Remember Priceline? The travel booking aggregator that made waves in the ’00s with its soaring stock prices and “Price-line Negotiat-or” commercials, only to nearly go bankrupt when the dot-com bubble burst?
Well, they’re back, and they’re stronger than ever before.
Renamed Booking Holdings, it is now the second-largest travel company in the world — and, according to the WSJ, it has quietly invested more than $2B in the rapidly expanding Chinese travel market.
When IPO’d in 1999, it soared to a $23.1B market value. But by 2002, tanking tech stocks devalued its stock from $1k to $6.60 per share.
For years, the company was “left for dead.” Then, they bought and decided to focus on lucrative hotel bookings.
Since 2009, Booking Holdings has seen massive regrowth, including a 3k% uptick in stock price, and a $100B market cap. Some analysts have called it “the most remarkable turnaround in the history of the Internet.”
In the past few years, Booking has thrown down more than $2B in Chinese tech companies, including a $500m investment in Chinese ride-hailing giant DiDi Chuxing and a $1.3B investment in their Chinese rival,
The incentive to invest is high: Since Google is blocked in China, most Chinese citizens rely on travel apps to book trips — and, for Booking, one man’s app is another man’s travel.