WordPress Payment - GreenGeeks https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/category/wordpress-payment/ How-to Website Tutorials Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:41:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 How to Add Bitcoin to WordPress as a Payment Gateway https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/bitcoin-wordpress-payment-gateway/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/bitcoin-wordpress-payment-gateway/#comments Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:00:55 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=33904 Cryptocurrency has become wildly popular over the last few years. The fact of the matter is that it continues to grow more popular as a […]

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Cryptocurrency has become wildly popular over the last few years. The fact of the matter is that it continues to grow more popular as a method of payment. If you have been thinking about adding Bitcoin to WordPress, there is a great plugin that will help you get this done easily.

What is Bitcoin?

Simply put, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency, or a digital currency; it is all three. Cryptocurrency is a type of money that is completely virtual, unlike cash, which is physical.

It is an online version of cash that you can use to buy products and services. While a lot of places still do not have a Bitcoin payment gateway, or allow Bitcoin as a method of payment, the number of places that do is growing and those numbers continue to rise.

It is for this reason that you should consider adding a Bitcoin payment gateway to your website. Giving customers the option to pay for your online goods, services, and downloads, will only create the opportunity for you to reach a bigger audience.

How Does Bitcoin Work?

Oftentimes, you will see a picture of a Bitcoin. This is actually just a novelty, as Bitcoin is worthless without the private codes printed inside them. Basically, every Bitcoin is a computer file stored within a wallet. These wallets are actually digital wallet apps you can get from a number of places through a computer or a smartphone.

You can send Bitcoins (or part of them) to and from these digital wallets. You can also send them to other people. Every transaction that is made is recorded in a public list that is called a “blockchain.”

For this reason alone, it makes the currency secure because it is possible to trace the history of Bitcoins. This stops people from spending coins that they do not own and effectively prevents fraud and copies.

Should You Have a Bitcoin Payment Gateway?

The short answer here? Yes! Giving site users the ability to pay for goods and services using a WordPress Bitcoin payment allows you to reach customers globally that otherwise would not buy on your site using USD.

Millions of people have digital wallets set up that have all sorts of different digital currencies inside them. Obviously the most popular one is Bitcoin. The transaction will be secure, fast, and easy to handle.

That being said, the initial setup for allowing people to pay on your website using Bitcoin used to be very difficult. That is not the case anymore, as there is a solid WordPress Bitcoin plugin that I have found that will make setup quick and easy.

Let’s take a look at the plugin together and see what it offers.

GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway

GoUrl Bitcoin payment Gateway plugin

The GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway plugin is a fantastic open-source plugin that allows you to quickly and easily set up a Bitcoin payment gateway on your WordPress website. Essentially, the plugin acts as the gateway for cryptocurrency payment coming from digital wallet addresses.

All Bitcoin in WordPress payments that are received using this gateway are automatically sent to the wallet address you have in the system. The external wallet addresses receive the payment within 30 minutes of the transaction being made.

No Bitcoin payment, or any other altcoin payments, are kept on servers. This, combined with the SSL encryption technology, provide both the website owner, and the customer, a secure shopping and payment experience.

This particular Bitcoin for WordPress plugin also allows setup for paid downloads, as well as the setup for paid Bitcoin membership fees on a site. Furthermore, if you want to, you will have the ability to accept other types of cryptocurrency payments as well. However, in this tutorial we are sticking with Bitcoin.

This WordPress Bitcoin plugin is packed full of functionality. Some of the main features include:

  • White Label Solution
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Set Transaction Fees to 0%
  • Set Your Own Prices in Over 100 Currencies
  • Accept Over a Dozen Different Cryptocurrencies
  • Auto Sync

If you want to accept Bitcoin in WordPress, this is the plugin for you. You will also be able to set up pay-per-product, view or page, download, and membership.

Basically, if you want to accept Bitcoin in almost any way, then GoUrl is the plugin you want.

Let’s take a look at how to install and activate the plugin. After that we will go over the configuration together.

Install and Activate Plugin

In order to start accepting Bitcoin in WordPress, you first need to install and activate the plugin. You can do this by going to the Plugins page in your WordPress admin dashboard. Simply search the plugin name.

Install and activate bitcoin for wordpress plugin

Once the plugin has been installed and activated, you will need to access the main configuration page to set it all up. To do this, click on GoUrl Bitcoin > Settings. You will find this in the left side menu area of your dashboard.

Click GoUrl then click settings

Let’s take a look at setting up the plugin together and get you on your way to accepting Bitcoin payments on your WordPress website.

Add Bitcoin Payment Gateway

Now that you are on the main configuration page, you will see the first thing you need to do is to go get your free GoUrl public/private keys. This registration process will give you the information you need to enter keys into all the different types of cryptocurrency you want to allow for payment on your website.

In this case, we are going to demonstrate the setup for Bitcoin. But the concept is the same for adding keys to any of the available cryptocurrencies you want to set up and use to take payment on your website.

You will see some available links when you land on the main configuration page. You can click on the “Instructions here” link and be taken to a list on getting the private and public keys, or you can click through to the main plugin website and follow the steps.

Botcoin for WordPress configuration page

Register Your Free Account

In this case, let’s go ahead and get our keys by clicking on the “GoUrl” link and heading over to the registration process. Click on the link and you will be taken to a human verification page. Go ahead and click on the “I’m a Human Being” button and move on.

Human verification page

You will be taken to the main registration page for the plugin. Go ahead and follow the steps to register for free.

Register for fee

Once you fill out the registration page with relevant info, you will get a message that says an email link has been sent to the address you provided. Head over to that email and confirm the address.

Confirm email for bitcoin for wordpress plugin

Click on the link in your email and log into your account with your credentials. Your main account page will open and you will see quite a bit of information.

Account main page

Create a Payment Box

Feel free to explore all of those links down the road and set up your affiliates and anything else you want.

However, for now, we are going to focus on getting the info you need to set up Bitcoin in WordPress. Scroll down the page a little until you see the blue “Create a New Payment Box For Your Website” button. Go ahead and click on that.

Create a New Payment Box

Another screen will come up where you want to enter all the relevant information you need to fill out your Bitcoin payment box the way you see fit.

There will be detailed instruction popup boxes from each entry. So if you need help with anything, click on those to get you answers.

Fill out bitcoin for wordpress payment box

Note: You will find your “Callback Url” back on the configuration page of the plugin in your WordPress site. Go ahead and copy and paste that in.

Callback Url information

When you are finished, go ahead and fill in the “Verifying it’s you” box by letting them send a code to your email.

Verify it is you

Copy and paste the code that they send into the relevant field. After you do that, click on the “Save” button on the top right of the form.

A Bitcoin public and private key will automatically be generated, and your new Bitcoin for WordPress payment box is now generated.

Configure Payment Box Settings

Now that you have created your Bitcoin payment box, it is time for the final step. Go back to your WordPress admin dashboard. Configure your payment box settings the way you want them.

The first few rows will include:

  • Payment Box Type
  • Payment Box Theme
  • Company Logo (Branding)

Fill those out how you see fit.

Payment box settings

Now scroll down a little. If you want to accept other currencies, then you can generate a currency converter to show on your website using the link provided. Once you get that API, put it in the field. Otherwise, go straight to the “Bitcoin Payments” box and add the BTC private and public keys you generated when you created a payment box.

Add public and private keys to bitcoin for wordpress payment box

Note: You can perform the same steps above for any cryptocurrency you want. If it is provided by the plugin, you can accept it.

Finally, scroll all the way down past all the crypto boxes and fill out the rest of the payment box settings you see there. You will be able to:

  • Choose iFrame Sizing
  • Box Styles
  • Payment Messages
  • Payment Box Images
  • Other Records Regarding Downloads and Memberships

Make sure you click on the “Save Settings” button located on the top right of the page when done. That’s it! You have successfully created a Bitcoin for WordPress payment box. Now you can accept this digital currency as payment on your website.

Final Thoughts

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are becoming popular forms of payment around the world. It is a good idea to offer this type of payment gateway in order to connect with a wider range of buyers. These are the buyers that enjoy using their digital wallets to make purchases online.

Have you set up a Bitcoin for WordPress payment gateway before? Did you find it difficult?

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How to Set Up Credit Card Payments in WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-set-up-credit-card-payments-in-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-set-up-credit-card-payments-in-wordpress/#comments Fri, 09 Aug 2019 14:00:38 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=28628 Are you searching for a way to set up credit card payments in WordPress? Credit cards are the most popular method of payment by online […]

The post How to Set Up Credit Card Payments in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Are you searching for a way to set up credit card payments in WordPress? Credit cards are the most popular method of payment by online shoppers, which means your website needs to accept them.

By default, WordPress lacks the feature to accept credit card payments at checkout. However, like most things in WordPress, this can be fixed with a simple add-on.

Today, I will demonstrate how to set up credit card payments in WordPress by using the Payment Form and Online Credit Card Payments by vCita plugin.

Why Accept Credit Card Payments in WordPress

The goal of any online shop is to sell products to customers, but this requires the customer having a way to pay for the item. After all, it’s not like someone can feed cash into the disk drive of the computer and it appears in your bank account.

If you don’t have a way to process online payments, you will simply be unable to collect if and when someone makes a purchase.

Also, consider how some people do not have an online digital currency. While these methods are great to add to any online store, many shoppers will only have access to credit and debit cards.

Before You Begin

Since credit card information is extremely valuable, you are required to have an SSL certificate to accept credit card payments. An SSL certificate ensures that the information entered will only be read by the people that should be reading it.

On top of being required to accept payments, your SEO will benefit greatly from having an SSL because your website is recognized as more secure by search engines.

You cannot continue this tutorial without adding an SSL certificate to your website.

Installing the Plugin

The Payment Form and Online Credit Card Payments by vCita plugin integrates Paypal and Stripe with your website. This allows you to accept credit card payments and have the funds deposited into your own Paypal or bank account.

The free version is ideal for small businesses that are just starting out. Keep in mind that the free version only allows you to collect $300 a month in payments. If you find this is too small, you can upgrade to the premium version for unlimited transactions.

The plugin is easy to set up, so let’s begin.

Click on Plugins and select the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New

Search for Payment Form and Online Credit Card Payments by vCita in the search box. Additional plugins will appear that you may find useful.

Search for Plugin

Locate the Payment Form and Online Credit Card Payments by vCita plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

On the left-hand admin panel, click on LiveSite to enter the setup page.


Connecting with vCita

Enter an email address in the appropriate box and click on the “Connect to Get Started” button.

Connect to Get Started

You can now choose to enter either your name or a business name followed by a password. Make sure you remember all of the information you enter.

Alternatively, if you already have an account, you can click on the Login option.

Click on the “Connect” button after entering the information.


Enter your business information and click on the “Get Started” button.

Get Started

You are now ready to set up payments.

Setting Up Credit Card Payments

The first and only thing you need to set up is your payment options. This is where the customer’s money will be deposited when they make a purchase.

Click on the “Set your Payment Options” button.

Set You Payment Options

A popup window will appear. Click on the “Let’s Start” button. Here you can select if you want the money to be deposited into Paypal or bank account with Stripe.

This plugin will not charge additional fees, but you will need to pay any Paypal or bank fees that may occur. You will also need to select the currency that you are using. The default currency is $ USD.

Click on the “Save and Continue” button when you are done.

Save and Continue

Afterward, you will go through the vCita startup guide. This will allow you to set up additional features like importing contacts, setting up invoices, and more.

Take the time to input the information required, but you may skip these if you like.

Your website will now be able to accept credit card payments, but the plugin offers more than this.

Customizing the Payment Form and Button

The plugin also creates a “Pay Now” button that you can fully customize. The button can be placed anywhere with a shortcode.

The settings can be found in the Payment Form and Button section.

You can customize the button text, choose a custom CSS class, display the payment icons (credit card types accepted), enter a specific payment amount, and set a title for that payment.

It is very easy to customize. The changes can be seen immediately in the Button preview on the right-hand side.

For most websites, the default button is probably fine as is.

At the bottom of the settings, you can copy the button’s shortcode. You can place this anywhere on your website.

Copy Shortcode

Congratulations, you have successfully set up credit card payments on your website and created a stylish “Pay Now” button.

Customize Every Aspect of Your Store

Being able to accept payments is only the start. The best part about the WordPress platform is the customization options that are available to developers.

Online stores are not just based on the features they offer, but by their appearance. If your website doesn’t look professional, visitors are likely to leave without a second thought.

Building an online store is easy…making it successful is not.

Did you choose to have money deposited into your Paypal account or bank account? How long did it take you to set up the plugin?

The post How to Set Up Credit Card Payments in WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Set WordPress to Accept Payments with Stripe https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-set-wordpress-to-accept-payments-with-stripe/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-set-wordpress-to-accept-payments-with-stripe/#comments Wed, 26 Jul 2017 14:00:21 +0000 http://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=13444 All online stores need to be able to accept payments, otherwise, customers cannot pay for the products in your store. While there are tons of […]

The post How to Set WordPress to Accept Payments with Stripe appeared first on GreenGeeks.

All online stores need to be able to accept payments, otherwise, customers cannot pay for the products in your store. While there are tons of options to accept payments within WordPress, Stripe continues to be one of the most popular options.

Stripe is a payment processor that accepts the majority of major payment options from around the world and works on an international level. It is generally built for an online environment, but even brick-and-mortar stores can utilize the system.

Luckily, integrating Stripe with your online store is extremely easy with the right plugin, and in this case, we will be looking at how to do it with the Accept Stripe Payments plugin. It is easy to use at any skill level, and Stripe is also free to set up.

Today, I will demonstrate how to set up Stripe payments in WordPress using this plugin.

You Must Have an SSL Certificate to Continue

Stripe is a very popular tool and requires its users to follow safety guidelines to utilize the platform. One such requirement is ensuring your website utilizes a Secure Sockets Layer or SSL certificate.

This helps encrypt the information from your website to the visitor, which lowers the chance of any nefarious actions.

This is not exclusive to Stripe. Most payment gateways require an SSL certificate, and you should have one anyway for SEO purposes. Since it is a requirement, if you do not already have one, you need to take a moment to install an SSL certificate in WordPress.

It’s worth pointing out that virtually every web hosting company offers SSL certificates to its customers for varying price points. It is a cheap annual subscription that should only take a few moments to set up.

If you are in need of assistance your web host should be able to provide support, so be sure to contact them.

How to Setup Accept Stripe Payments in WordPress

The Stripe Payments plugin is a free way to set up Stripe in WordPress, but keep in mind that while I say it is free, Stripe will charge you a small commission fee on every sale, which is a standard practice amongst payment processors.

You can refer to Stripe for the exact values, as rates change depending on how many sales you make.

In terms of the plugin itself, it has the ability for you to create products that users can use Stripe to pay with. It is certainly less robust than something like WooCommerce, but it gets the job done if you just have a few things to sell.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must create a Stripe account to obtain the Stripe API Keys you will need to connect WordPress to Stripe. This tutorial will not cover this, but the codes are located on your Stripe dashboard.

Step 1: Install Accept Stripe Payments

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add Ne

Search for Accept Stripe Payments in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Accept Stripe Payments

Find the Accept Stripe Payments plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Step 2: Configure The Settings

The best place to begin is to configure the plugin’s settings. It has quite a few options, but for the most part, they are straightforward. Due to the sheer quantity, I am not going to cover every one of them, but instead show you where they are and what you can expect to find.

To find the settings, click on Stripe Payments and select the Settings option.

Stripe Payments

The settings are broken up into multiple tabs. Let’s begin with the General Settings.

General Settings

The general settings allow you to configure some of the key aspects of your online store. Here, you can set which page is the product page and which one is the results page (the page that thanks the user for the payment).

You can also adjust various settings about your store like choosing what the main currency will be, the appropriate symbol for the money, choosing a variety of button names, if it should remember a credit card number, and much more.

For the most part, you will just be entering the data into the appropriate box, or clicking a checkbox to enable or disable a feature. There is a lot here, so go through it carefully to make the best choices.

The one part of this section that you MUST COMPLETE is connecting the plugin with Stripe. Log into your Stripe account and go to the dashboard. You will find your API keys. Copy these and paste them into the appropriate boxes in this area.

Stripe API

Email Settings

This section is dedicated to telling the plugin when it should send out emails and what kind of information they should contain. Virtually all online stores email customers a receipt of their most recent transaction.

This usually contains all of the transaction information and will also usually contain any shipping information. All of this can be set up. You can tell the plugin to send an email every time a transaction is made and configure the message.

Perhaps the most important option you will want to change is the email address. By default, it will use the one registered to your WordPress account. I highly recommend creating a new email specifically for this to help you keep track of things.

Other Settings

There are two more tabs to explore. The Advanced setting tab gives you additional customization options for the plugin. This includes things like a currency position, decimal placement, custom field generator, and more

There is also a dedicated tab for CAPTCHA. Here you can choose which CAPTCHA to enable on your site. This helps prevent bots from making purchases. The plugin will have a warning message if you do not enable CAPTCHA.

Step 3: Create A New Product

With all of the settings configured and the plugin connected with Stripe, you are now ready to use it. To do this, you need to create a product. Begin by clicking on the Add New Product option.

Add New Prpduct

At the top, you can add a title for the product. Below this, you will find the classic editor where you can enter the product information. This can contain text, image, and video content. Once you enter the product information, scroll down.

Locate the Price & Currency options.

Price & Currency

Here, you can choose if the product is a one-time payment or a donation by checking the box. The box below this is where you will enter the product price. You do not need to add the currency symbol ($).

Enter the product price

There is also a currency option that should be set to the default you chose in the General Settings. Scroll down to the Quantity & Stock section. As the name suggests, you can enter the quantity of the product you have.

Or you can use the Quantity Control to only make a certain number of the products available.


Next, scroll down to the Shipping & Tax section. Here you can enter the shipping cost, or leave it blank if shipping is free. You can also set if the product is only available for pickup.

You can also set up the tax price. While you can enter a flat tax rate, the better option is to use the variation option.

The Tax variation option uses the customer’s shipping or billing address to determine what the tax rate should be. This is important in the United States because each state has a different tax rate.


There are several other options you can configure. This includes things like collecting the user’s address, the download URL (for digital goods), entering a Thank You page URL, customizing the Buy Now button, and much more.

Simply go through all of the options available. Be sure to save the changes by publishing the product.

Step 4: Place the Product

Now that the product is published, it will generate a shortcode that you can use to place the product. Simply copy the shortcode.

Copy the shortcode

Now, simply go to the post or page where you want this product to appear, add a shortcode block, and paste the shortcode you just copied. Save the changes, and your product will now be visible in WordPress.

Customers can purchase it using Stripe if everything is set up correctly.

Purchase using Stripe

And that’s it. You can add as many products as you want. The plugin is easy to use but can take some time to set up as there are just a lot of options to go through, but that is par for the course when it comes to eCommerce.

Another Option for Using Stripe

Many users of WordPress already use WooCommerce for their eCommerce needs. And you can certainly use Stripe as a payment option by using the Stripe Extension for WooCommerce.

This extension fully integrates Stripe as a payment option in your WooCommerce store. And just to be clear, this is in addition to any other payment options you already support. Thus, you’ll have more options than ever.

The extension itself is free, but Stripe does include fees on every transaction. If you already use WooCommerce to create an online store, the Stripe extension should be your go-to way for adding Stripe to WordPress.

Give Users Multiple Payment Options

Stripe is an extremely common way of accepting payments online, but it is far from the only option. Another popular option is PayPal. Most major companies try to have as many options as possible to make it easier for customers.

Let’s face it, manually typing your credit card into every website is annoying, logging into PayPal and selecting which card to use is more convenient. You should be sure to collect information from customers and see how they feel about your current options.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to set up Stripe Payments in WordPress.

how easy did you find the Accept Stripe Payments plugin to use? What other payment processors do you use?

The post How to Set WordPress to Accept Payments with Stripe appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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Selecting the Right Payment Gateway https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-the-right-payment-gateway/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-the-right-payment-gateway/#respond Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:15:35 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=207 This is an important part of the web hosting business, after all it is where the money is being collected! There are two main types […]

The post Selecting the Right Payment Gateway appeared first on GreenGeeks.

This is an important part of the web hosting business, after all it is where the money is being collected! There are two main types of payment gateways:

Merchant Account

This is where you have an account directly with the merchant banks and charges appear in your name on the customers credit card bill.

Merchant accounts provide you with flexibility which you don’t really get with 3rd party processors. There are a lot of merchant account providers that will provide you with a merchant account for businesses based in the United States. For the most part you must have a US business presence, however this is not always the case. It’s best to check with the merchant account provider.

Here are some merchant account providers:

3rd Party Payment Processor

This is where another company processes the payment for you and then sends you the funds on a set time period. The customer sees a different name on the credit card statement.

For beginners, this is almost always the best way to go as anyone can get going through the use of PayPal to start accepting payments. PayPal is easy because a lot of client management and billing systems integrate into PayPal out of the box, this makes getting going very easy.

When funds are collected with PayPal, they sit in the PayPal account, almost like a bank account. You can then withdraw at anytime to your bank account. Be sure to check to ensure that you’re able to withdraw from them to your local bank.

Here are some other 3rd party providers:

  • 2CheckOut.com
  • WorldPay.com

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How to Install and Configure WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-wordpress-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-wordpress-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/#comments Sun, 16 Dec 2012 20:29:49 +0000 http://www.greengeeks.com/kb/?p=1994 A lot of people will use WordPress to power their eCommerce platforms. What if you want to add a simple PayPal shopping cart to accept […]

The post How to Install and Configure WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart appeared first on GreenGeeks.

A lot of people will use WordPress to power their eCommerce platforms. What if you want to add a simple PayPal shopping cart to accept payments? WordPress has you covered. In fact, setting up the shopping cart is not as difficult as you might think.

With WordPress hosting, you have a lot of different ways to make money online. Selling products or services is probably one of the most common. And you definitely want to get paid for your goods.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to set up the Simple PayPal Shopping Cart plugin in WordPress.

Installing Simple PayPal Shopping Cart

I am assuming you have a PayPal account ready to go. If not, I would suggest you create your account before you start selling. It can take a few days for bank accounts and personal information to be verified through PayPal.

Today, I am working with the Simple PayPal Shopping Cart plugin. It’s a free tool that has a lot of flexibility when it comes to selling your goods through the website.

Go to the Plugins area and click, “Add New.”

Add New Plugin

Search for WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart and click, “Install.”

Simple PayPal Cart

Once the button changes, click to “Activate” the plugin.


Setting Up Your Shopping Cart

Once Simple PayPal Shopping Cart is activated, it’s time to customize the platform. Go to Settings and click, “WP Shopping Cart.”

WP Shopping Cart

In this screen, you will need to fill in your PayPal information. You’ll also need to customize how your site works such as adding free shipping, return URLs, product pages if you have any, custom checkout logo and more.

After adjusting your settings, click the “Update Options” button on the bottom of the page.

Update Options

Adding a Product Page

Now you need to add something for people to buy. This is when you’ll need to know a bit about how shortcodes work. Don’t worry, it’s not difficult.

If you need to know what shortcodes to use, these are always displayed in the WP Shopping Cart settings under “Quick Usage Guide.”

Let’s create a quick product so you can see how this is done. Go to Pages and click, “Add New.”

Add New Page

Input your item descriptions as well as the price. This can be done however you like. It’s probably not a bad idea to add a few images using a gallery in this section.

There are two important things you need to take note: the product name and the price. Give the product a name and price that you will use in the shortcode. For instance, I have a “Sample Product” that I am selling for “$49.99.”

Place this shortcode under your product information:
[ht_message mstyle=”info” title=”” show_icon=”” id=”” class=”” style=”” ][wp_cart_button name=”Sample Product” price=”49.99″][/ht_message]
Product Shortcode

Make sure you replace the product name and price with your own, of course.

Click the “Publish” button when you’re ready for the product to go live.

Product Publish

Adding the PayPal Widget

Widgets are small tools you can move about your website by placing them in content blocks. They can greatly affect the appearance of your site and give visitors additional features to make the experience more engaging.

You’re almost ready to start selling. Now, you’ll need to add the PayPal widget to your website’s sidebar. This will let people pay for the items in their cart.

Go to the Appearance section and click, “Widgets.”


Drag and drop the “WP PayPal Shopping Cart” widget into your sidebar.

PayPal Widget

Click the “Save” button on the PayPal widget and you’re ready to start selling.

Save PayPal Widget

The item is added when someone clicks the “Add to Cart” button. The widget comes complete with a PayPal checkout button.

Shopping Cart

Start Making Money Today

PayPal is one of the most trusted and long-lasting online payment acceptance platforms on the Internet. It’s trusted among eCommerce site owners and freelance professionals alike. This method is also one of the easiest ways to start selling goods in a matter of moments. Make your website work for you and consider how you can start earning some income.

What kind of methods do you use to generate income from your site? What’s your favorite online payment method?

The post How to Install and Configure WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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