WordPress Backup - GreenGeeks https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/category/wordpress-backup/ How-to Website Tutorials Wed, 25 Sep 2024 20:40:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 How to Secure WordPress Files with BackupGuard https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/secure-wordpress-files-backupguard/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/secure-wordpress-files-backupguard/#respond Thu, 17 Sep 2020 14:00:18 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=37423 These days, backing up a website is as important as ever. There are several ways to do this, and you may have your favorite way […]

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These days, backing up a website is as important as ever. There are several ways to do this, and you may have your favorite way already in place. That being said, one of the best ways to back up WordPress files is to use a plugin. Today, I will show you how to do this using a BackupGuard.

You never want to get caught in a position where you have lost all the hard work you put into a website. However, this is reality, and it can happen. That means that not only do you lose site files, but all the design, code, and updates you personally did as well.

The best web hosting companies will provide you with nightly backups. However, there is also a way to back up site files using a WordPress backup and restore plugin.

Let’s take a look at the plugin in question and see all that it has to offer.

BackupGuard – WordPress Backup and Migrate Plugin

BackupGuard plugin

BackupGuard – WordPress Backup and Migrate Plugin is exactly that. A top of the line, complete, WordPress backup plugin that provides you a ton of functionality and features.

Despite being packed full of functionality, the plugin is lightweight, easy to use, and can be a lifesaver if something happens and your site goes down or you lose files. BackupGuard not only offers a smooth and easy way to backup and restore files, but also a way to migrate websites.

Once the plugin is installed, you will be able to easily backup and restore your WordPress files, database, or both. As mentioned above, it comes packed with features, including a cloud backup option to DropBox. Some of the other highlights include:

  • Site backup: backup your website as many times as you want
  • Backup files, database, or both
  • Choose what folders to backup
  • Select database folders to backup
  • Restore your site file at any time
  • Selective file or database restoration
  • Download backups to your computer
  • Import backups (no FTP required)
  • Multisite backups supported
  • Cancel the backup process whenever you want
  • Explore all backup files and restore log files
  • Specify custom exclude paths
  • Exclude database tables
  • Live progress bar to view when needed
  • Dropbox upload available
  • Schedule site backups

Basically, the BackupGuard plugin is a one-stop plugin for those of you who want to fully control all your website files and database backups, restorations, and migrations.

Back-Up WordPress Files and Database

Let’s dive headfirst into the process and go through the steps of setting up the plugin so that you can back up WordPress files. Before you know it you will have your site backed up and safe, no matter what happens.

Step 1: Install and Activate Plugin

In order to start creating a website file and database backups, you first need to install and activate the BackupGuard plugin. You can do this by heading over to the Plugins page in the WordPress admin dashboard of your website.

Just use the search field to search the plugin by name. When it pops up, install and activate it right from there.

Install and activate backupguard

Step 2: Access the Plugin Configuration and Settings

After you install and activate the plugin, you will want to access the main configuration and settings area for it. You can do this by clicking on the “BackupGuard” tab located in the left side menu area of the dashboard.

You see that this is now an available option after you activated the plugin.

Click on BackupGuard tab

This takes you to the configuration and settings. At this point, you can start to explore everything and see all the tools you have.

Step 3: Add Code to Website (if applicable)

At this point, you are on the main configuration page for the plugin. At the very top, you will see a notice that states the following:

“BackupGuard Warning: Your website is running on a LiteSpeed server. If you are experiencing problems while backing up or restoring, try to add the following code to your .htaccess file:”

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* – [E=noabort:1]

Many sites will get this warning. So, if you are having any issues, go ahead and perform the function above and add that code to the .htaccess file.

Step 4: Review Settings Tab

You see that there are several tab options on the main configuration page. We won’t go through all of them, but let’s touch on a couple. These include:

  • Backups
  • Cloud
  • Schedule
  • Settings
  • System Info
  • Services
  • Support
  • Why Upgrade

Click on the “Settings” tab and let’s take a look. Go ahead and fill in the plugin settings on how you see fit for your setup. You should do this before you create a backup.

Settings tab

Click the “Save” button when you are finished and let’s move on.

Lastly, before you create your first site backup, feel free to check out the other tabs. They may come in useful at certain points down the road.

For instance, the “Cloud” tab will allow you to save files to Dropbox automatically. The “Schedule” tab allows you to schedule backups according to your own preferences.

There is also a “Support” tab for accessing the plugin developers for questions, as well as a “System Info” tab for viewing the info and how it is performing on your system.

Step 5: Create a Backup

You are now ready to create your first website backup. Click on the “Backups” tab to start.

Click backups tab

You see there are options for backup, import, etc. There is also a migration button. Let’s touch on that for one second.

Note: BackupGuard free version will help you migrate your website in case there is no change in the domain or the Database prefix. If there is any change in the domain or the DB prefix, BackupGuard Pro will be of use. So it is up to you whether you feel you need the pro version or not for migration.

In this instance, we are creating a backup. Click on the blue “Backup” button to start.

Click blue backup button

A popup box will appear with a selection of backup options. In this case, we are going to select the “Full backup” option to demonstrate.

Popup box select full backup

Make that selection and then click on the “Backup” button to start the process.

The backup will start. How long it will take depends on the size of your website. You can see that a file icon was generated and you are able to view the backup progress as it goes.

Progress bar

Once the backup is finished, the plugin shows you a “Success” message in green under the Status column.

Success message for backupguard

That’s it! You have successfully created a website backup. You can download it to your machine, use the restore button when needed, or delete it and do another one.

Remember, you can create as many website backups as you want. There is also the option of creating backups of only certain files. Play with it more until you are comfortable, but as of this point, you should be all set.

Final Thoughts

Backing up your website files and databases is a very smart move. Doing this means that you have a backup of your own files at any point in time they are needed. You can use them to restore the site you worked so hard on, should something happen.

There are a few different ways that you can do this, but using BackupGuard is one of the easiest ways, and also one of the safest and quickest. It puts the process in your hands, and allows you to import and export site files without having to use FTP.

I hope this tutorial showed you how easy it is to back up your WordPress site using BackupGuard. Try it out and see what you think.

Have you been creating your own website backup files already? What other plugins or techniques do you use to do this?

The post How to Secure WordPress Files with BackupGuard appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Backup WordPress for Free With BackWPup https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/backup-wordpress-for-free-with-backwpup/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/backup-wordpress-for-free-with-backwpup/#respond Mon, 17 Dec 2018 16:00:15 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=21008 Are you looking for a way to backup your WordPress website for free? If so, the BackWPup plugin is perfect for the job. It gives […]

The post How to Backup WordPress for Free With BackWPup appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Are you looking for a way to backup your WordPress website for free? If so, the BackWPup plugin is perfect for the job. It gives you the ability to automatically schedule backups for your website or manually take them.

Backups are an essential part of running your website and should be one of the first things you set up when you start in WordPress. There are plenty of backup plugins for WordPress, but many of them are not free or they have limited features. That’s not the case here.

Today, I will demonstrate how to backup WordPress for free with the BackWPup plugin.

Why Are Backups so Important

Many new web developers think that their security plugins will guard their websites against all threats. Unfortunately, security plugins can make mistakes. The best guard for any website is an up-to-date backup of the website.

This will ensure that if anything goes wrong on your website, you can use the backup to revert to the version before the problem occurred. Now, you may be wondering when you should be using your backup.

The three most likely reasons you will need to use your backup include common WordPress errors, common web developer mistakes, like coding, etc., or cyber-attacks.

Let’s face it, one of these things will happen and your only options will be to manually fix the problem, which could take days, or use a backup to restore your website in minutes. Backups help prevent extended downtime and can quickly undo any mistakes that were made.

How to Backup WordPress for Free With BackWPup

Step 1: Installing BackWPup

The BackWPup plugin is extremely popular with over 700,000 active installs and for a good reason. It offers complete backups, automatic backup scheduling, and cloud storage options. The best part is you get to do all of this for free.

You’re probably wondering, what is the catch? There is no catch, but the difference between this plugin and a paid plugin is that you will get full support with a paid service while you’re basically on your own with a free one.

Start by going to the plugins area of WordPress and click on the “Add New” button.

Add New

Search for BackWPup in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.


Scroll down until you find the BackWPup plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now

Step 2: Set a Backup Schedule

On the left-hand admin panel, click on BackWPup and select the Add new job option. This will pull up the main settings page.

Add New Job

One of the biggest problems with backups is finding the time to actually do them. Odds are you or someone else will forget to do it, which is why automatic backups are the best option.

It won’t take up any of your time and you can set up a schedule that works best for your website.

Before you begin, it is a good idea to decide what schedule works for you.

One thing to consider is when you regularly add new content or features to your website. If you normally upload once a week, schedule the backup after your new content would release.

This will ensure your website’s backup is always up to date.

You also need to decide what to backup. You may just want to back up everything, which is an excellent choice and recommended, but perhaps you just want to backup your content. Whatever the case, make sure you know what you want. Storing a large backup file could cost you extra money if you pay for storage.

Step 3: General Settings

Once you have a plan, it’s time to begin setting up. The first thing to do is name this new job something recognizable like Automatic Backup.

New Job

Now it is time to decide what this job will do. There are five options to choose from. You can include as many as you want, but if you are just worried about creating a backup, make sure to check the Database backup box.

Database Backup

Now it’s time to decide the backup format and where the backup will be stored. The Backup File Creation section has multiple subsections to look at.

By default, your backup will be a Zip file. Feel free to change it to another option if you wish, but Zip is a great option.

Next, you need to decide where to store the backup. You have eight options which include things like email and cloud storage.

If you do not pick cloud storage, make sure you do not store your backup on your server. It is a terrible practice because if your server goes under, you will lose your website and the backup to restore it.

Pick the best options for you.

File Creation

Once you are done picking the settings for your backup, click on the “Save Changes” button.

Save Changes

Step 4: Schedule Tab

Click on the Schedule tab. Select the WordPress Cron option. You will see a schedule at the bottom. You can then choose to backup your website monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly.

I recommend picking the option that best matches your content release schedule.

Click on the “Save Changes” button to finish.

Now that you have set up when your backup will take place, it is finally time to choose what content will be backed up.

Click on the DB Backup tab. By default, everything on your website is selected. If for some reason you do not want to backup everything, deselect what you do not want to backup.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up automatic backups of your WordPress website for free. Remember not to store your backup on your server. It is not a good idea and you could lose both your website and your backup at the same time.

Create the Second Backup

Now that you have your main backup scheduled, you can create a second backup. The purpose of a second backup is to ensure that if anything happens to the first backup, you still have another option.

I know what you’re thinking, that’s pretty excessive, but let me ask you this, what happens if a hacker accesses the plugin and deletes the backup?

While it is extremely rare for anyone to go do that, it’s possible, which is why all major corporations invest in multiple backups in different locations. Luckily, it’s much easier in 2021 thanks to the cloud.

On top of having a backup accessible to you in your local settings, like an external drive or your web server, creating a cloud backup is one of the safest things you can do. And it’s relatively cheap to do so.

Backup Your Website

Whether it is a mistake on your part, common WordPress error, server failure, or cyber-attack, a time will come when you use your backup. Backups are an essential part of protecting the content you create. They can help you avoid extended downtime on your website.

Remember, every minute your website is unavailable is a minute when your ads cannot be viewed or purchases made. In other words, a loss of money.

Make sure your backup is up to date. There’s nothing worse when a server fails and you use a 3-month-old backup. Thankfully, automatic backups will help you avoid these unfortunate situations and cloud storage makes it easy to keep your backup safe.

How easy do you find the plugin to use? Where do you store your backup?

The post How to Backup WordPress for Free With BackWPup appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Clone a WordPress Database Using phpMyAdmin https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-clone-a-wordpress-database-using-phpmyadmin/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-clone-a-wordpress-database-using-phpmyadmin/#respond Fri, 02 Mar 2018 15:00:10 +0000 http://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=17672 Do you want to clone a WordPress database using phpMyAdmin? Databases store all of your website’s information in them. WordPress stores them all in a […]

The post How to Clone a WordPress Database Using phpMyAdmin appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Do you want to clone a WordPress database using phpMyAdmin? Databases store all of your website’s information in them. WordPress stores them all in a MySQL database, which can be accessed multiple ways by phpMyAdmin and command-line tools.

Unfortunately, command-line tools are not exactly beginner-friendly and even for coding wizards, they are not considered ideal.

On the other hand, phpMyAdmin has a sleek and user-friendly interface that makes everything much easier to understand.

The main reason you will ever need to duplicate WordPress databases is to create a backup of the website or move it to another location, like a local server created with WAMP for testing.

Today, I will demonstrate how to clone WordPress databases using phpMyAdmin from cPanel.

Why Should I Use phpMyAdmin to Clone My Database

The biggest appeal of the WordPress platform is that you can make an awesome website without having any coding experience whatsoever. Other alternatives to using phpMyAdmin will require you to use command-line prompts and other coding methods, while phpMyAdmin will not.

As you can imagine using this approach seems like the obvious choice for web developers and even if you are good at coding and have years of experience, most web developers will agree on using this method as well.

The phpMyAdmin is a free software tool that allows web developers to use a web-based interface to manage their MySQL databases. The phpMyAdmin is located within the cPanel or if you are using a local server, you can find it by visiting the URL associated with your server.

This allows you to do things like moving your website from one server to another, change or restore admin passwords, and manually backup WordPress databases.

How to Clone a WordPress Database using phpMyAdmin

Today, I will demonstrate how to clone WordPress databases using phpMyAdmin from cPanel. You will need access to your cPanel, which is provided with your web hosting plans when creating an account.

Keep in mind, if your only goal is to make a backup of your website, there are many free backup plugins available to use instead that can export and import WordPress databases with ease.

Step 1: Access phpMyAdmin

Let’s start by logging into cPanel and clicking on the phpMyAdmin option. The phpMyAdmin option will allow you to access all of the databases related to your website.

Clone the WordPress Database with phpMyAdmin

Step 2: Open the Database

The phpMyAdmin will open on a new tab. Click on the Databases tab.

Click on the Databases tab.

On this tab, you will be able to see every database available. You need to find out which one is your WordPress database and click on it. If you are unsure which one is your database, just go down the list.

You will know it is the WordPress one when you see all of the “WP_” prefixes on the file.

Step 3a: Clone Your WordPress Database (Non-Shared Hosting Plan)

Once inside the WordPress database, click on the Operations tab.

click on the Operations tab.

You will have four options on this page. They include Create table, Rename database to,  Copy database to, and Collation.

If you do not see the “Copy database to” box appear, that means that you are most likely on a shared server and your web host will not allow you to copy a database this way.

Skip the next few steps to find out how.

The only one you need to fill in is the “Copy database to”. Fill in the name of your WordPress database clone and click on the “Go” button.

click on the "Go" button

A success message will appear when the process is finished. If you have a very large database, then the process may take several minutes. Click on the Databases tab to see your cloned database.

Your new database is now visible.

Step 3b: Clone Your WordPress Database (Shared Hosting Plan)

Now, if you were unable to actually see the “Copy database to” box, there is another way to make a cloned database. This is accomplished by exporting your current database’s information and then creating a new database and importing that data into the new one.

Go back to your WordPress database. Click on the Export tab.

Clone the WordPress Database with Export

Select the Custom option and scroll down to the “Save output to a file” section and make sure the box is checked. Click on the “Go” button at the bottom.

Click on the "Go" button at the bottom.

phpMyAdmin will now save the database as a .mysql file on your web browser. Head back on to your cPanel and click on the MySQL Databases option.

click on the MySQL Databases option.

Here you can use that file you downloaded to create your cloned database. In the first textbox name your database and click on the “Create Database” button.

Once it is created, click on the “Go back” option. Scroll down to the “Add User To Database” section and select your existing MySQL username and select the database as the one you just created. Click on the “Add” button.

 Add User Before You Clone the WordPress Database

Now that you have created a new database go back to the database tab on phpMyAdmin. Click on your newly created database. The database should have nothing inside of it. Click on the Import tab.

 Click on the Import tab.

Click on the “Choose File” button. Select the file you previously exported. Once you select the file, click on the “Go” button.

Click Go to Clone the WordPress Database

Congratulations, you have successfully learned two ways to create a clone of your database using phpMyAdmin. If you are using these as a backup make sure you are storing them somewhere different from your original database.

If something were to happen to the server, not only would you lose the original, but also the backup.

Always Have a Backup Plan

Unfortunately, you will encounter problems when you are in charge of a website and many of these may stem from common WordPress errors or from incompatible plugins.

You may also suffer a cyber attack and have your website compromised. Many safeguards are put in place to guard against them from happening in the first place, but sometimes that’s not enough. And when it does, a backup will allow you to restore your website to a previous version.

You may also need a copy of your database when switching web hosts. This will allow you to get your website up and running under a new web host. The Internet is not the safest place to run a business, but it is one of the most profitable places and the rewards outweigh the risks.

How long did it take you to clone your database? Why did you need a clone of your database?

The post How to Clone a WordPress Database Using phpMyAdmin appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Use UpdraftPlus to Back up and Restore WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-use-updraftplus-to-backup-and-restore-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-use-updraftplus-to-backup-and-restore-wordpress/#respond Tue, 26 Sep 2017 14:00:17 +0000 http://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=14547 Backups are extremely important whenever you make significant changes to your website. With them, you can make a copy of your website. UpdraftPlus is one […]

The post How to Use UpdraftPlus to Back up and Restore WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Backups are extremely important whenever you make significant changes to your website. With them, you can make a copy of your website. UpdraftPlus is one of the best ways to backup your WordPress site and restore it if something goes wrong.

It is very easy to backup and restore WordPress websites thanks to the many plugins available. There are many reasons to backup and restore WordPress and they include making a mistake when manually coding, recovering from a security attack, or your host terminating or losing your account information.

Today I will demonstrate how to restore WordPress from backups using UpdraftPlus.

Why it is Important to Backup Your WordPress Website

There are many advantages to backing up your website. The best use is to guard against mistakes that you would make when changing something major on your website.  You can easily mess up your site by installing and improperly using certain plugins.

You may also be in the process of switching web hosts and you will want to backup your website when switching so you can easily transfer your website. If any issues arise, you can simply restore your website using the backup.

Security is one of the biggest concerns of any website and you will want to always be on the lookout for ways to improve it. Attacks can cripple your website, but if you have a backup stored somewhere, you can easily restore your website and fix the problem.

Using one of the many WordPress backup plugins can help you keep your site running even after the worst events have happened.

How to Install and Use the UpdraftPlus Plugin to Backup and Restore WordPress

Today I am going to demonstrate how to install and use the UpdraftPlus plugin to backup and restore your WordPress website. This is the most popular backup plugin with over 3 million active installs.

It has all of the features you will need to backup and restore your website, which includes scheduled backups and manual backups. The best part is it can all be done with the free version, which makes it very convenient to make a WordPress backup with UpdraftPlus.

Step 1: Install UpdraftPlus

Let’s start by going to the plugin area of WordPress and click on the “Add New” button.

Plugins Add New

Search for UpdraftPlus in the available Search box. This will pull up other similar plugins that you may find helpful.

Search for UpdraftPlus

Scroll down until you find the UpdraftPlus plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install UpdraftPlus

Step 2: Configure the Settings

On the left-hand admin panel go to Settings and click on the UpdraftPlus Backups option. This will bring you to the main settings page of the plugin.

UpdraftPlus Settings

Let’s click on the Settings tab in the middle. In this section of the plugin, you can set up scheduled backups. With these on, the plugin will regularly backup your site based on the settings you select.

Settings Tab

The first two options are “Files backup schedule” and “Database backup schedule”.

For both of these options, you will want to choose how often they are updated and how many of the updates are kept. Remember, websites can be very large, and you may not have the room for multiple copies. Select the best schedule for your website.

Backup Schedule

Once you have selected your schedule you will now want to select where you wish to save your backup like on Dropbox.

Obviously, you do not want to save your backup where your website is located. If there is a problem, you will lose both the website and backup. Luckily, UpdraftPlus gives you many options to upload your backup to. Select whichever option is best for you.

Backup Storage

When you have made your selection, you will have to sign in or set up an account depending on which storage system you have chosen. Each option is slightly different to sign into and setup, so refer to that platform’s documentation for further help.

Next you will want to choose what files you are backing up. These include your plugins, themes, uploads, and even databases. I would recommend backing up everything in the scheduled backups. Select the files you wish to back up.

Choose Which Files to Backup with UpdraftPlus

Once you have made all of your choices click on the “Save Changes” button on the bottom. You will have successfully created an automatic backup system for your website.

Step 3: Manually Create A Backup

Of course, you may want to manually backup your website and UpdraftPlus can do that. Let’s go back to the Backup/Restore tab that we started on.

Backup Restore Tab

If you want to manually backup your website at any time, simply click on the “Backup Now” button.


A new window will pop up. Here you can choose what files you would like to backup. Once you have made your choices click on the “Backup Now” button. The process will begin and may take some time depending on how large your website is.

Backup Now

Upon clicking this, a small progress bar will appear showing you how long is left for the backup to be complete. The larger the website, the longer this will take. After several minutes, the process will complete.

Restoring Your Backup

Backing up your website is only the first step. You must also know how to restore your website using one of these created backups. Below where you created you backup will be a list of your existing backups.

Simply, click on the “Restore” button on the backup you wish to restore.

Restore Button

You will now be asked which part of the backup you would like to restore. Use the checkboxes to make your selection.

Files Restore

Click on the “Next” button and then on the “Restore” button. This will initiate the restore process which will take several minutes depending on the size of your backup. Once it is complete it will say Restore Successful.

Congratulations, you have successfully set up a scheduled backup system and learned how to restore your website at any time.

Remember to pick a schedule that will benefit your content uploads. If you create new content every week it may be good to schedule a backup every week.

Keep Your Website Backed Up

It is extremely important to always be prepared in case there is an issue. This may be your mistake, a plugin’s issue, or even your web host’s mistake, but regardless of who causes the issue, it is your responsibility to keep a backup of your website.

This will prevent long periods of downtime if it is a major issue. While scheduled backups are extremely useful, do not think they are full proof.  If you do have a serious issue with your website and a backup is created when this happens, you will essentially be deleting your backup in case you only keep one.

You should always keep multiple copies in a different location other than the one where your website is stored. Always make a manual copy whenever you make big changes to your website.

If you follow these basic guidelines, you will always have at least one backup that you can use to fix your website.

Have you prevented any extended downtime on your website by restoring a backup file? Do you line up your scheduled backup with your content schedule?

The post How to Use UpdraftPlus to Back up and Restore WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Clone a WordPress Site and When You Should https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-clone-a-wordpress-site-and-when-you-should/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-to-clone-a-wordpress-site-and-when-you-should/#comments Wed, 03 May 2017 14:00:34 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/kb/?p=10602 From time to time, it may become necessary to clone your WordPress website for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, there are several tools that can […]

The post How to Clone a WordPress Site and When You Should appeared first on GreenGeeks.

From time to time, it may become necessary to clone your WordPress website for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, there are several tools that can help you quickly clone and even store your website for you.

This will give you peace of mind and allow you to easily access and move this data to other storage mediums like an external HDD, or a cloud storage service for safekeeping. And luckily, these tools are easy to use.

As such, regardless of your skill level, anyone can clone their website with just a few clicks of the mouse by using the right tool.

Today, I will demonstrate three methods you can use to create a clone of your WordPress site today.

What Is A Clone and Why Should You Make One?

Cloning a website simply means duplicating its content. The cloned website will be identical to the original which gives you a lot of creative uses for it. The website and clone are independent of one another, thus changes to one do not affect the other.

Many people confuse a clone with a backup, but they are different. A backup can refer to copying a small amount of data from a site, while a clone copies everything. Thus, backups are more flexible, while clones are always everything.

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of when you should create a clone of your website.

Creating a Staging Area

Perhaps you want to develop plugins, themes, or make modifications to the site in a testing environment. Instead of subjecting your primary site to the dangers of experimenting, the clone can be used as a WordPress staging environment.

Working as a WordPress Developer

Some WordPress developers create clones for clients. Once the website development is completed, it’s easy to clone the site to the client’s hosting service.

That provides a safe environment to make adjustments without fear of breaking a plugin or theme.

Creating a Backup

Creating a backup of your site can be useful.

For one thing, it makes it easy to recover in the event of a disaster such as a hacking or malware attack. The only downside to this is that you need to make regular clones to keep your backup files current.

Moving the Website to a New Host

Making a WordPress site move from one host to another can be a complicated process. Cloning the site gives you the opportunity to make the transition without impacting visitors. Ideally, from the visitor’s perspective, no one will even know a move took place.

Now you can understand why you may want to clone a WordPress site. Let’s take a look at how you can get it done in a few simple steps.

Method 1: Clone WordPress Using Softaculous

If you have cPanel and you used Softaculous to install WordPress, cloning a WordPress site couldn’t be easier. If not, refer to the next method.

It’s worth pointing out that if you have access to Softaculous but didn’t use it to install WordPress, you can still import your existing WordPress installation into Softaculous with just a few clicks.

Step 1: Go to Softaculous Installations

Start off by logging into your web hosting account, going to the cPanel, and accessing the Softaculous app.

Click on the Installations option at the top.


Step 2: Use the Clone Option

This will pull up a list of all of your current installations from Softaculous. Locate the WordPress installation you would like to make a clone of and click on the Clone icon.

Note: There is also a Staging icon that works identically. The difference is that the staging icon allows you to push the clone to your live page. In this case, we are only using the Clone option.

Clone Icon

Step 3: Create the Clone

This will open the Cloning WordPress window. You can confirm that the correct installation is being used or select another if it is incorrect. Once everything looks good, click on the “Clone Installation” button at the bottom.

Clone Installation

This will begin the cloning process, which should take 3-4 minutes depending on your site size. Once it is complete, you will see the following screen:


Method 2: Clone a WordPress Site Using a Plugin

For this method, we will use a popular clone and migration plugin called Duplicator, a WordPress migration plugin. There are several plugins that can clone WordPress sites, and I’ll list a few more options in a minute.

Duplicator creates two files from your WordPress site: an archive file and an installer file. The archive contains copies of your site data and MySQL database. The installer is a PHP file that will extract and install the archive in the new location.

Here’s how you clone a WordPress site using the Duplicator plugin.

The first thing you want to do is install and activate the Duplicator plugin on your site. Once the plugin has been installed and activated on your site click on Duplicator.


Click the “Create New” button to get started.


Enter a name for the file to help you identify it and click the “Next” button.


The Duplicator WordPress clone plugin will scan the site and let you know if there are any issues with your settings. It’s normal to get warnings, especially since everyone is using different versions of WordPress, PHP, etc.

There may also be some web host warnings based on the size of your site. Click the “Build” button to keep going.

This process may take several minutes depending on the size of your website. When your website package has been completed, you will see the page below and receive links to download two files: the Installer and the Archive.

Simply download each one and you are good to go.

Other WordPress Clone Plugin Options

If you are interested in other WordPress clone plugin options, here are a few more to look into and consider. They all get the job done, it’s just a matter of preference.



UpdraftPlus makes WordPress backups and restoration very simple and easy. It is actually the highest-ranking and most popular backup plugin in the WordPress repository. You can create a full backup, which is the same as a clone of your website.

It’s worth pointing out that this tool allows you to upload them directly to cloud storage services. Restoring the backup is also a very easy process, so this is a great tool for many websites, which is why it has over 3 million active installs.

All-in-One WP Migration

All In One

All-in-One WP Migration easily exports your WordPress website and database without needing a lot of technical knowledge. You can upload your WordPress site to a different location using a drag-and-drop technique.

This plugin also has a “find and replace” option that will automatically fix any problems that occur while using the plugin.

WP-Migrate Lite

WP Migrate Lite

WP Migrate Lite is just a solid as anything else mentioned above. You can export your database as a MySQL data dump (much like phpMyAdmin), do a find and replace on URLs and file paths, handle serialized data, and then save it to your computer as an SQL file.

Method 3: Using Your Hosting Account

Many web hosts provide a variety of additional tools that customers can take advantage of. At GreenGeeks, we offer simpler solutions than many others and add a staging area directly from your account desktop.

You may have the option to create a clone directly through these options, but it is entirely dependent on your web host.

If your web host does not offer these features, it might be time to switch to a better one.

Note: Even if your web host does support this feature, how you access it may be different.

Step 1: Locate the Staging Option

The first thing you need to do is actually find the option. Begin by logging into your web hosting account. Once there, click on the Hosting option.

Select the Hosting option

Click on the domain you want to clone. After that, hover over the WordPress option and select the Staging option.

Select the staging option to begin creating a clone in WordPress

Step 2: Create A Staging Environment (Clone)

You’ll now see a full list of the domain and all of the subdomains. This even includes the ones that do not have WordPress installed on them. Locate the one you want to clone and click on the three verticle dots on the right of it.

Click on the Create Staging option.

Create a staging to clone WordPress

A small pop-up box will appear. It has four pieces of information that you need to fill in, but half of it should already be good to go. In the Directory text box, type “dlr” to satisfy it.

Simply name the site and click on the “Create” button.

Click on the Create button to clone WordPress

Afterward, you should see a message stating that the staging was successful. Reload the page to see it at the bottom.

Then, click on the link and you can begin interacting with your site’s clone. It will have identical admin information, so the login will be the same as your main site.

It’s Easy to Clone A WordPress Website

As you can see, there are several options that any site can use to create a clone of their WordPress website. Personally, I would recommend using Softaculous to handle your cloning needs as it is the easiest method and applies to most sites today.

That is unless you’re a GreenGeeks customer. In that case, creating a clone from your account manager is very quick and easy.

That said, the other methods are also great alternatives, so it really comes down to your preference. If you do plan on creating a staging environment, be sure to use the Staging options instead of cloning, as they make the process much smoother.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to clone your WordPress website.

Why did you want to clone your website? Which method did you use?

The post How to Clone a WordPress Site and When You Should appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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How to Create a Backup of WordPress https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/backup-wordpress/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/backup-wordpress/#comments Sun, 16 Dec 2012 20:50:53 +0000 http://www.greengeeks.com/kb/?p=2023 Perhaps one of the most powerful tools at any developer’s fingertips is a backup. A backup provides an extra layer of security when it comes […]

The post How to Create a Backup of WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

Perhaps one of the most powerful tools at any developer’s fingertips is a backup. A backup provides an extra layer of security when it comes to protecting your content, and in WordPress, there are several ways to create one.

And even better, the majority of backup options are free to use. It’s also worth mentioning that backups are extremely easy to create and can even be fully automated depending on the tool you choose to use.

Today, I am going to demonstrate how to create a backup in WordPress using several methods.

Why Keep a Backup of WordPress?

Backups are useful for several reasons, which is why you should always keep one. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons.

First and foremost, backups give websites an extra fail-safe layer of security. If a massive mistake is made when changing some code that you can’t seem to resolve, a backup can allow you to revert the website to before the code was added.

Or, perhaps your website was hacked and you have lost access to your website. A backup can restore your website to before the hack.

Backups also allow you to test features more easily. For example, let’s say you want to test a new feature for your website. However, doing it on a live site can be risky. As such, you can create a testing environment and use the backup to clone your site.

This allows you to test all of the changes before they go live on and not impact your visitors.

It’s also worth pointing out that you can back up individual parts of your website like your plugins or themes. Thus, if you decide to swap plugins, you could back up the old one’s settings in case you decide to go back to it in the future.

Overall, backups are one of the most powerful tools in a developer’s toolkit.

Method 1: Backup WordPress with a Plugin

One of the strongest aspects of WordPress would be its huge library of plugins, and backup plugins have no shortage of options to choose from. In this case, let’s take a look at the Duplicator plugin.

At its core, Duplicator is a migration tool that helps you move your site from one location to another. But it also works great as a general backup tool. It’s easy to use and is free, which makes it the ideal choice for most sites.

Step 1: Install Duplicator

Let’s start by clicking on Plugins and selecting the Add New option on the left-hand admin panel.

Add New plugin to backup WordPress

Search for Duplicator in the available search box. This will pull up additional plugins that you may find helpful.

Search for Duplicator

Find the Duplicator plugin and click on the “Install Now” button and activate the plugin for use.

Install Now Duplicator to backup WordPress

Step 2: Create A Backup

You can immediately use Duplicator to back up your website upon activation. The plugin calls a backup a “package”, but it is the same thing. To begin this process, click on Duplicator and select the Packages option.


Packages are your backups, and this section would contain every single one you made if you had any. If you just installed the plugin, this section should be blank. Click on the “Create New” button on the top right.

Create New Backup for WordPress

Duplicator backups have three steps. There are settings to configure if you want, but the default options will create a full backup of your site, thus, you don’t really need to touch anything.

The first part of the process would be creating a title for the backup and choosing where to store it. In the free version, you can only store it locally, but if you upgrade to the Pro version, you can upload it to external places like Dropbox.

Note: It is recommended to keep your backup stored externally. That way, if your site is compromised, you still have access to the backup.

When using the free version of Duplicator, it’s probably not a bad idea to download your backup using something like cPanel to locate and save the file.

Click on the “Next” button to continue.


The plugin will now scan your site. You will see a full summary of your site, which is what the plugin will include in the backup. Click on the “Build” button to turn it into a backup.

Build WordPress backup

A process will begin to create your backup. The time it takes depends on the size of your site and where you choose to store the file. After a few moments, you should now have a full backup of your WordPress site.

You can use the files it provides to restore your site at any time. Just be mindful that backups can take up a lot of space, so be sure you have the resources.

Method 2: Using FTP to Backup WordPress

Let’s take a look at how to create a backup of the site manually using an FTP client. Any FTP client will work, but this tutorial will demonstrate it with FileZilla. If you need help setting it up, be sure to check out our FileZilla setup guide.

This process entails copying your website’s files and storing them locally on your computer. It isn’t as straightforward as using a plugin, but it gets the job done and doesn’t take that long.

If you are not comfortable digging through files on your back end, I recommend using a different method. That said, it’s not that hard.

Step 1: Make A Backup Folder on Your Computer

The first thing you need to do is actually create a destination on your computer to store the backup. In this case, we are just going to make a folder called “Backup”, but feel free to call it anything you want.

To do this, find a location on your computer where you want to store it, right-click it, and select the Create Directory option.

Create Directory

Name it “Backup” or whatever you want. We will use this folder to store everything from the next step, so be sure that it is still selected.

Step 2: Copy Your Site

All you need to do is copy the files that create your site. While you can do this individually, the fastest and easiest way is to just copy the public_html directory that houses all of your site files.

Note: Make sure you are in the Backup directory we just created otherwise, the files won’t end up there.

In my case, my starting directory is public_html, as such, I just need to select all of the files and Download them.

Download Files to create a WordPress backup

And that’s it. All of the files that were in your public_html directory should now be in your backup folder on your computer. To restore a backup with this method you would simply replace the files in the public_html directory with what is on your computer.

Note: You may want to consider zipping the Backup folder to save space on your computer, or wherever you store the file.

Method 3: Using cPanel for Backups

The cPanel actually has several ways to back up WordPress, but this method will look at the dedicated backup tool that may already have been set up by your web host when you started an account, but that depends on the host.

This tool is very easy to use and just requires clicking a button, thus it takes no time at all.

Step 1: Locate the Backup Area

Once you have signed into your cPanel, look for the Files section. Click on the Backup option.


Step 2: Create A Backup

The cPanel gives you two options to create a backup. The first is a full backup, while the second is a partial backup. In most cases, you will just want a full backup, but more advanced users may want to create a partial backup to help them with testing.

To create a full backup, click on the “Download A Full Account Backup” button.

Download A Full Account Backup

In the next area, you will be able to choose the destination for your backup. This allows you to place it in your home directory, or in an FTP client you have linked. You can also choose if you want to receive an email notification when it is complete. It is on by default.

Click on the “Generate Backup” button.

Generate Backup

Depending on the size of your website, this process may take several minutes. Once it is complete, you will receive an email notification. The backup will be located in the destination you chose. The default option will place it in the Home directory.

The file name should begin with “backup-month.date.year…”.

WordPress backup file

And that’s it. You can use this at any time to restore your website. Again, I do not recommend leaving this file in the home directory. Use the Download option to put it on your computer or upload it to the cloud for safety.

Method 4: Backing Up the WordPress Database

A more advanced way of backing up your site is to back up the WordPress database itself. This method is a bit more advanced than some of the others on this list, so it may not be the best option.

For those unaware, the WordPress database stores all of your content for your site. This includes posts, pages, users, and just about anything else you can think of. That said, accessing or manipulating databases is often avoided by beginners.

Deleting or editing the wrong database can break your site. Which, ironically, is a reason why you should make a backup before doing it.

Step 1: Access phpMyAdmin

Start off by logging into your web hosting account and accessing the cPanel. Locate the Databases section and click on phpMyAdmin.

phpMyAdmin to create a WordPress database backup

Step 2: Backup Your Database

The first thing you need to do is locate your database. depending on your web hosting environment, you may have multiple. Unfortunately, the database name is not the same for everyone, so you will need to be able to identify this.

In most cases, the WordPress database will have “wpXXX” at the end of it. In my case, the database was called ggsexam1_wp339. Alternatively, you can browse the contents of each database, until you find the correct one.

You can also look the database up in your wp-config file for your website.


Click on the Export tab at the top.

Export Tab

The Quick default option is perfect for exporting your entire WordPress database. You can also choose the custom option if you want to control exactly what tables get exported. Once you have made your choice, click on the “Export” button.


The backup file will be added to your web browser’s downloads folder where you can move it to the desired location.

FAQs for WordPress Backups

You may still have a few questions after going through some of these methods, so let’s take a look at the most frequently asked questions about WordPress backups.

How often should I back up my website?

The best advice I can give is anytime you make a change to it. That could be daily, weekly, or monthly, thus it depends on your site. In most cases, websites opt for regular backup every month.

Should I automate my backups in WordPress?

Absolutely! Automatic backups make it effortless to keep an up-to-date backup of your site. Most dedicated backup tools include this feature, although sometimes it is locked behind a paywall.

Should I pay for cloud storage for my backup?

Yes. While there are other options, cloud storage is one of the best choices for storing backups because you can access them from any location and restore your site immediately. And in the event your site is compromised, your backup is safely stored elsewhere.

How many backups should I store?

It depends on how often you make changes, but typically, having the latest three versions of your website is a great rule of thumb. Keeping too many can make it hard to find what you are looking for and take up a lot of space.

Should my backup files be zipped?

Yes. A website will typically take up a lot of space, and a backup will be a copy of it. To save space, especially if you are paying for cloud storage, zipping the file can save you a lot of money.

Can I use Softaculous to back up my website?

Yes, as long as you also used it to install WordPress. The process itself is quite simple, so it is a great option for beginners, and if you are interested, check out our full guide to create a backup using Softaculous.

What About the GreenGeeks Staging Tool?

We offer our customers a staging tool that you can access from the GreenGeeks dashboard. This will create a copy of your site, but the intended use is for moving your site to a new domain, or for creating a subdomain testing environment.

Create A WordPress Backup Today

As you can see, it is very easy to create a backup in WordPress and there are several ways to go about it. If I had to recommend a single option from this list, I would choose to use the cPanel backup method, as it is the easiest.

Just remember, make sure your backup is not stored on your web server. If your website is compromised, then your backup would be as well. Instead, keep it on an external device like an old HDD, computer, or in the cloud.

I hope you found this tutorial for backing up WordPress helpful.

How often do you back up your WordPress website? Which method do you prefer?

The post How to Create a Backup of WordPress appeared first on GreenGeeks.

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