Nine Entrepreneurs Share the Best Pieces of Advice They've Ever Received

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Even if you heard it a decade ago, you likely still remember it. Advice can be powerful: It can guide us, help us make decisions, and even change the course of our careers or lives. 

We asked nine successful entrepreneurs to share the best pieces of advice they've ever received on their professional lives, personal lives, and on starting a business. 

Here's their collective wisdom: 

Best piece of advice entrepreneur

On Your Professional Life

"There are no shortcuts. What you do while nobody is watching determines how far you will advance at work and in life. And, always be on time (actually, always be 10 minutes early)." — Andi Atteberry, founder of Blingsting

"When I worked as an art writer for a contemporary ceramics publication, the owner, Garth Clark, told me, 'You can write whatever you want as long as you're not wrong.' In a job that involved an immense amount of subjectivity, it taught me to dissect every idea exhaustively to make sure I could see every perspective to do right by the artist, the publication, and the reader. " — Justin Crowe, founder of Parting Stone 

"Be authentic and present with everyone you meet. I don't like the 'fake it until you make it' approach. One of my own that I have learned is what I call the 'New ABCs' in business. Instead of Always Be Closing, Always Be (Authentically) Connecting. You cannot make a deal or sale without making a connection first." — Mark Convery, co-founder of CoCo Vodka

"When in doubt, ask for help. Many have more experience than we do. Ask. Listen. Maybe even accept and enjoy some acceleration." — Amy Ferber, co-founder of She's Birdie

"The most helpful advice has been to invest in building deep, meaningful relationships at a young age." — Jared Kleinert, founder of Offsite 

"Deal honestly, network, and never stop learning. Know your self-worth and don't let anyone diminish it." — Vansh Langer, founder of BBy

"Don't make yourself available to receive feedback from anyone and everyone. Be selective about whose opinions you allow to influence your behavior, decisions, and path." — Marisa Mayes, co-founder of Spacetime Monotasking 

"Don't ever let yourself be limited by other people's imaginations." — Anna Pugh, co-founder of Spacetime Monotasking 

"Just sleep on it. Let yourself have time to gather your thoughts and let your emotions settle." (Credit) — Janine Sickmeyer, founder of Overlooked Ventures

Best piece of advice entrepreneur

On Your Personal Life

"Find time to truly have fun. It's easier said than done with a company to run and a toddler at home, but it's just as important as doing the hard work." — Andi Atteberry

"My grandpa, Fid Crowe, always told me, 'Make sure you love what you do.' When he died, dozens of his co-workers from decades ago sent notes about the positive impact he had on them as a boss, colleague, and friend. His ability to extend his love for life into his workspace had a lasting impact on the world." — Justin Crowe 

"Enjoy the ride. Life is a wild journey, not a race, so make sure to take some time to enjoy good moments, and appreciate the tough moments along the way." — Mark Convery 

"Listen to your gut. We have a lot of wisdom in there." — Amy Ferber 

" I've come to believe that everything happens for a reason and it is up to me to make the most of the cards I'm dealt. In other words, resilience, grit, and hard work are worth their weight in gold, and have helped me overcome mistakes, obstacles, and moments of crisis more often than not." — Jared Kleinert

"Invest in a partner who builds you up and supports your core values; they will be the one that is there for you when you need it the most." — Vansh Langer 

"You'll never be content if you're always chasing the 'next thing' a job, promotion, relationship, achievement, etc. Learning to truly be present during the process is what will actually give you the contentment that people think will come from hitting those milestones." — Marisa Mayes

"Confidence is about being the president of your own fan club." — Anna Pugh

"Give but don't let it empty you. It's important to know when to walk away when something or someone no longer serves you." — Janine Sickmeyer

Best piece of advice entrepreneur

On Entrepreneurship 

"Don't listen to anyone who says your idea isn't viable or can't be done. If your gut says it will work, then just put your head down and get it done. And, failures are more important than wins!" — Andi Atteberry

"An early mentor of mine, Peter Lawrence, told me, 'If people don't understand what you're saying, then you're not explaining yourself well enough.' This was a mundane piece of advice that had a profound impact by putting 100% ownership of the success or failure of a sound business idea on communication." —  Justin Crowe 

"'Be the exception.' It's advice I got from Darren Hardy. If you are going to start anything new, put your best foot forward, then learn and grow your way to the top." — Mark Convery 

"If you're going to mop the floor, mop the floor!" — Amy Ferber 

"I'm constantly asking for advice from executive coaches, angel investors, and founder friends. The 'game' changes so dramatically with every passing month that real-time advice is best for me, personally." —  Jared Kleinert

"Take risks and never be afraid to fail. The word no isn't a brick wall that stops you but rather a roadblock that you'll find a way around. Your employees are your lifeblood; make sure you give them their due." — Vansh Langer 

"Entrepreneurship is a masterclass in dealing with your own bullsh*t if you want to succeed, you're going to have to learn how to change the habits, mindsets, and cycles that are keeping you where you are." — Marisa Mayes

"If there's something you need or want to use that doesn't seem to exist, go make that thing. Don't wait to find someone else who's doing it." — Anna Pugh

"As a startup founder you have to be realistic and optimistic. Keep it real by openly talking with your customers about what they dislike, being transparent with your employees, and reviewing and sharing your financials regularly." — Janine Sickmeyer

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