that uses it.

Click on the “Add Pattern” button.

A small pop-up will appear asking for you to subscribe for email updates. Feel free to skip or accept, it will not have an impact on the plugin.

Step 3: Customize the Pattern

Once you add your pattern to Gutenberg, you can customize it like any other block. Now, what you can do to customize it largely depends on the Pattern itself.

Each one is unique and you just need to click on it to begin editing.

I selected a Gallery pattern, so I can click on the stock photos and replace them with my own.

Since this is no different than editing a regular block, I’ll leave this part up to you. But I assure you that everything about the pattern is customizable.

Step 4: Page Templates

The good news is that Page Templates work identical to Patterns, but the difference is that it’s the full template instead of a piece.

Click on the Page Templates tab.

Once again, you will have two filtering options Categories and Page Types. These work identically to the patterns; simply select a category that your website fits into and then select the page type.

However, the choices here are for pages instead of patterns.

Click on the template you want to use.

You will be able to preview the template and even view a demo site that uses it. If you want to use it, click on the “Add Template” button. If not, keep looking.

Again, you will be asked to subscribe with an email, feel free to agree or not, but be warned that this will be asked every time you add a template or pattern.

The template will appear as a series of blocks in the WordPress editor. Each one can be edited similarly to any other block in Gutenberg. So all that’s really left is to go through the editing process, which I will leave to you.

Just be aware that you can remove blocks in the template and replace them with patterns that you like instead. Or, just remove them entirely without replacing them.

You really do have full control over what you design.

Congratulations on using the Redux Framework plugin to add more options to the Gutenberg editor.

Build the Pages You Want to Build

Web development is all about utilizing the options the platform provides in a creative way. In the case of WordPress, you have the complete freedom to build a website any way you want. And the Redux Framework plugin is the perfect example of that.

With it, you can utilize templates as a starting point and edit them accordingly. You could choose to replace parts of a template with a specific pattern, or alternatively, you can create your own template by putting together different patterns.

The point is, you have full creative freedom in WordPress, and you should take advantage of it.

Did you make your own template with patterns or edit an existing one? Did you need to download any additional plugins to utilize the template of your choice?

The post How to Use Redux Framework to Create Pages in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Set Up Internal Linking in WordPress with Link Whisper https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/internal-linking-wordpress-link-whisper/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/internal-linking-wordpress-link-whisper/#comments Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?p=46998 Any SEO expert will tell you that internal linking is crucial to getting your website to rank highly on Google, but it can be hard […]

The post How to Set Up Internal Linking in WordPress with Link Whisper appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Any SEO expert will tell you that internal linking is crucial to getting your website to rank highly on Google, but it can be hard to do. However, like most things in WordPress, there is a plugin that can help. In this case, it’s Link Whisper.

This plugin uses an AI to scan the content on your website and then recommend internal links to the writer. Now, as you might expect from an AI, it’s not perfect. But sometimes even a bad recommendation can be helpful during the writing process as you may be able to fit it in later.

Today, I will demonstrate how to improve internal linking with the Link Whisper plugin.

The Importance of Internal Linking

An internal link is a link that leads visitors to another URL on the same site. This can help visitors find other relevant information that can be supporting evidence to the facts you are claiming, or it can be content that deals with a similar topic.

Think of it as an expansion of the article to further engage the reader.

Of course, internal links are not just for the visitor’s benefit, they are proven to boost SEO.

This is because when a search bot crawls through your pages, they explore every link, internal and external. The internal links help the search bots identify which pages are important on your website, thus linked pages are more likely to be indexed.

Of course, this might make you think that you should be linking as many pages as possible. Yet, this isn’t the case. While there is no set number of links you should aim for, keep in mind that too many links can harm the reader experience.

And don’t forget that you need a healthy combination of both internal and external links.

How to Create Internal Links with Link Whisper

Step 1: Install Link Whisper

Link Whisper is a free plugin that uses AI to recommend internal links as you write. The plugin helps identify pages or posts that do not have any internal linking, also known as Orphan content, to help you evenly distribute them.

You can even have it track specific keywords and recommend specific articles every time that keyword is used. For instance, you can have the plugin recommend an article about Yoast SEO every time you use the phrase Yoast SEO.

Note: This tutorial will cover the free version of the plugin. Many features are locked behind the premium version.

Begin by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Search for Link Whisper in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Scroll down until you find the Link Whisper plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Step 2: View the Internal Links Report

The first thing the plugin does upon activation is scan your website’s content. It then produces a report that will show the current number of internal (inbound and outbound) and external links on your website.

The first thing you should do is view this report. It’s a great way to see how well or how badly you are doing in regards to internal linking.

On the left-hand admin panel, click on Link Whisper and select the Report option.

You should see a full list of every post and page on your website. Each of these has three columns: Inbound Internal Links, Outbound Internal Links, and Outbound External links. Each column will have a number that represents the number of those links on that post or page.

Note: In case you were wondering what the difference between inbound and outbound internal links are, an inbound internal link refers to links on other posts or pages that lead to that articles. While outbound refers to the internal links present in the article going to other posts or pages.

If you hover over the title, you will see a selection of options. This Includes an option to export all of this data to an Excel sheet.

At the top, there is a search option if you are looking for a particular page or post. This is very useful once your website grows as the number of posts and pages will become too long to casually scroll through. Next to it, you will find the “Run Link Scan” button.

This button will scan your entire website and update the report page. Be sure to press this anytime you view the report because you should only view the most accurate information.

Note: The plugin also adds a Link Stats column to your posts and pages sections. This contains the number of links found within each article.

Step 3: Configure Settings

Before you start using the plugin to help create links, you need to configure the settings. These are pretty straightforward but are very important since it dictates the recommendations you will receive.

Click on Settings.

These settings are all about tweaking the recommendations that the plugin provides. You can have it exclude numbers or certain common words to enhance the options.

By default, the list of common words is pretty extensive, but feel free to expand it.

There are other options like what types of content the plugin should recommend. By default, this is posts and pages, but can be expanded as well. You can also set the number of sentences before the plugin starts recommending links.

This is good for writers that don’t want any links in the intro paragraph.

Once you are happy with the settings, click on the “Save” button.

Step 4: Creating Internal Links

With the settings configured, it’s time to actually start creating internal links. But before we get into that, I do need to emphasize a certain point.

If this is a new website without a lot of content (posts or pages), you won’t get many recommendations simply because there are not a lot of available options.

Thus, this plugin works best when you have a lot of content for the plugin to pull from.

To see the recommendations, go to any existing page or post. Starting a new one will work, but you actually have to create content to see the recommendations. Scroll down below the post to find the Link whisper Suggested Links section.

Here, you will find the suggestions for your content. There are also a few other options.

Congratulations on learning how to use Link Whisper. The plugin is far more useful on larger websites with a lot of content to form internal links. Remember that the Pro version offers a lot more features to take advantage of.

Add Internal Links to WordPress Today

Every successful website utilizes internal links, and yours will not be the exception. It’s an important part of the SEO process, yet it’s not just for search engines. Internal links also help visitors navigate your website and find relevant content to enjoy.

And while this article has focused on internal links, don’t forget to add external ones. This helps show visitors that you are getting information from other sources, which adds credibility to your own content.

It can also open the door to future collaborations in some cases.

How many internal links do you aim for in each post or page? Do you add internal links as you write or add them after you finish writing?

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How to Install and Setup a Coming Soon Plugin In WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/coming-soon-plugin-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/coming-soon-plugin-wordpress/#respond Fri, 04 Jun 2021 16:00:23 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=42400 Coming soon pages are a very common thing to come across when you are looking at WordPress sites that are being built and updated. They […]

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Coming soon pages are a very common thing to come across when you are looking at WordPress sites that are being built and updated. They give site users updates and also let Google know that a site is either being built or being maintained. You can accomplish this by using a coming soon plugin for WordPress.

There are quite a few coming soon plugins available. However, today, we are going to focus on one in particular that gives you quite a few solid tools.

What is a Coming Soon Page?

A coming soon page, or under construction page, is a page that gives users a preview or updates of what your website is going to be. Basically, you are telling visitors what is coming soon and what might be in store for the future.

A majority of these pages will include other information and marketing tips that you can use to gain subscribers and market your site across social media and other avenues. When someone has updates and knows what is going on behind the scenes, they have a better idea of what they are waiting for and you can really build interest for your site launch.

I am going to show you how to install and set up a coming soon page on your WordPress website. Let’s take a look at the plugin we are going to use today and see what all it has to offer.

Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode & Landing Pages by SeedProd

Coming Soon plugin

Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode & Landing Pages by SeedProd is a smooth plugin that allows users to easily set up coming soon and maintenance pages on a WordPress website. It is a pretty straightforward and easy-to-use plugin, despite being packed with features.

Once installed and activated, you simply pick what type of page you want to deploy, and then start building it from there using all the tools that are provided. The plugin sends the right messages to search engines based on what you set.

This coming soon plugin is packed with a ton of features. Some of the main ones include:

  • Works With Any WordPress Theme
  • Drag and Drop Page Builder
  • Create 404 Pages
  • Tons of Blocks to Build Around
  • Customizable
  • Mobile Ready
  • Responsive
  • Add Custom CSS and HTML
  • Multisite Support
  • Translation Ready
  • BuddyPress Support
  • Uses WordPress Best Practices
  • Multiple Page Styles

You can implement a coming soon image as well, or style and customize the plugin exactly how you want. Let’s get it installed and running together so that you have it at your disposal when needed.

Note: There is a pro version of this plugin. It does open up several great features and tools that you may be interested in. If so, feel free to give it a look. The tutorial below is based on the free version of the plugin.

Setup the Coming Soon Plugin

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

Before you can add a coming soon page to your site, you first need to install and activate the plugin. You can easily do this by heading over to the Plugins page in the WordPress admin dashboard.

INstall and activate coming soon plugin

Here you will see a search field that is made available on the top right. Go ahead and use that field to search the plugin by name. When you see it pop up, install and activate it right from there.

Step 2: Go to Settings

Now that the plugin has been installed and activated, you want to pop over to the settings page before anything else. You can do this by clicking SeedProd > Settings, located on the left side menu area of the dashboard.

Click on SeedProd settings

On this page, you will see only a couple of options. If you have the pro version of the plugin, then you can add your license key here. Set these settings how you see fit.

Settings page

Step 3: View Templates

If you want to use one of the available and ready-to-roll templates, then all you have to do is click on the “Templates” tab link on the left side menu.

Click templates link

Here, you will be presented with several different templates that you can use to create a coming soon page.

Templates for coming soon plugin

Simply make the selection you want, edit a couple of things, and then publish it. You are all set.

Step 4: Go to Pages

If you need to select between a coming soon page or a maintenance page and build it from the ground up, then click on the “Pages” tab link on the left side menu area.

Click pages link

NOTE: This is different from the “Pages” area of WordPress itself. The one I am referring to above is located under SeedProd.

Step 5: Select Between Pages

Make the selection you want here. You can select between a coming soon page, a maintenance page, or a landing page.

Select a page

For this tutorial, I went ahead and selected the coming soon page option by clicking on the orange “Edit Page” button.

Step 6: Design Your Coming Soon Page

Once you click on the coming soon page option, a drag and drop page builder will pop up.

Drag and drop page build for coming soon plugin

Use the available items and drag them into the editor and build the page how you see fit. If the boxes are available, then you can use them

Note: There is a “Sections” tab, but sections are only available for pro (paid) users.

Step 7: Click on Page Settings Tab

On the top of the drag-and-drop builder page, you will see a tab titled ‘Page Settings.” When you are finished building the page how you want it, click on that tab.

Click the page settings tab

This will open all of the available page setting options that the coming soon plugin offers. Go through them and fill them out how you want.

Page settings

Note: We skipped the “Connect” tab because it is only available for pro (paid) users.

Step 8: Save Page and Publish It

Last, but not least, click on the ‘Save” button to save the coming soon page. Since the plugin was ‘Enabled” under the page settings tab, the coming soon page will automatically show.

Save button

Note: You can also use the “Preview” button to preview your page as it is being built.

That’s it! You have built a page using the coming soon plugin and you are all set. You can go back to the drag-and-drop builder any time to make adjustments.

Why Use a WordPress Coming Soon Page?

A WordPress coming soon page has a lot of benefits for developers and website owners. If you have the right setup going, then you are able to hide pages and full sites that are being developed, updated, or maintained.

Another great benefit of running a coming soon plugin is that it can be very beneficial to SEO because it lets Google know what exactly is going on with your website. For example, a lot of plugins, including the one we are using today, offer coming soon and maintenance modes.

While both modes work to block your website or certain site pages from users, they both represent different things to Google.

  • Coming Soon Page: This is used when you want to hide a site from Google while it is under construction or being built. This means Google can’t index the content for the search engine.
  • Maintenance Mode Page: This is used for smaller updates and maintenance-related items on your website. This lets Google and other search engines know that your website is only down temporarily. It does this by sending a 503 notification to search engines, telling them to hold on while updates are made. In other words, it doesn’t have an impact on your search rankings while changes are in progress.

Knowing which mode to use and when to use it can have significant effects on your website SEO, so make sure you are using the right one.

Final Thoughts

When a WordPress page is under construction, it is a great idea to let search engines know so that your website SEO does not take a massive hit. The Coming Soon Page plugin by SeedProd gives you every tool you need to set up a coming soon page the right way.

I hope this article was able to show you how easy the process is. You simply need to have the right plugin installed. A few clicks here and there and you will be sitting pretty and ready to work on your site.

What other coming soon plugins have you used? Do you prefer to do a site build and site updates on localhost instead?

The post How to Install and Setup a Coming Soon Plugin In WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Add the T4B News Ticker to WordPress and Why https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/t4b-news-ticker-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/t4b-news-ticker-wordpress/#respond Mon, 31 May 2021 14:00:12 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=42140 There are a couple of different types of news tickers that you can add to your WordPress website. There are some out there that will […]

The post How to Add the T4B News Ticker to WordPress and Why appeared first on GreenGeeks.

There are a couple of different types of news tickers that you can add to your WordPress website. There are some out there that will pull live news feeds from other sources, and there are some that allow you to pull content from your own site and display it in a feed.

Today, I am going to show you how to use the T4B News Ticker plugin to create a news feed using your own posts.

There is no need to write your own custom code from scratch if you want to add a scrolling news ticker to your website. One of the best things about WordPress is its extensive plugin library. This allows you to create all sorts of dynamic functionality.

Why Add a News Ticker to Your Website?

The most common reason that a WordPress website owner would want to add a scroll-type news ticker to their site is that they want to keep their audience updated on certain events and news going on.

That being said, the T4B News Ticker plugin is not this type of plugin. It is actually a WordPress news ticker plugin that allows website owners to pull content from their site that is already written. This means that you can keep your site users updated on the specific category of site content that you want them to see.

Maybe you have a live news section or a sporting event section on your site and you want your users to be able to see all the latest news and content, even if they are not on a specific page. Whatever the case may be, I am going to show you how to add ticker news to your website.

Let’s take a look at the plugin we are going to use to accomplish this and see what all it has to offer.

T4B News Ticker

T4B News Ticker plugin

T4B News Ticker is a smooth, fast, easy-to-use news ticker plugin for WordPress. It provides users a quick and easy way to build a scrolling horizontal news ticker for their websites. It is a pretty straightforward plugin that is easy to set up and uses generated shortcodes that you copy and paste into the post or page of where you want the scrolling news ticker to display.

The configurations are fast, and you can have this up and running in no time at all. The plugin provides 4 different types of animation effects. These include fade, slide, ticker, and scroll. You will be able to show news in your ticker based on post categories, tags, or custom text.

The plugin also has some other really cool features. Some of them include:

  • Control Scrolling Speed
  • Select Typography
  • Display Ticker in Posts or Pages Using Shortcode
  • Easy to Customize
  • Multiple Ticker Effects
  • Control Animation Speed
  • Select the Time Between Fades
  • Select Number of Posts to Scroll
  • Order and Order by Posts

Basically, if you want to create a smooth, mobile-ready news ticker for WordPress, this is definitely a plugin to have. Let’s get it installed and running together.

Note: There is a pro version of this plugin. It does offer a few more features, like the ability to create multiple news tickers. If you feel your website needs this, then go ahead and give it a look. The rest of this tutorial is based on the free version of the plugin.

Add a News Ticker to WordPress

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

In order to create a smooth news ticker for your website, you first need to install and activate the T4B News Ticker plugin. You can do this by heading over to the Plugins page in the WordPress admin dashboard.

Install and activate T4B News Ticker

Once on the page, you will see that there is an available search field to use. Simply use this field to search the plugin by name. Once you see the correct one pop up, install and activate it right from there.

Step 2: Go to the Plugin Settings Page

Now that you have completed the installation of the plugin, it is time to head right over to the settings page for it so you can configure it all. To do this, click on Settings > Ticker Settings, located on the left side menu area of the dashboard.

Settings ticker settings

You can see that this option has now been added to your dashboard menu because you successfully activated the plugin.

Step 3: Configure the Plugin Settings

This is a one-page layout and has every setting needed. You want to go ahead and scroll through everything and configure the plugin how you see fit for your website.

The top portion of the page will include configuration options for things like ticker title, animation type, and scrolling. You will also want to make sure the checkbox to enable the ticker on your site is checked.

General settings for T4b News Ticker plugin

Scroll down some and select the remaining configurations as well. This includes options like ticker category, number of posts to display, and post order.

Finish ticker settings

When you are finished, click on the “Save Changes” button and apply all the configurations you made.

Step 4: Copy and Paste Shortcode on a Page

When you save the changes on the setting page, you will be given a shortcode for the news ticker. In this case, we are working with the free version of the plugin.

Since this is the case, you can only create one news ticker. The shortcode for the ticker is [t4b-ticker], which you will see displayed on the top right side of the mains settings page.

Plugin shortcode

Copy this shortcode and head over to any post or page that you want the ticker to display on. In this case, we are going to paste it on a page.

To get there, click on Pages > Add New, located on the left side menu area of the dashboard.

Click pages then add new

Paste the shortcode you copied into the page. You can also name the page if it is new.

Paste the T4B news ticker shortcode

Note: The plugin works with the classic editor as well. Just paste the shortcode in the page as you would without the use of the Gutenberg shortcode block.

Now, publish or update the page and your news ticker should be displaying and running based on the configurations you made.

Step 5: View the Live News Ticker

Last, but not least, head over to the live page that you put the shortcode on. Here, you will be able to see the ticker working live.

Live news ticker

The ticker will display based on the settings you chose. If you need to make adjustments, simply head back over to the settings page and update what you want.

That’s it! You are now running a live news ticker pulling your site content.

What Does the Pro Version Do?

The pro version of the plugin frees you up a little more by allowing you to create as many different tickers as you want. You will also have access to more control options like colors, display, styles, and effects. Other features include:

  • Google Font Support
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • Import/Export (Backup) News Ticker
  • Copy a Ticker Instantly.
  • Support for Multiple Categories
  • RSS and JSON Support.
  • RTL Support.
  • Play/Pause/Previous/Next Support

Final Thoughts

Adding a news ticker to your WordPress site to pull content is not a difficult task if you have the right plugin. T4B News Ticker is easy to use and can be set up in just a few minutes.

Have you used other types of news ticker plugins on your site before? Do you prefer to code this type of functionality manually?

The post How to Add the T4B News Ticker to WordPress and Why appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Add a Star Rating System with YASR in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/star-rating-system-yasr-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/star-rating-system-yasr-wordpress/#respond Mon, 10 May 2021 14:00:50 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=41395 A rating system on a website can give added functionality and information on several levels. Not only does it allow for users to leave ratings […]

The post How to Add a Star Rating System with YASR in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

A rating system on a website can give added functionality and information on several levels. Not only does it allow for users to leave ratings and stars about a topic, but if handled correctly, it can also be valuable for overall SEO. Today, we are going to look at the Yasr plugin in order to do this.

You may have noticed as you bounce around from website to website, that many of them have a star rating system. Not only that, but oftentimes you can leave a star rating and also leave a valuable review or comment.

Why Allow Ratings and Reviews?

Let’s face it, the world we live in is a place where you can find all the information you want and need online. If you have any sort of eCommerce website or you have a business site that provides goods and services to the community, then having a rating system available can be very beneficial.

We all look for one thing when we are shopping online. We look for reviews and ratings. Having these on your site allows potential customers to see what others are saying about the quality of your business services and products.

Good reviews mean more potential customers. They can also help with SEO rankings, and the more ratings and reviews you get, the stronger your site may trend in searches.

Let’s take a look at it and see what all it has to offer. After that, we will get it installed and running together.

Yasr – Yet Another Stars Rating

Yasr plugin

Yasr – Yet Another Stars Rating is a plugin that helps promote brand loyalty and allows you and customers to post reviews and ratings of products and services. Once the plugin is installed, it will allow you to easily add SEO-friendly user-generated reviews and testimonials to your website posts, pages, and custom post types.

Yes, the Yasr plugin is chalked with impressive functionality. Supported item types include:

  • Blogs
  • Books
  • Courses
  • Events
  • Games
  • Businesses
  • Media Objects
  • Products
  • Organizations
  • Music
  • Recipes
  • Software Applications
  • Movies

All in all, you will not find a better free star rating plugin than Yasr. Let’s get it installed and running so that you can start using it on your website.

Note: The Yasr plugin does have a pro version. There are other options and features that you can unlock for your site and take ratings and reviews even deeper. If you feel this is something you need, then go ahead and take a look at it. The rest of this tutorial is based on the free version of the plugin.

Add a Star Rating System to Your WordPress Website

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin 

Before you can add a rating system or allow users to review things, you first need to install and activate the Yasr plugin. This isn’t difficult, and it can be handled very quickly from the Plugins page of the WordPress dashboard.

Install and activate Yasr

Simply go to the main Plugins page and use the available search field to search the plugin by name. When you see it pop up, install and activate it right from there.

Step 2: Access Yasr Settings

Now that the plugin is installed and activated, you need to access the settings page so that you can configure all the available options. To do this, click on Yet Another Stars Rating > Settings, located on the left menu area of the dashboard.

Click on Yasr then settings

You can see this option has now appeared and been made available because you activated the plugin.

Step 3: Configure the Plugin

At this point, you have reached the main settings for the plugin. You can see there are four tabs to go through and view. These include:

  • General Settings
  • Aspects and Styles
  • Multi Sets
  • Rankings

Aspects and Styles and Rankings are only available for the pro version of the plugin, so we will skip those for now.

General Settings

This is the most important tab at this point. The general settings tab is where you will create and save all the plugin configurations how you would like them.

General settings tab

There are a few to go through, so scroll through them and get everything set up the way you want for your particular website. When you finish, click the “Save All Settings” button at the bottom of the page.

This will ensure that all your configurations are applied and saved.

Multi Sets

Click on the Multi Sets tab. Here is where you can create a multi-set type of star rating for your site. 

Multi sets

Note: A multi-set allows you to insert rate options for every aspect of a product. For example, maybe you have a user who bought a speaker system from you. Instead of having one baseline rating, you can create a multi-set and use different baselines for users to rate. 

The multi-set for a speaker system may look something like this:

  • Overall Sound
  • Bass
  • Treble
  • Static Noise
  • Ease of Use

It is a really cool option that the Yasr plugin provides for free.

That’s actually it for the configuration. At this point, you are ready to place the star rating system where you want.

Step 4: Place Rating on Page

There are two ways to do this. It really depends if you are using the classic editor or the Gutenberg block editor. Here is what to look for.

Gutenberg Editor

Simply open the block editor and search for the “Yasr Overall Rating” block that is automatically added when you activate the plugin.

Add Yasr block in gutenberg

You can also add any of the other available Yasr blocks as well, depending on your situation.

Classic Editor

If you are using the classic editor, then open a page up, and on the top of the editor, you will see that a Yasr shortcode button has been added.

Shortcode button

You can click on it and enter relevant shortcodes where you want them on the page.

Yasr popup shortcodes box

That’s it! You can see it is pretty simple to add Yet Another Stars Rating to any part of a page or post, no matter what editor you are using.

Should I use the Gutenberg Editor if I Am Not Already?

The answer to this question will vary based on who you ask. In my opinion, everyone should at least be working toward using the Gutenberg editor for everything, as WordPress has made it clear that this is the future.

That being said, using the classic editor isn’t hurting anything when it comes to SEO. Still, though, with the future in mind, it is not difficult to transition all current content to blocks.

Final Thoughts

Yasr is a unique plugin that allows you to easily add a star rating system to your website. This will allow site users to add reviews and rankings to products and services. Get enough good reviews and ratings, and your site will trend up and you will have the potential to create more sales.

Have you ever used the Yasr plugin before? Is there another plugin or tool you prefer to accomplish this?

The post How to Add a Star Rating System with YASR in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Run Contests and Giveaways by Using Woorise in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/contests-giveaways-woorise-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/contests-giveaways-woorise-wordpress/#respond Wed, 14 Apr 2021 14:00:44 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=40665 Running contests and giveaways is a great way to keep visitors coming back and grow your website and social media profiles. And one of the […]

The post How to Run Contests and Giveaways by Using Woorise in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Running contests and giveaways is a great way to keep visitors coming back and grow your website and social media profiles. And one of the best ways to do this in WordPress is to use the Woorise plugin. It’s easy to use and effective.

The plugin itself requires no setup, you actually just need to install it and you’re good to go on WordPress. However, you will need to set up a Woorise account and create the contest on its website. After that, you just need to paste the shortcode into a page or post.

Today, I will demonstrate how to do all of this with the Woorise plugin in WordPress.

The Importance of Running Giveaways

While you may think that contests and giveaways are for the big-name brands that can afford them, you couldn’t be more wrong. It is a proven fact that they can help your brand grow much faster than normal.

In fact, giveaways have a conversion rate of 34%!

And the prizes don’t have to be that big to even get results. Offering a 10% discount code or a gift card in your store is a great option. And that’s because it gets customers into your store. The normal shopper usually overspends.

Thus, even if you are giving them money to spend, they have to add some of their own.

It’s also a great way to get customers to interact with things they may not normally. For instance, let’s say you made a few surveys for WordPress. Most visitors will not bother with a survey, however, if you include some kind of contest or giveaway with it, people often participate.

How to Use Woorise to Run a Contest

Step 1: Install Woorise

Woorise is a great plugin to use and requires no setup in the plugin. It allows you to add contests, giveaways, surveys, quizzes, and more to your WordPress website. Yet, keep in mind that you will need to make a Woorise account to use the function.

Unfortunately, this does mean that you will have to leave your website to create each contest or giveaway. Thus, if you want to do everything from your website, you might want a different plugin.

Begin by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New

Search for Woorise in the available search box.


Scroll down until you find the Woorise plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Upon installation, you will notice the lack of any settings options or any indication that you activated the plugin. And that is because there is none. Instead, you simply need to enter the campaign code from the Woorise website into the Woorise block.

Step 2: Create A Woorise Account

You must create a Woorise account, and luckily, it is free to do. That said, there are paid plans available that you might want to consider using for additional options and customization.

Note: If you already have an account, feel free to skip this step.

Visit the Woorise website and click on the “Start Free” button.

Start Free

You now need to enter some personal information like your name, email, website name, and create a strong password.

Click on the “Sign up for Free” button when you are ready.

Sign Up For Free

You will now be sent an email with the activation link. Click on the link to activate your account.

Activate Account

After this, you can log into the website with the username and password you created earlier.

Step 3: Create A Campaign

After login in, you will be on your Woorise dashboard. Here you can view all of the stats of your campaigns and begin new ones. If you just created a campaign, everything should be empty.

Click on the “Create A Campaign” button.


Here, you will see a full list of available templates you can use. They are divided into separate categories and include Giveaways & Contests, Forms, Surveys, Quizzes, Polls, Lead Generation, and Order & Payments.

For this tutorial, click on the Giveaways & Contests tab.

Giveaways Contests

You can run a contest on a wide variety of popular platforms like Facebook, Steam, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, and more. If you plan to do a contest or giveaway on a specific platform, pick that option, otherwise select the Basic Giveaway option.


This will bring you to the editor, which should look familiar. That’s right, it’s the Gutenberg editor from WordPress. Here, you can edit everything on the page from the text to the images, and even add new elements such as videos.

Simply go through the template and change it to meet your website’s needs. When you are done, click on the “Publish” button.


You can repeat these steps to create multiple giveaways using Woorise. The process is almost identical for platform-specific events, but you will have to enter additional information related to that platform.

Step 4: Add the Campaign in WordPress

And finally, it’s time to add this campaign to WordPress. The way you do this depends on what you choose to use.

For most people, you will use the Gutenberg editor. There is a Woorise block that will allow you to enter your campaign’s URL, and the form you created in the previous step will be viewable on that post or page.


If you are using a page builder like Elementor, simply enter the following shortcode into the text:

[ht_message mstyle=”info” title=”” show_icon=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” ][woorise url=”https://woorise.com/sitename/campaign”][/ht_message]

And if you are still using the Classic editor, simply copy and paste the campaign’s URL into the post or page.

Congratulations on setting up the Woorise plugin. Keep in mind that while this tutorial focused on the Giveaways & Contests aspect of it, you can create many other types of content like quizzes and surveys.

Take Advantage of Platform Specific Giveaways

You might think that running a giveaway for your website is the best course, but that would be wrong. Instead, using other platforms that you have a presence on and that can reach a larger audience is often more successful.

For instance, you could run an Instagram follower giveaway in WordPress. Many websites have a presence on Instagram and even use the same images on their website.

Of course, if your website has a better presence on another platform like YouTube or Twitch, then those are better candidates to run a contest on. The point is you can reach more people on bigger social media platforms and contestants are more likely to share them with friends and family.

More contestants means more conversions.

Give A Good Prize

Let’s not beat around the bush, while you can give away small rewards and still find success, fewer people are going to enter a contest for a 10% discount code versus getting an item for free. If you make sure your contest has a good reward, you will get better results.

And this doesn’t just mean the value of the item. For instance, giving away a $100 gift card to McDonald’s on a fitness website would probably not go over well, although it would make a great April Fools joke.

Make sure the prize is relevant and worthwhile when running contests.

What kind of giveaways are you running on your website? Do you run giveaways on different platforms like Facebook or YouTube?

The post How to Run Contests and Giveaways by Using Woorise in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Add a Comparison Table in WordPress with NicheTable https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/comparison-table-wordpress-nichetable/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/comparison-table-wordpress-nichetable/#respond Wed, 17 Mar 2021 20:54:58 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=40360 Do you want to give customers the option to compare two selections on your online store? If so, you’ll be pleased to know that I […]

The post How to Add a Comparison Table in WordPress with NicheTable appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Do you want to give customers the option to compare two selections on your online store? If so, you’ll be pleased to know that I have found the perfect plugin, NicheTable. Normally, you would need to install a full table building plugin to accomplish this.

However, this plugin allows you to create comparison tables on any post or page in under a minute. That means you don’t have to waste any time with features you don’t need. And these tables are natively responsive, thus you don’t have to worry about mobile customers.

Today, I will demonstrate how to build a comparison table with the NicheTable plugin.

Why Add A Table Comparision Feature?

It’s no secret, customers love to get the best deal. That often means they need to be able to compare multiple products. In fact, many stores use this feature to their advantage to showcase that their product is the better option.

You’ve probably seen one website compare its service or product to another. At least when they are the cheaper option. It’s a powerful marketing tool that not only demonstrates the value of your service but can also make a page look more professional.

Of course, the focus of these tables does not have to be the price.

In fact, some websites might want to focus on everything they include in a service or product that a competitor doesn’t in order to justify the higher price. Again, it’s a great marketing tactic that helps customers see all of the advantages they get by buying your product.

And just to be clear, this isn’t exclusively for comparing one website’s offerings against another. You can do it to compare different packages or products you offer.

How to Add a Responsive Comparison Table

Step 1: Install NicheTable

NicheTable is a responsive table maker plugin for WordPress that adds a new block to the Gutenberg editor. This block can be used on both posts and pages to compare any two items on your website. You can display the price, features, manufacturer, and just about any piece of information on the table.

Overall, the plugin is extremely easy to use and will only take a few minutes to master.

Let’s begin by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New

Search for NicheTable in the available search box.


Find the NicheTable plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Upon activation, the plugin will ask if you want to receive notifications anytime an update is available. This is completely optional so you can choose to accept or skip the offer.

Step 2: Import Table Block

There are no settings to configure this time around, the plugin simply adds two blocks to the Gutenberg editor and they are available upon activation. In this section, we will go over the Import Table block.

Go to any existing page or post that you wish to add a table to. Alternatively, you can create a new one for testing purposes.

Click on the newly added “Import Table” button on the top right of the page.

Import Table

A pop-up window will now appear on your screen. It consists of three tabs, Basic, Pro, and Favorites. In the Basics tab, you will find five table demos that showcase different tables that you can import into your post or page.

Everything in the Basic tab is free to use. You will find an additional eight tables in the Pro tab, but this requires upgrading to the Pro version.

Click on the table you want to import.

Select Table

Doing so will add the NichTable block with the settings preconfigured to match the choice you just made. Now, you just simply need to fill out all of the fields by editing each one.

Note: If you are including images, make sure they are all the same size and properly fit within the allotted space.

Table Options

If you’re looking for premade comparison tables, the Import Table option is your best friend. However, if you want to be creative, you can create your own table design with the NicheTable block.

Note: You can also find the Import Table block through the block search feature within Gutenberg, but using the button is much quicker.

Step 3: NicheTable Block

The second block is all about creating your own comparison table and it’s quite easy to use. However, I do want to point something out; you can also choose to import a table and then customize the design of it.

For instance, you might want the color scheme to match your website. You can do this with the pre-built tables.

Click on the “+” button, search for the NicheTable block, and select the Niche Table block.

NicheTable Block

A simple 3×3 table will now appear in the post or page editor. To expand the table, click on the blue wrench icon at the end of a row.

Row Options

You can select how many columns the row will have by selecting the number. However, it is important to understand that each row is technically its own block. Thus, if you make one row have 4 columns, that will not affect any of the other rows.

You will have to manually alter each one.

column Number

Click on the verticle three dots to reveal more options. Here you will find the options to copy, duplicate, move, and remove the block.

Note: The difference between the copy and duplicate option is that the duplicate option copies the row and then pastes it below, whereas the copy option simply adds it to your clipboard. The copy option is useful if you do not want to place the row directly underneath the original.

copy Duplicate

Click on the “Click here to jump Table Basic Setting” option.

Table Settings

First, you are required to enter the headings of the table for mobile users.

Mobile Headings

In the general section, you will find vertical and horizontal alignment, hover effects, shadow options, color options for both the border and alternating rows, and you can even add your own custom CSS.

Go through each option to customize the table to your liking.

General Options

With all of these steps complete, your table is ready to go, congratulations.

You Can Use NicheTable For Anything

While the plugin was intended for product comparisons, it doesn’t mean you are limited to that. These tables also work nicely for other topics like comparing two movies or video games.

Although it would be fair to say these are products in their own right.

In any event, tables are powerful tools that skilled developers can take advantage of. In the right hands, they can enhance your content and help visualize the differences between two similar objects or services.

And with a customizable design, they fit in on any website.

Show Customers They Are Getting the Best Deal

The entire point of including a comparison table in WordPress is to show how two products or services stack up against each other. Showing a full list of features, or highlighting the ones a product may be missing can help improve sales.

It can also help justify higher prices.

How easy did you find the plugin to use? Did you create your own table or import one?

The post How to Add a Comparison Table in WordPress with NicheTable appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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