Web Hosting Business - GreenGeeks https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/category/web-hosting-business/ How-to Website Tutorials Tue, 11 Oct 2022 21:45:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 How to Build an Awesome Web Hosting Reseller Business https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/web-hosting-reseller/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/web-hosting-reseller/#respond Wed, 05 Aug 2020 17:08:53 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=36617 Are you looking to start your own web hosting reseller business? This is the first step to starting your very own web hosting company. And […]

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Be a Web Hosting Reseller

Are you looking to start your own web hosting reseller business? This is the first step to starting your very own web hosting company. And like any other business, you are going to need a website. Due to the competitive nature of the industry, it has to be a good one.

Today, I will explain how to build a website for your reseller hosting business with WordPress.

You Need A Business Plan

Like any other business, you are going to need a business plan if you are going to be successful.

First, you need to understand what exactly a web hosting reseller is.

To put it as simply as possible, a web hosting reseller purchases server space from an actual web hosting company at wholesale and can then sell that space to their own customers for a profit. You do not need to do any of the actual backend server maintenance yourself.

This also means when something goes wrong with your web host, all of your customers will feel it.

Thus, picking your web host is the most important decision you can make.

You also need to come up with your company’s name, plans, pricing options, and other crucial elements. However, it is very hard, if not impossible, to come up with this information before you purchase your own web hosting plan. That’s because a lot of what you’ll set up relies on the actual plan you’re getting from the host.

Pick A Web Host and Domain Name

The web hosting company you select is the most important decision you can make as a reseller. Remember, you are selling their services to your customers, thus the web host’s quality reflects yours.

Even more importantly, the price needs to be right. Obviously, you need to actually make more money than you spend on services.

When it comes to both price and quality, GreenGeeks reseller plans are unmatched.

The quality of our service is impeccable as we provide fast speeds, strong security, an experienced support team ready to help, and WordPress optimized web servers to help customers get the most from their CMS.

And most importantly, it is at an insanely low price.

Now more than ever, customers are looking for green alternatives to help do their part in fighting climate change. Web hosting has a huge emissions problem, but when you host with us, you can rest easy because every website we host is carbon-reducing.

This is accomplished by carefully calculating how much energy we use and purchasing three times that amount in wind energy.

You Are also going to need to pick to a domain name, after all, your personal business website needs a host too. The name should be short, easy to remember, and reflect what your business is about.

Why WordPress Is The Best Choice

For both yourself and customers, WordPress is the best CMS to focus on.

It currently powers over one-third of the internet because it is versatile, scalable, and extremely easy to use. And if you are reselling web hosting services, you are going to want to focus on the largest audience, and that, by far, belongs to WordPress.

Customers are far more likely to start a website using WordPress than any other CMS, thus that should be your focus. Especially when starting out.

As a web host, there is no better way to show off your services than your very own website. Thus, it makes perfect sense to use WordPress as a demonstration. And thanks to the vast library of plugins and themes, its never been easier to build a new website with WordPress.

The Importance of Plugins and Themes

As I am positive you know, plugins and themes are the lifeblood of WordPress. They allow you to build amazing websites and stellar designs without ever writing a single line of code.

But that does raise the question, what exactly are they?

A plugin is a piece of software that adds a specific feature to WordPress. Think of them as apps for your smartphone.

A theme is a collection of templates that allows you to customize the appearance of your website. However, they are far from cosmetic only. Many themes have built-in features that separate them from each other.

Luckily, plugins and themes have thousands of options to choose from and the majority of them are actually free to use. There are also premium options you can choose. These cost a fee but add a ton of extra features or are just generally more powerful.

Here are some that may be perfect for your web hosting reseller website:

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7

Having customers sign up for your services is how you make money. This means you are going to need to create forms for them to fill out. The Contact Form 7 plugin will allow you to create professional contact forms for your business. This includes collecting basic account information when signing up like name, address, email, and more.

You can also integrate PayPal with the plugin to seamlessly collect payment information from your customer with the PayPal + Stripe add-on.

Email Subscribers & Newsletters

Email Subscribers

Keeping your customers updated on new features, upgrades, and plans is a must for any business. And there is no better way to do it than by email. The Email Subscribers & Newsletters plugin is perfect for your needs. It allows you to create professional email newsletters easily, collect leads, and build an audience fast.

Amazica Business

Amazica Business

The Amazica Business theme is a stylish theme that is perfect for businesses of any kind. It has a lot of customization options that are easy to use thanks to the drag and drop interface. The theme is also fully responsive, which means mobile users will get the full experience.

Popular Business

Popular Business

The Popular Business theme is an excellent theme for those looking for a professional, yet stylish theme. It offers a host of customization options due to its compatibility with page builders like Elementor. It’s everything you need for a business website in one package.

Marketing Your Web Hosting Reseller Business

For many people who have always wondered how to start a web hosting company, reselling is the first step. Most resellers try to act or give the image that they are the actual web host without ever letting their customer know they are simply a reseller.

As such, marketing is not only promoting your business, it is helping you secure that image.

Marketing for any type of website is integral for success, but it is far from simple. In fact, marketing is a full-time job at this point, and there are so many ways to go about it. Especially as a reseller.

  • Social Media Accounts
  • Paid Advertisement
  • User Reviews/Testimonials
  • Starting A Blog

And many more are all ways to promote your website to potential customers. Just keep in mind that marketing is not a one-size-fits-all aspect. Every type of website/business needs to find the methods that work best for their particular niche.

Start Building Your Web Hosting Empire Today

When looking back, most web hosting companies come from simple beginnings. They worked hard to purchase one web server and eventually scaled up. Reselling allows you to start on the fast track and better yet, add paying clients without doing any of the actual web hosting work.

Don’t think “how do I become a web hosting reseller,” instead, become one today.

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How the seasons affect new customer acquisition’s in the web hosting marketplace https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-the-seasons-affect-new-customer-acquisitions-in-the-web-hosting-marketplace/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/how-the-seasons-affect-new-customer-acquisitions-in-the-web-hosting-marketplace/#respond Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:16:18 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=211 I’ve watched this for 15 years and I have seen senior executives pulling their hair about slow sales, wondering if there is something wrong with […]

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I’ve watched this for 15 years and I have seen senior executives pulling their hair about slow sales, wondering if there is something wrong with our website’s order form or if someone else’s market strategy is cutting into our company’s new customer acquisition. Now I have seen both these affect orders, back in my first years in the industry I did see order forms break and prevent gaining new customers. I have also experienced other companies’ strategies which affected our sales, but nothing affects new order numbers like the seasons.

Quick note: This article presumes a couple of specific dates which affect the US more so than they do the rest of the world. For instance, I mention our tax season which is in April and we have some end of the year holidays like Thanksgiving that others may celebrate on different dates or not at all. If you are outside of the US you should use this as a guideline for how the ebbs and flow should work in your local region.

Most of the companies I have marketed for eventually reached a plateau until they developed some new product or service line or had a stronger message to the marketplace. When you hit that plateau you might see a couple slow days or strong days here or there but your percentage won’t vary too much more than 15% from your plateau, but that plateau is going to change with the seasons.

From the second full business day in January of each new year until the end of March you should experience higher sales and a higher plateau. April slows for the first half of the month then picks back up in the second part of the month and sales are stronger, although not like January – March, until the end of May. June through August are typically slower months with August being either the worst or second worse month for sales for the year. September through most of November sales are good, with October bringing the strongest sales of these three months. Finally the end of November until the second new business day of the next year sales will be slow and December could be your worst or second worse month of the year.

Here’s why:

January, school is back in session. For the parents with a small or midsize business idea they had been working on or were expanding upon just got a new year’s resolution to get their motivation back. They think expansion and for many that means a new or upgraded website. Sales jump during this period and I would tell any new web hosting business that they had better be ready to go during this time as new sales acquisition should be up until the end of March.

March is also one of the strongest months of the year so I would encourage anyone who is starting a hosting company to keep their eye on the ball all the way through here and to not become complacent just because January and February were banner months, March could be the best yet.

April hits and two things happen during this time; spring break and tax season. Luckily this only negatively affects sales for the first half of the month. By the second half of the month, school is back in session and all those last minute tax filers have taken care of their obligation to the government and they are back to being focused on their business. May should be a good steady month in terms of sales.

June arrives and summer hits… hard. Slowdown during this time is very noticeable. Kids are out of school, families are traveling or they have a different schedule or routine that throws them off of their business like focus they had during most of the first 5 months of the year. This is going to last through august and most often August is the worst month as most families have planned their last big summer trip or holidays together and the focus is just not on buying website hosting.

September… finally!!! Kids are back in school and parents and professionals are no longer in Summer vacation mode, they’re ready to get back to work, at least until the end of November. Sales go back up and October is typically the strongest month here.

A quick note during the period from September through the end of the year. Your weekends will be slow and possibly slower than they are even during the summer months. This is because you are dealing with trying to divert people’s attention away from NCAA and NFL football and I have never in all my years been able to compete with this phenomena. You will also see a slight slowdown during MLB Playoffs in October and the start of the NBA and NHL for the slight slowdown in early November. But NFL Sunday Football will crush sales on weekends.

At the end of November people are traveling extensively to see each other for Thanksgiving and then in December you have holiday parties and end of the year parties that they are either getting ready to host or attend. Kids are now also out of school which is another distraction for adults. Also during this time the days are getting shorter which makes people not quite as motivated as they normally are and all of this will drag down your sales at the end of the year.

This is the time to prepare for Q1 of the following year so that you can maximize sales acquisition during that robust period I mentioned earlier.

A personal experience of mine:

It was the end of 2002 when I experienced my first great tidal change in terms of new sales growth. Sales were way off in December of that year, close to 30% from our plateau earlier that fall. I couldn’t understand it, I had been kicking butt with our marketing, we had not lost any market positions. I checked and rechecked our marketing positions and I could not explain to the executives I worked for what was wrong or why sales were so bad. We came into the office on January 2nd and sales were not only bad that day but they had been worse the 2 previous days for the New Year’s holiday.

Everyone was worried, there was tons of hand wringing and vows to work that much harder because for us the sky was falling. The next day was a Friday and things looked up a bit and then the weekend was strong. The following week was the biggest week we had ever had and the week after that was even bigger. Sales were up over 40% from the plateau we had back during the fall. Hand wringing turned to back slapping as the trend continued for many weeks before finally tapering off a bit and then slowing down in the summer.

So it is important to know the seasons and how they are going to affect your growth and your marketing budgets. It is also important to know that a slump may not mean that you are doing something wrong. It is equally important to know that an increase may not be sustained throughout the year and that you need to keep working hard to ensure that you can continue to grow your web hosting business.

I hope that this helps anyone looking to start their own web hosting business. Good luck to you and I wish you success.

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Selecting an SSL Reseller Provider https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-an-ssl-reseller-provider/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-an-ssl-reseller-provider/#comments Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:15:54 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=209 Your customers will want to sell stuff online and in order for them to make transactions secure, you as the web host must sell SSL […]

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Your customers will want to sell stuff online and in order for them to make transactions secure, you as the web host must sell SSL (secure socket layer) certificates to the customer. This ensures that the customers website is secure and information that is sent is encrypted.

It’s recommended that when you are selling web hosting, like domains you sell SSL certificates. This is a value added service and makes it easier on the customer to purchase everything they need in one spot.

When it comes to selecting the right SSL reseller provider, just stick with eNom as you do with your domains. They offer small website certificates from $9.95 and range all the way up to 500 per year for premium SSL certificates. This is your cost, you can then mark it up and sell to your customer.

Generally, you want to charge around $30-40 per certificate. This is the standard price for SSL certificates. Don’t be afraid to charge those who are making money with their websites a little money to run their websites.

If you’re a GreenGeeks customer, you get a free eNom reseller account that will get you access to sell SSL certificates. Here’s how you can obtain the eNom reseller account. Alternatively, you can search for “enom reseller account” on Google.

Remember that you also set up an SSL certificate for your site as well. This will bring confidence to online buyers. Without an SSL certificate (that lock in the browser), customers may be turned away thinking their information can be easily hacked into.

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Selecting a Domain Reseller Provider https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-a-domain-reseller-provider/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-a-domain-reseller-provider/#respond Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:14:44 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=203 When providing web hosting services it is natural to offer domain registration services as well. Just like when you purchase a cell phone plan, it […]

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When providing web hosting services it is natural to offer domain registration services as well. Just like when you purchase a cell phone plan, it is easier to just buy the phone with the cell phone provider.

There are a dozens of domain reseller providers but the most popular and most complete is eNom, which will allow you to register all the major TLD’s. When you purchase reseller hosting service with GreenGeeks, you get a free enom domain reseller account, this saves you $1600 in set up fees with eNom.

API vs Turn-Key Resellers

There are two main types of domain reseller accounts in the industry, turn-key and then there is the API version.

The Turn-Key Reseller Account provides you with a custom “clone” of the domain registrar’s full working website and from here you’ll be able to sell domain names. This method is fairly simple in that you simply send customers to this portal and they will be able to buy domains. The customer will pay the registrar directly and not you and then you’ll be able to collect the accumulated funds from the registrar.

This solution is great for those who do not intend to start a true web hosting business. The solution that is recommended for operating a real web hosting business is the API version.

The API version which is offered by most reseller services that offer Turn-Key Reseller accounts allows you to seamlessly integrate into your order flow/billing system. This means a bit more work upfront but in the end it will allow you to experience seamless growth and a positive experience for the customer.

As mentioned earlier, eNom is the preferred domain reseller provider. They offer both the turn-key account, which is called Instant Reseller. While this may be the quickest way to start selling domains, it also leaves you without any behind the scenes work and that means you’re left without the experience.

It’s recommended that you use eNom’s API which will allow you to seamlessly sell domains to customers. The great part is, if you’re using popular client management systems like WHMCS or ClientExec, you just have to insert a username and password to enable the API (all the actual coding work is already done).

Now with eNom you have to be an Enom Technology Partner and can cost you up to $1600 plus deposits to be used towards domain registrations and to get their wholesale pricing. The good news is that there are a lot of web hosting providers who can set up sub-resellers where you can save the initial cost of becoming an Enom Technology Partner. For example, with GreenGeeks, you’re able to enom reseller account saving the initial setup cost.

You can also search for it on Google by typing in “enom reseller account”.

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Selecting the Right Hosting Platform for Your Hosting Business https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-the-right-hosting-platform-for-your-hosting-business/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/selecting-the-right-hosting-platform-for-your-hosting-business/#respond Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:14:18 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=201 Starting with the right platform from the start will save you a lot of hassles later down the road. There are tons of options such […]

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Starting with the right platform from the start will save you a lot of hassles later down the road. There are tons of options such as reseller hosting, VPS or a dedicated server, but it’s suggested that you use reseller hosting to start off with. It’s the solution that makes the most sense when starting out, it is inexpensive ($19 to $25/month) and has all the features and tools you would need to make your web hosting business succeed.

You may be asking what about VPS and dedicated servers? Well, there is no point in overspending on resources unless you’ve got many clients. It’s easy to upgrade down the road with the right hosting provider. There’s also a learning curve involved with those technologies, so it is best to start with a reseller hosting account and work your way up.

There are several reseller hosting options on the market, but the most popular one is WHM/cPanel.

The WHM/cPanel Reseller Hosting Account

The industry’s most popular reseller account is powered WHM/cPanel. There’s only a couple of draw backs 1) It does not support Windows hosting, not yet anyway and 2) customers could easily backup and move to another cPanel-powered host — but that will make it easy for you to take customers as well. Besides that, WHM/cPanel will be your best friend in this industry. The control panel cPanel is the most commonly used web hosting control panel on the planet and that means that if there is ever a problem, you can simply search it on Google and find a fix.

In addition to that, because WHM/cPanel is so widely used, there are tons of 3rd party applications that integrate and make life easier on the web host and on the end-user, increasing customer satisfaction.

A lot of people who set out to start their web hosting business look at price as the only determining factor when choosing a reseller hosting provider to depend on. It’s highly recommended that you avoid doing that and focus on quality and reputation of the hosts you’re looking at. You and your business need to depend on the hosting provider, cheaping out is going to only cause you problems in the future.

When setting out to select a dependable reseller host, make sure you do your research. Be sure to check out GreenGeeks, as we offer exceptional quality, affordability and reputation for web hosting businesses to depend on including easy upgrades, support and more.

The Turn-key Reseller Account

It’s strongly suggested that you stay away from turn-key solutions that are provided by GoDaddy or Enom. They create ready-made sites that all you to sell everything under the sun. While this may sound great, it’s not. These types of solutions make it impossible to actually grow your business to anything respectable and on top of that you wouldn’t learn a thing except for how to make a sale by sending traffic to sites that look and work exactly like your competitors — except the logo is different.

You lose the freedom of being independent. You’re limited to what they offer and don’t offer. Your pricing is determined by their wholesale price along with a whole bunch of other limitations.

In the end, the decision is yours. If you’re serious about your web hosting business, stay away from turn key solutions.

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Starting a Reseller Web Hosting Company https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/starting-a-reseller-web-hosting-company/ https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/starting-a-reseller-web-hosting-company/#comments Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:13:06 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/?post_type=ht_kb&p=197 Web hosting is a very lucrative business, but it isn’t easy. This course is designed to help those who are interested in becoming web hosting […]

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Web hosting is a very lucrative business, but it isn’t easy. This course is designed to help those who are interested in becoming web hosting resellers get started and flourish in the business of web hosting. We will be continually adding articles, so be sure to book mark this page.

Getting Started

  1. Selecting a Name for Your Web Hosting Business
  2. Selecting the Right Platform for your Web Hosting Business
  3. Selecting a Domain Reseller Provider
  4. Web Hosting Client Management & Billing System
  5. Selecting the Right Payment Gateway
  6. Selecting an SSL Reseller Provider

Executive Insights

  1. How Seasons Affect New Customer Acquisition’s

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